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Mighty Pens

The Pen is mightier than the sword

And indeed this is so. For why soldiers weild their vicious swords in battle, it is often the work of poets and authors who so roused their passion as to make them eager to spill their young blood for a cause. The power of literature, of simple words laced together by a mind with a vision is a force that is as formidable as it is beautiful.

This section, created by STARBRIGHT will be home to some of those words that do seem to reach out, to exhilarate us with their power. More specifically, this page is for quotes and bits from all The Young Rider Pages' Fan Fiction sections. Please, send in those lines that reached out and grabbed you, the ones that made you laugh, made you cry, made you think, made you understand where a character was coming from. Feel free to explain what exactly it was about the line that drove it home for you, but this is not a requirement.

The requirements, if you please, are as follows:

1. Please be careful to send the exact wording of the quoted passage.
2. Include the Title of the story the passage comes from.
3. Include the author's name.
4. Indicate which of The Young Rider pages the story is found on.
Also note that I must gain the author's permission before I can post a quote. Most authors will be flattered, I believe, and there will probably not be any problems with the passages, but I just want to be careful!

All quotes on this page belong to the authors, as does the story, and may NOT be reproduced in any form without specific, written permission from the author.

With that in mind...Let the GAMES BEGIN!

Send in a submission


Read the Quotes

The Way Station