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Melody of an Unknown Man on Tram

While riding the 86 tram down high street in Melbourne Australia
on June first nineteen ninety nine i recorded what i believe to be
a spontaneous poem delivered by a man in a knit sweater who offered
these words to the audience who couldn't escape his talents because
they were all stuck on a tram in traffic and you can't shut your ears.

"i've been runover by a bulldozer let alone a bank
look at all the bloody engineers
i'm going to see a bloody doctor, another quack
they can't even pull teeth out anymore
the bloody quacks
and then they've got Jesus Christ hanging
on the cross with one hand like that and the bloody carpenter
said he ran out of nails
i'd use my bloody golf tees
turn them upside down, they all look the same
ah put an air force one up there
so we can see the pictures of all the planes goin up and down
i'll be your navigator. i think i know east and
west and north and south and he said there,
put that in your north and south
i can't get fat on beer, i've got too many
stomach muscles"

(then i had to get off because it was my stop so i missed the end of the poem unfortunately.