Chapter II
By Lisa
Sam Cain had not changed much in the time since Teaspoon and the boys left Sweetwater, marriage agrees with himTeaspoon thought. Teaspoon and Sam were sitting at the table in the old Way Station which now served as Sam and Emma's home since the disbanding of the Pony Express. The old house should have felt emptier, but since Sam and Emma had four children the old homestead was as lively as ever.
Emma entered carrying coffee and biscuits, "So tell me Teaspoon what brings you to our happy home?"
"Well two things really. First thing was Rachel wanted me to make sure all of you were coming for the wedding,"
"Well of course we are don't be silly." Emma said.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Sam added, "We wouldn't want to miss a chance to see everyone again."
"Well I'm still waiting to hear from Cody, but we got a letter from Kid and Lou saying they'll be coming with the baby."
"Oh that's great news, Rachel must be so excited." Emma beamed.
"I think she's going crazy, what with teachin' at the school and making all the plans, she's working herself down to the bone. The boys and I try to help, but she says it's woman's things and we wouldn't understand. I tell ya I'll be a much happier man when y'all come down and you and Lou help her out."
Sam laughed, "Well it's all worth it, the honeymoon's the best part anyway."
Emma gasped horrified, "Sam Cain! Don't you dare talk like that the children might hear!"
Sam looked sheepishly at his wife, "Yes dear" he said, and with a quick nod to Teaspoon he added softly "Those two little words have gotten me out of more trouble than I care to discuss" then in a much louder voice he added "so what was the second thing you needed to know?"
Teaspoon relayed Buck's story asking the Marshall if he had noticed any strangers in town that might know her, or if he himself had seen her. Sam in turn told Teaspoon that he hadn't but that then again he wasn't really on the lookout for anything like that. Teaspoon left the Sweetwater Way Station with the knowledge that Sam would ask around, after all he still had contacts in the Army and he would relay any and all information to Teaspoon. Teaspoon said his good-byes for now and told them he'd see them for the wedding. He was taking the same route as Buck did when he came home, Teaspoon would search the area, and see if he could find anything of importance.
"It can't be..." Jimmy muttered.
"It's not" Buck stated, "He's dead Jimmy, it took me a long time to accept but I do. I also figure that man just looks a whole lot like him."
"It's just so strange, did Ike have any other family that you know of Buck?"
"I guess it's possible, but if he did he never mentioned it. "
"Listen Buck," Hickok began, "You tell me if I'm stepping over the line here, but do you want me to check this out? Maybe he's been looking for Ike all this time and he don't know, or . . ."
Buck cut him off, "Look Hickok, I know you mean well, but if he's looking for Ike we'll know about it. For now let's leave him be okay? Besides right now I want to go over to the Doc's clinic to check on our mystery woman."
Jimmy had completely forgotten, "I suppose you're right, but listen do me a favor could ya?"
"Sure anything."
"Can you make it quick, I'm goin' crazy in here, there ain't nothin' to do."
Buck smiled, "You got it Jimmy, I shouldn't be more than half an hour." Buck turned to walk away, then suddenly turned back "I meant what I said Jimmy, leave that man be. For all we know it's just some crazy coincidence."
"Yeah, yeah I heard ya Buck, now git and find out all you can about this gal alright? Lord knows this is the first woman you've been around in a long time."
"Ha ha very funny Hickok, what's that I hear? Could it be envy?" Both young men laughed and turned to their prospective duties, Buck to the girl, and Jimmy to Rock Creek's phantom. Jimmy only hoped either Teaspoon or Barnett would hurry up and get back to the office so he could do some snooping before Buck came back.
Thomas again acknowledged to John that he saw the two men watching them. What he couldn't figure out was why they both had that look on their faces. Taking his saddlebags off of his horse he whispered "Don't make it look as if we see them looking, just go about what your doin', and don't make no fuss. We don't want to attract too much attention."
"If you say so, but I think they suspect something." John stated, "And they way they're staring, it's just strange is all."
"It's just you and your over active imagination, they've got no reason to suspect us of anything. You're just worried cause they're outside the Marshall's office." Thomas said confidently.
After looking at them again John said, "well maybe you got a point, after all it's you they're staring at, not us." Tom looked up at him suddenly, "It's different now huh?, are you sure you wanna stay here in town?"
Tom nodded "We've got to, this town ain't got much of a law man, so Jeremy thinks this is an easy target. Besides we still haven't heard about the girl." He looked up to see the Indian walking away, but the other one was still watching him. "Let's get inside and out the back, we'll tell Jeremy about this and see what he says."
"Whatever you say."
And with that Jimmy saw the men enter the hotel, he knew they saw him staring at them, and found it strange that they just ignored him. They're hiding something, he thought, and I'm gonna find out what.
Buck ran into the clinic so fast, he barely heard Doctor Evan's warnings. He opened the door to the tiny room where his mystery girl was recuperating. He noticed she had improved so much in the three days she'd been here, she had gotten some color back, and much of the swelling had gone down, but she still had her had in bandages. She was lying on her back staring at the ceiling when she slowly turned her head at looked at him. Suddenly, the door opened behind Buck and Doc Evans scurried in behind him.
"Buck I need to speak with you outside" he said softly.
"Can't this wait Doc, I want to talk with her."
"I'm afraid not, I need to talk with you before you talk to her. There's something you should know."
Buck turned to look at the doctor and saw the urgency in his eyes. "Alright, if it's that important." He looked at the girl and said gently, "Excuse me Miss, I'll be right back", and he turned and followed the Doc out of the room.
Once outside Doc Evans looked at Buck and saw the questions in the young man's eyes. "I haven't got much out of her," he began, "It seems we have a small problem."
"Problem? What problem? What's wrong with her Doc?"
"Now, now don't get excited, it may be nothing..."
"Well then spit it out!"
"Okay, just calm down Buck. She can't tell me anything..." Doc began.
"Why not, doesn't she speak English.."
"Buck Cross if you interrupt me one more time...."
"Okay I'm sorry, please go on." He said timidly.
"Now then, she can't tell me much cause, well, she don't remember" Buck looked at him blankly, "She don't know her name, or where she's from, nothing."
"Is it permanent?"
"Can't tell, sometimes it is but who knows. This happens with head injuries sometimes. I swear to you Buck, I'm gonna find out all I can so's I can help her okay?" Buck nodded, "I needed to tell you so's you don't upset her, she's real confused right now."
"I just want to make sure she's okay, and just be a friend to her if she'll have me."
"I think that'll do just fine, go ahead. But remember she's still very weak and I want to let her get some rest. Now that she's awake, they'll be plenty of time to keep company."
Buck agreed and turned to the door. He took a deep breath, slowly opened it, and disappeared inside.
Copyright 1998-This work is not to be reproduced without the permission of the author
The Way Station
Campfire Tales