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Separate Lives

Chapter II

By Jessica Abernethy

Kid looked up from the table where Christopher was coloring at the sound of approaching horses. Rachel had given the boy some art supplies from her class to keep him occupied and Kid was content in watching the small boy decorate empty pages with brilliant colors. He stood up and exchanged glances with Buck. They both walked to the door of the bunkhouse to identify the rider.

Kid narrowed his eyes slightly, and was confused as he recognized the man that now leapt from his horse. "Mister Mann...what are you doin' here?" Kid asked.

"Where's Christopher?" he asked impatiently.

"He's in the bunkhouse... what's going on?" Kid asked bewildered. Rebecca had told him that she'd been disowned as soon as her father found out that she was pregnant, so how did he know his grandson's name?

The old man sighed in relief, and even smiled a little at Kid. "Good... I got here in time."

"In time for what?" Buck asked from beside the Kid.

"Didn't she tell you? He's after her...and Christopher."

"Who?" Kid asked.

"What do you mean who? Thomas, her husband."

Jimmy looked up from the table where he was nursing his coffee as the door burst open. He and Rachel had been arguing heatedly over Kid and Lou. Jimmy was vicious in his attacks on the Kid, and couldn't understand why Rachel was defending the young man.

Jimmy looked up now to see Kid standing in the doorway, his chest heaving and face red. Behind him was a stooped older man, glancing curiously around the room.

"Where's Rebecca?" Kid asked without preamble.

"She went down to the waterhole to talk to Lou... but that was over two hours ago." Rachel answered, fear beginning to pump in her heart.

"He probably found her... we have to get to her now!" the stranger said loudly.

"What's goin on Kid?" Rachel asked.

"Look, I don't have time to explain, but she may be in danger. If she comes back here, tell her to stay here. Jimmy, I need you to go get Teaspoon and tell him there may be trouble." Kid said as he turned to leave.

"No way, send Buck. I'm goin' too. If Rebecca's in trouble, then Lou may be too, and someone oughtta be lookin' out for her." Jimmy replied as he pushed past the two men.

Kid's face fell at Jimmy's accusation. Didn't he know that he loved Lou with all his heart, and would die for her? He sighed as he traded glances with Rachel and followed Jimmy to the stables to saddle his horse. He just hoped they weren't too late.

"Leave her alone, please! She has nothin' to do with this." Rebecca pleaded as Thomas dealt Lou another fierce blow.

Lou tried hard to concentrate on something else even as she was sent tumbling to the ground. The pain was becoming too intense and it was getting harder to fight off the darkness that threatened to overwhelm her.

"Not until you tell me where Christopher is." he returned breathlessly.

"I'll never tell you." Rebecca replied venomously, even as she looked to Lou in silent apology.

"You might change your tune when we get done with her and move on to you." The other man laughed.

"Dammit... this one's as stubborn as a mule. She ain't gonna talk." Thomas said as he began to roll down his sleeves and button the cuffs. "There's only one way to handle this."

Lou seemed unmoved as he picked his holster up from the ground, removing his gun. At that point, she didn't have any fight left in her and didn't struggle as Thomas walked towards her menacingly. She watched in total detachment as he cocked his gun. She closed her eyes and flinched slightly as she heard two shots of gunfire. She waited for the bullet that was to end her life come, but it never did.

She opened her eyes to see three figures running towards her, but Thomas and his henchman were nowhere in sight. She wondered idly where they were even as she was swept up into an embrace. She knew the moment she saw Kid's eyes bore into hers that she was safe and she let her eyes close as she drifted into a healing sleep.

"Kid, can I talk to you for a minute?" a soft voice inquired from the doorway.

Kid looked up from his vigil beside Lou's bedside to see Rebecca shifting worriedly. He nodded slightly and stood up, gently placing Lou's hand on the bed. He shut the door softly behind him and looked at the beautiful woman expectantly.

"I just wanted to apologize. I know it's not enough after what I put you through... but I truly am sorry."

"Why'd you do it?" Kid asked hoarsely. "I would have helped didn't have to lie to me."

"I don't know Kid. When I saw you again, I was flooded with memories and I just wanted to be happy again. I married Thomas because I was foolish. I knew he what he was like, but I felt I could change him. I tried to leave once, but I found out I was pregnant, so I stayed. But I didn't want my son to turn out like him."

"Well, you made the right choice by leavin' him... I just wish you would have told the truth. It would have saved a lot of trouble, but I don't blame you Rebecca."

Rebecca's eyes shown with tears at Kid's kindness and she smiled sadly, realizing what a good man he was. "I hope you'll apologize to Louise for me."

"Why don't you do it yourself?"

"I'm leavin' in a few minutes Kid. I'm headin' back to Deep Creek to stay with Father. It's time I got my life back on track."

Kid nodded and smiled as she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "You take care of her Kid." she whispered as she turned to leave.

"I'm plannin' on it." Kid replied as he re-entered the room.

Lou was just beginning to stir and Kid crossed the room to her side quickly. Her brown eyes were clouded with confusion, but upon seeing Kid she smiled slightly. Kid sat on the edge of the bed and took her small hand in his, bringing it to his lips.

"How you feelin'?" He asked quietly.

"I feel like I look." Lou returned, laughing a little.

"Lou, Rebecca's gone. Christopher wasn't really my son." Kid began, trying to hide the pain in his last admission.

"I know, and I'm sorry."

"Sorry? About what?" Kid asked in confusion.

"I know how much you were lookin' forward to raisin' him."

Kid lowered his eyes in shame. What she said was true. From the moment he learned that Christopher was his son, he'd felt a joy he'd never known. Now, he felt empty, although he wasn't going to hurt Lou by admitting it, but she knew anyway.

Lou suddenly tugged at his arm and forced him to lie down beside her. He wrapped his arms around her gingerly, careful of her wounds. She gripped him tightly and reveled in the warmth of his embrace. An embrace she'd never thought she'd feel again.

"I love you Kid."

"I love you too Lou."


Copyright 1998-This work is not to be reproduced without the permission of the author

The Way Station
Campfire Tales
