Imgaine this: A few years down the road there's some shocking news. Finally, our favorite series is getting the attention it so deserves, and a movie contract has been signed!
The Executive producers, knowing that YOU are an expert on the ways of TYR, has asked you to cast the roles for the film. Since the stars are lined up out the door to play this once in a lifetime part, you need not worry about someone being "too famous" for any role, big or small.
Of course, the only drawback is that the orginial characters cannot reprise the roles...sorry, but we all know we'd pick them right away, and then this would just be a character guide, wouldn't it?
With all this in mind, send any suggestions for actors and actresses, and I'll do my best to find pictures of the top nominees, and we'll post them all here and keep a running tally, so that when the movie REALLY is made, the producers need look no further than the people that knew the characters best!
OH! And since they'll want to include ALL the fan fiction stories on the web, you can also send in casting suggestions for any character and with the permission of the author, I'll post it! Guest characters from the series are fair game too!
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