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For My Love

Chapter IV

By Angela

As the law drew closer, Skeet felt a cold sweat take hold of him. He wanted to make another desperate attempt for freedom, but his lady captor would never allow that. Sadly, a girl would be to blame for his demise. A girl of all things! Is there no greater shame? Course, seeing how she's pretending to be a man, maybe a little face could be saved. She puts on a real good act!

The posse leader, after dismounting, marched toward the trio blocking the road, stopping less than a yard from them. "I'm Marshal Foster of Willow Springs," he announced. "I've been looking for this boy-"

"The other one ran off," Lou interrupted, eyeing the wanted youth suspiciously. What else have you done? "He took my horse."

"I'm truly sorry about that sir," Foster declared. "We'll get him back for ya." His presence intimated the youth wanted for murder- well, that's what Mrs. Barkley considered the deaths of her three most prized chickens to be. To the marshal it was a simple matter of survival. After all, chickens were a starved man's best friend. "It's all over, son."

Noooo! Skeet screamed internally as the marshal drew closer with thunderous steps. Manny where are you? I need you!


"Ouch! Cut it out!" Kid spat as yet another stone struck him. His patience for the boy was eroding with each assault made. "I'm warning you-" As another pebble rushed by, barely missing its target, Kid drew his weapon and pierced the air with a tremendous boom. "Enough!"

Manny, more frightened than he even wanted to admit to himself, began stumbling awkwardly toward the stolen horse. "Leave me be, mister!" His intended threat came out more like a weak whimper.

"I can't do that," Kid angrily informed the boy. "Not 'til you tell me about my friends, and-"

All his hurtful emotions blew up at the stranger's demand. "They murdered him!" Manny screamed. Your friends are murderers! My best friend's gone over a stupid horse!

Kid shook his head, trying to make sense out of the boy's outburst. Murder? "What are you talking about?" He asked with emotions shaken by unwanted thoughts. The boy's silence hurt more than a thousand piercing arrows tearing at his flesh. No, please! Please....say nothing's happened to Lou! Without her, his world would cease to be.


One Hour Later...

The law, now with three extra companions, were following the trail blazed by Lou's black steed. Skeet, who was consumed with joy, sat on back of the marshal's horse, pretending to see the faint markings lining the ground. He spotted nothing of the sort....but, he couldn't let anyone else know that!

Skeet couldn't wait to see Manny again and tell him the great news. They weren't going to hang or even spend a night in jail! The marshal wanted to take them under his wing, and teach them how to obey the law. In other words, Stay outta trouble!

Boy was Manny gonna be surprised! For the first time they would actually belong! The town of Willow Springs would be their haven.

"We're closing in on them," Mr. Evans, the tracker declared. "It shouldn't be long now."

His excitement doubled after hearing the tracker's proclamation. And as Skeet glanced back at the riders Manny robbed, he realized the news pleased them as well. Soon this tangled fiasco would be over.


Kid shook his head fiercely, bewildered by the boy's tale. "You're wrong!" He insisted heatedly. "My friends would never-"

"I ain't lying!" Manny hissed with tear stained cheeks. He no longer cared about the shame of crying. "I saw it!"

"Then you saw wrong!" Kid tossed back. He paced back and forth in front of the boy, attempting to make some sense out of the news delivered. Although relieved Lou was safe, he couldn' didn't believe his friends would murder a young boy. "You could've-"

"I saw it," Manny said forcefully. "He wasn't moving.....just resting in the dirt where he had fallen." Imagining life without his best friend left an empty hole in his heart that consumed his soul, turning it dark and bleak with no hope. The only relief from this torture was picturing Skeet sitting next to him, laughing merrily at some joke they pulled in the 'old days'. Old days being their time at the orphanage.

The memory of his best friend was so clear that he could almost hear his voice ringing through the air. Yes, Skeet was singing Yankee Doodle......along with someone else. Wait a minute! Since when did Skeet sing Yankee Doodle? Whipping around to where the voices were sailing from, Manny saw the arrival of four horses. "Skeet!" Manny's new found joy was soon pinched with a twinge of fear. Oh no! It's the law! Then Skeet waved to him carefree and relaxed. What in the world? Skeet, you have a lot of explaining to do! Luckily, his friend sensed this and eagerly rushed to him.

The Kid, who was now standing beside Lightning, never allowed his eyes to stray from Lou. She remained seated on back of Cody's horse, smiling lovingly at him. She knew everything. He wasn't surprised or even disappointed. He was just glad to see her beautiful face showering him with loving gazes.


Hours After Dusk...

Roughing it wasn't so bad, Lou found her self thinking under a blanket of shimmering stars. She was cuddled next to Kid, thankful for their precious night together. They were alone finally. No runaway posse. The days chaos had finally given way to a blissful night of romance.

And as Lou continued to gaze admiringly at the stars she wondered if their love had brought out their radiant color. Then Kid gently kissed her forehead and drew her even closer. She wondered no more, feeling confident that love could accomplish the most amazing feats.

The End!

Copyright 1998-This work is not to be reproduced without the permission of the author

The Way Station
Campfire Tales
