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A Dinner For Two

Chapter I

By Hanny

It was a nice evening and the riders were enjoying the food Rachel made for them. The conversation was fluid and, as usual, Cody was the living spirit around the table. It seemed like everybody were enjoying themselves. Everybody, that is, except for the Kid.

He was as quiet as he was for the past month, ever since he and Lou broke up. He was even quieter when Lou was around. Now he just sat at the table, oblivious to the jokes and laughs, eyeing Lou carefully, across the table.

No one noticed his glances, except for Lou, who at his glares moved even closer to Jimmy who sat right next to her. Jimmy didn't care much for her reasons. He was simply content to be this close to her.


Lou was checking his glances every now and then.


Every time he saw her eyes searching for his he would find some new interest in the fork, the knife, or even Cody's jokes.


Yes, Kid?

"Lou!" Jimmy shouted in her ear, waking her up.

"Ah, yes?"

"Teaspoon has been trying to communicate with you for the last five minutes." He said.

Lou gazed over the table. Every eye was cast on her. Teaspoon had a big question mark on his face.

A smile was forming on Kid's lips.

"I was wondering whether you're ready for tomorrow." Teaspoon said.

"Ah, yes." Lou said, feeling her cheeks warm up.

"Good!" Teaspoon said. "Now, you boys better get some sleep tonight. We're starting early tomorrow."

"Oh, Teaspoon…" Cody, of course, was the first to object.

"Shut up, Cody," Rachel said. "A little work had never killed no one…" Bet you he would be the first. Ike signed.

"And I promise you, Cody," Rachel continued, giving Ike a warning glare, "and all of you for that matter, that it would do you much good."

"Yeah, right, Rachel." Buck said.

"I suggest you turn in early too, Lou, so you'll be able to start early tomorrow and get somewhere by nightfall." Teaspoon added watching the girl who grew silent.

"Yeah, I guess." she said, rising, "Well, then," she said, now more confident. "Good night, and have fun tomorrow".

As she closed the door the boys started to rise as well, wishing "good night"s and "sweet dreams".

Lou was walking towards the stables, when she heard someone running behind her.

"Hey, Lou, wait up." She stopped and waited for the Kid to reach her.

"What do you want, Kid?" she asked him.

"I… I just wanted to talk to you." He said, his eyes searching the ground.

"I don't have time now." She said, walking away from him.

"Lou…" he caught her pace and walked alongside her to the stables. "Please…"

"Kid!" she turned and snapped at him when they reached the stables. "What do you want from me?"

"I really think we need to talk, Lou."

"No we don't."

"You know we do. Why do you keep avoiding me?"

She could here the hurt in his voice. But what could she tell him? That he hurt her too? That seeing him with Samantha and the way he talked about their relationship broke her heart beyond repair?

"I'm not avoiding you, Kid. It's just that I don't think we have anything to talk about." He started to say something but Lou cut him off. "You made it very clear what you think of us, of our relationship. I don't think I want to hear it again."

The sincerity in her words felt like million knives in his heart. "I've never meant to hurt you…" he tried.

"But you did!" she told him, immediately sorry for the harsh sound of the words. "Look, Kid," she started as she saw his eyes full of regret. "I'm sorry. But I really can't talk right now. I need to get Lightning ready for tomorrow, and then I want to get some sleep."

"Can we at least talk when you'll come back?" he asked, his voice pleading her to say yes.

"I can't promise you anything." She told him.

The Kid just nodded his head and walked out of the stables. Kid, why can't you see? I'm scared you'll hurt me again…she thought as she watched him going back to the bunkhouse.

Oh, Lord, there's the house. Lou thought as the image of the station revealed to her. There would be no escape from the Kid now.

She rode toward Buck, handing him the mochila. "Ride safe" she called after him. Kid ran up to meet her before she even had a chance to dismount.

"Hey." He said, taking the reins from her, helping her down. "How was your ride?"

"Fine." She said, her voice edgy. "Kid, I really am tired…"

"O.K." he said. "I'll take care of Lightning for you." He walked passed her, not waiting to see her bewildered face. What does he want from me? She thought. Men are that nice only when they want something…

"Louise" Rachel was by her side. "How was your ride, sweetheart?"

"Fine. Rachel," she started turning toward her friend. "Do you know what the Kid's up to?"

"What do you mean?"

"He barely spoke to me in a month and now he's taking care of Lighting for me… it just doesn't seem right."

"Lou, forget about it. Don't trouble your head with this. Come, I'll fix you something to eat."

The door to the bunkhouse opened and the Kid stepped in. He sat at the table, across from Lou, and was watching her eating. Rachel was observing the scene from the stove.

"You wanted something, Kid?" Lou asked, the impatience clear in her voice.

"I thought we could talk." The Kid whispered back, not wanting Rachel to hear him.

"We have nothing to talk about, Kid. I've told you that before I left." Lou answered aloud, making him uncomfortable.

"You said we could talk when you came back." He tried again, his voice still lower.

"I said that we might. Kid, I've been thinking about it, and I really think that it's best leaving things the way they are right now."

"But there are no 'things' right now."

"That's exactly what I mean, Kid." She said, while getting up and walking outside.

The Kid stayed at the table, his head lowered. Rachel's heart went out for him. While she loved Lou as a friend and as a daughter, all the boys were special to her, and the Kid was one of the most. She knew he hurt Lou when he courted Samantha, but she also understood why he needed so much to find that other woman.

His head was still bowed when she sat on the bench next to him. She put her arm around his shoulders and patted him, trying to encourage him.

"She meant every word she said, didn't she?" He asked her, his voice trembling.

"I don't know, Kid." She answered. "Do you want me to talk to her?"

"No. Thanks anyway."

They sat there like that for a couple more minutes until the Kid broke the silence. "Rachel, will it be alright if I skip dinner? I'm a bit tired."

"Yeah, sure." she said and he started for the door. Before he opened it she started again. "Kid, she was tired. That's all…"

"Yeah." He said before leaving the bunkhouse.

The air was cool and he had to close his jacket as he walked toward the barn. It was always his favorite place to think at around the station. He found it empty. He sat on a haystack at the far end of the barn, closing his eyes, his head in his hands.

"You alright, Kid?" he heard a blurry voice that woke him an hour later.

As he looked up he saw Jimmy standing at the door. "Kid?"

Kid wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. "What's it to you?"

Jimmy moved closer to him and sat a few feet away. "Look, Kid, I know you still…"

"You know nothing, Jimmy." Kid snapped and walked farther from him. "Just what is it exactly that you want from me? You want Lou? Well, she's all free for you, Jimmy. I'm out of the picture. She doesn't want anything to do with me. O.K.? Now you're happy? She's all yours. Now will you please let me be?"

Jimmy walked toward him. "Look, Kid. I don't want Lou. She's yours. You belong together, even if you two are too dumb to recognize it. I love you both, Kid. You two are my best friends, and it hurt me to see you so depressed."

Jimmy saw he got Kid's attention. At least he's not walking away from me, he thought. "And I know for a fact that she still loves you." He continued.

Kid turned to face him, his face reflecting the disbelief he felt at these words. Jimmy just nodded and walked out, leaving the Kid alone with his thoughts.

As he walked out of the barn Jimmy sighed. He knew he did the right thing in there. The Kid and Lou were meant to be together, no matter how much he loved her. She could never be his. And though she wouldn't admit it, Jimmy knew she'd never stopped loving the Kid. Not for once since that fateful day when he discovered the truth about her. Jimmy often thought of how it could have been different if it was he and not the Kid that found her, lying there. No! He thought, It wouldn't have made any difference. The two of them belong together. They would have found each other one way or the other.

Kid stayed at the barn for about an hour after Jimmy left. When he walked out he was smiling broadly.

The morning found each rider in his bunk. Lou was the first one up. As she jumped down from her bunk she almost woke up the Kid, who was still sleeping on the bunk below hers. She watched him as he stirred in his bed. Last night she could feel him turning over and over. She stood in the shadows of the bunkhouse, watching him sleeping, reliving the memory of the tears that filled her eyes the previous night as she thought of the harsh words she'd spoken to him that evening. She shook her head to push that thought away as she started getting dressed. She heard someone stirring and snuck out of the bunkhouse.

Was I wrong? She thought to herself as she walked toward the corral. She still loved him. She knew it, just as she knew that she would love him forever. Him and no other.

But what good did that love do for her? It only gave her heartaches. Why do people need other people? She thought for the millionth time over the past month. She used to believe in him, in them, in their love. What love? Did he ever love me? If so, she thought, how could he give up on us so fast? When she declined his marriage proposal, she didn't say she didn't love him, only that it wasn't the right time for them. So did he love her or didn't he?

Oh, why do people need each other…?

As she sat on the corral fence she heard footsteps behind her. As she turned she was releived seeing it wasn't the Kid again.


"Hey," she said. "Sleep well?"

"You know, as always." Jimmy said with a bitter smile. Lou knew sleep never came easy for him. "You here long?"

She shook her head. "Just came here a few minutes ago."

They sat there, on the corral fence, watching the view of the prairie.

"Lou…" Jimmy tried to get her attention.

She turned her head toward him, but almost immediately turned to face the view again.

"Lou, I know it's not really my business, and I wouldn't be saying it otherwise." He stopped to watch her reaction, but she just kept her face straight.

"But…" he continued. "I have to say it so we all could sleep better."

Now Lou was watching him curiously. "Jimmy, what are you talking about?"

"Lou, just hear me out. I'm saying this only cause I care…"

"Jimmy!" She almost shouted at him, her impatience with his game of words growing by the minute. "Why won't you just spit it out?"

"Maybe I shouldn't…" He said after her lash at him. He jumped off of the fence.

Lou was eyeing him curiously as he started to walk away. I thought he had something to tell me.

"Hey, Jimmy, wait up." She called after him. He stopped walking and waited for her as she ran to meet with him.

"Lou, if you don't want to hear me out, I won't say a thing."

"But, Jimmy," she searched his eyes. He looked a bit hurt. "I want to hear you, but you weren't saying anything. Now, what is it that you want to talk to me about?"

"Well… I see you and I see the Kid…"

"Now hold it, Jimmy." She cut him off furiously. "You're crossing the line here."

"Lou! I'm not crossing the line. The way you two act affects every one around here."

"Jimmy…" she tried to stop that flow of words from him.

"Shut up!" he almost yelled at her. "Listen to me for once. You two deserve each other with your stubbornness to see the truth. You both love each other, yet you keep denying it. Why, for God's sake? You both spin around yourselves with your grief over your separation. So stop mourning and get back together."

"You're done now?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said, his voice lowered.

She said nothing and just kept her eyes on the ground. He put his finger under her chin and lifted it up. Her eyes were wet with tears.

"Lou… I didn't mean to make you cry." He said, remorse in his voice.

She didn't say a word.

"Lou? Are you alright?"

She nodded her head and a tear escaped her eye.

"Come on, let's get inside. Breakfast's probably ready." He said and took her hand, leading her into the bunkhouse.

"Ike, I'm going to the bunkhouse for a minute. Do you want anything?" Lou asked Ike who worked with her on expanding the corral. The rest of the boys and Teaspoon were at a horse purchase and were due back in a couple of hours.

It was a hot day and both Ike and Lou were exhausted after working since breakfast.

Ike just shook his head and Lou went inside. She needed a glass of that lemonade Rachel made for her and Ike before she went to town. Lou opened the door to the bunkhouse and went straight for the glass and the pitcher. She poured a full glass and went to lie on one of the bunks. Just for a minute, she thought. She lay on the bunk and let her eyes close.

She woke as she felt a drop on her face. Ike was standing above her, a glass of water in his hand.

"Hey!" she said. Just for a minute? Ike signed. Teaspoon and the others will be here in a short while and we still haven't finished. Come on.

Lou rose from the bunk, mumbling something in an irritated tone. She went to the table to put the glass on it before she left.

Ike tapped his chest to get her attention. What's that? He signed.

"What?" Lou asked.

Ike pointed toward her bunk. She followed his finger. As she reached the bunk she saw what Ike was pointing at. On the top of her covers was a folded letter, with her name written on top. She gave Ike a confused look, but he just shrugged. She unfolded the paper and started reading aloud for Ike's benefit.

Dear Louise,
As I saw you my breath was taken by your beauty.
I've never seen a woman like you.
Please join me for dinner at the town's restaurant tomorrow night.
Your number one admirer

Lou lifted her eyes from the letter and met Ike's amazed look. "Who do you think wrote this?" She asked.

Ike just shrugged.

"It's probably someone that thinks this to be funny. I'm telling you - when I find him, I'll…"

Ike smiled at her, as if saying, 'yeah, yeah, you'll bite the hell out of him.'

Lou just folded the letter and put it under her pillow. "Come then. We have work to do." She said as she started out.

Ike sighed and followed her out.

As the riders came back to the station Lou watched each and every one of them carefully. Which one? Which one? They all seemed guilty.

Rachel came back from town an hour after the boys returned. Lou ran to meet her before she even got off the buckboard.

"Rachel," she called as she handed her the letter. "Do you know anything about this?"

"Gee, Lou, and I thought you ran here to help me unload all of this" Rachel said referring to the groceries she bought.

Lou blushed. "Sorry. It's just that I found this letter and I don't know who wrote it." She said as she helped Rachel unload.

"Didn't the letter say who the writer is?"

Lou shook her head. "See for yourself." She handed Rachel the letter.

Rachel read and reread it, then handed it back to Lou. "Sounds pretty romantic. Don't you think?" she asked, her eyes reflecting the excitement she felt.

"Romantic? Romantic?" Lou couldn't believe Rachel. Can't she see, she thought, someone's playing games with me here? "How can you think it's romantic? Someone's thinking me for a fool. I hope you're not thinking I'm going there."

"Why? Aren't you planing on going?" Rachel asked, her eyes twinkling.

"Rachel, are you out of your mind? I can't go. Obviously, this guy who sent this to me, doesn't know me as well as he thinks if he truly believes I'm gonna show up there."

Rachel had to suppress a laugh. "But, Lou, he'll be waiting for you there."

"He can wait forever for all that I care." Lou said, turning and walking away.

Rachel watched her. Fool, She thought.

Lou couldn't believe Rachel. She really thinks I should go? Why? What does she know? And that twinkle in her eyes… So why is she hiding the truth from me? Wasn't she supposed to be my friend? She watched the boys who were now trying to break one of the new horses they brought. Maybe I should go, she thought, at least it would be a chance to catch that wise-guy.

With the decision to go, Lou went to the corral to see what the boys were up to.

The day passed quickly, and although Lou would never admit it, she had butterflies in her belly. She counted the hours until it was time for her to get dressed and go. She watched the boys carefully the whole day, hoping to catch the joker, but they all were so normal. Well, she thought, maybe it's not one of them after all.

As the sun started to set, Lou knocked on Rachel's door.

"Rachel," she started as Rachel opened the door, "I was thinking… would you help me get ready for that dinner thing?"

Lou tried to make it sound casual, but Rachel could hear the excitement in her voice. "Sure." She said and added, "I see you decided to go after all."

"Ah, yeah." Lou said, blushing a bit.

"O.K." Rachel continued, not wanting to suppress Louise's enthusiasm. "What were you thinking of wearing?"

"I thought of that one." Lou said as she took a beautiful velvet dress out of the small bundle she brought with her.

"Oh, Lou. This dress is beautiful."

And it was. It was purple with thin black strips on the neckline and on the hem, and a large black strip on the waist. Rachel was sure Lou would look great in this dress.

"Where did you buy it?" Rachel asked as she helped Lou put it on.

"I bought it a while back when I was at Seneca on a run. I thought I would wear it for the Kid, but I didn't have the chance…" Her voice faded as she thought of their breakup. It was still painful.

Rachel sensed the change in her voice but decided to say nothing. Maybe that dinner out is just what she needs to heal, she thought.

After an hour Lou was ready to go. No one would have recognized the little rider of the Pony Express to be this beautiful young woman.

"Lou," Rachel took something from a small box that stood above the fireplace. "I want you to wear these."

Rachel opened her palm and Lou saw a pair of pearl earrings. "Oh, Rachel, they're beautiful!" She cried as she took them from Rachel's hand. "I can't wear them."

"Why?" Rachel laughed. "I don't need them tonight, and they will look great with your hair tied up like that." Rachel turned her to face the mirror as she helped her put on the earrings. "See?" She asked as Lou's image reflected in the mirror.

Lou smiled broadly. "Thank you, Rachel." She said, then turned and hugged her friend.

"You'd better be going. You don't want to keep him waiting now, do you?" Rachel said with a wink of the eye.

"Seeing as we don't even know who this is, maybe I should keep him waiting…" Lou said mischievously.

"Oh, you…" Rachel said as she shoved her toward the door.

Lou turned and hugged her once more. "Thank you." She said before running down the steps and proceeding toward town.

"Have fun." Rachel called after her.

Lou walked through town trying to avoid anyone that might recognize her.

As she entered the restaurant, a waiter hurried to show her to her table.

"You must be Miss Mary Louise." He said and waited for Lou's confirmation.

Lou was at a loss of words. This man must know her better than she thought, or he wouldn't know her mother's name. She wondered weather he knew how much that name meant to her. She felt honored to be called by it.

"Ah, Yes." Lou said to the waiter who still waited for her to answer.

"Good." The waiter said. "Now if you please follow me to your table…"

Lou followed him to a corner table at the far end of the restaurant. The table was set impeccably with fine china and silver cutlery. In the middle of it was a crystal vase with fresh flowers in it. The table was luminated by two candles. The waiter pulled a chair for Lou and sat her down.

"Do you need anything, Ma'am?" He asked her while she was seated.

Lou shook her head, still too stunned to say anything.

"The gentleman said he would be a little late, so if you'll need anything just call me." He said before he left her alone to her thoughts.

Lou just sat there, watching the restaurant and the people it occupied. She didn't know most of them and that fact comforted her. At least there's a smaller chance to be recognized by anyone, She thought.

She felt a bit nervous. Who is this guy? She thought. How come he knows so much about me? Again, she thought of the way he picked the alias for her. Her mother's name! This guy knows her name, yet he didn't use it. Does he know about her disguising? He probably does. But how would he know about her mother's name. And he probably knows what that name means to her or he wouldn't have used that one… So many questions. Who can it be?

Rachel sat on the porch, watching the boys trying to break one of the new horses. It was Noah's turn. He mounted the horse and tried riding it, but was soon lying face down in the dirt. Jimmy jumped off of the fence to help him up while Buck and Cody tried to settle the horse down.

"You alright?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah. Who's idea was it to buy this one?"

"Cody's" Buck answered.

"So why won't he try?" Noah asked as he cleaned the dirt of his clothes.

"Fine." Cody said. "I'll break him. Let me show you how it's done."

"Right. After we tired him." Noah said.

"All right. I'll do it first thing in the morning, after he had the chance to gather his strength. Will that satisfy you?" Cody asked.

Rachel sighed. They will never change, She thought, but wasn't sure she wanted them to. At least that way she knew what to expect.

As her gaze drifted across the domain, she noticed the door of the bunkhouse open and the Kid emerge from it. He was dressed in his Sunday clothes. It wasn't often that she saw him that elegant. He tried to evade the others, not wanting to explain his appearance.

"Good luck." Rachel called to him as he passed by her porch.

He looked up, surprised to see her there watching him.

"I…" he started explaining, referring to his clothes.

"Go on, Kid." Rachel stopped him. "She's waiting on you."

The Kid smiled at her. "Thanks." He said before taking off toward the town.

What's keeping him so long? Lou thought as she waited. Maybe this whole thing was a hoax and this guy ain't gonna show up… Oh, I shouldn't have come here. But he did go on so much trouble… it must be someone with a really sick mind.

It was almost an hour that she sat there, alone. The waiter had already asked her if she needed anything three times, and three more he came to tell her that the gentleman said he would be late. A gentleman? She thought. No gentleman would let a woman wait for him for an hour.

Just as she thought of going back home the door of the restaurant opened, and in came her companion.


Copyright 1998-This work is not to be reproduced without the permission of the author

The Way Station
Campfire Tales
