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Tweaker Dolls

When I was in high school, everyday i walked by the area on campus where this group of guys, tough guys, maybe gangsters, yeah, i'm pretty sure they were bullies because they would make fun of me everyday. They thought i was on drugs because my hair was tied in knots and my clothes weren't new. So when i walked by i could hear them laughing at me and whispering about me. As the days passed their whispers grew into yells. They shouted, "HEY TWEAKER, where did you get those pants?""I see the tweaker, hey girl." At first I ignored them because i was scared that tey might get mean, and really start harassing me, but one day, i felt particularly curious about those guys, instead of speed walking by them without making eye-contact, i walked right up to them. i went up to the loudest guy and said "Why do you guys always yell things about me when i walk by? They were all dead silent and exchanged glances then they started laughing and one of them stuttered "Well look how you look, eh" I said something like "so do you make fun of everyone who looks different than you?" Then one of them muttered "No, only wack tweakers like you." "What is your name?" I asked him. "I don't even do drugs David. I'll see you guys tommorow." The brief akward meetings between us went on for at least two more weeks. They wanted to know if my parents were hippies and what kind of car i drove. They continued to call me tweaker even after i told them my name was Lori D. Then I got an idea. One day i asked them what their favorite colors were and i had them all listed by name. I went home that night and worked for hours twisting little figures out of telephone wire. They next day i made the delivery. I passed one out to each guy, making sure to remember his favorite colors. I told them they were tweaker dolls. They got so excited and told me they had put their tweaker dolls up in their cars and lockers. I guess they told their friends about it too because guys i didn't know started telling me what their gang colors were and that they wanted a tweaker doll. By that time they considered me more of a novelty than a weirdo. To this day when i run errands around town i see those guys and they say, "I still have my tweaker doll."
