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The Apnea Scare

Well, it all started at the hospital when the babies were born. My daughter had an episode of sleep apnea, where she stopped breathing for more than 20 seconds without starting again on her own. She then had to stay in the hospital 9 extra days after I went home. Saying goodbye to her was the hardest thing I ever had to do. On the day that we brought our son home we went to see our baby girl and to tell her that we would be back for her. I cried as I left the nursery wondering if the nurses there would give her any love or attention. I ached to have her with us at home. I could actually feel my heart ache. I visted her everyday and talked to her and touched her so she would know me. My husband also visited so she had a few visitors each day. I changed her diaper and bathed her and made sure that she was clean and dry. I also fed her even though at first she wouldn't take much.
I asked everyday if she was ready to come home but the answer was usually "not yet". We took CPR and Monitor training. And we were watched as we interacted with her to see if we were capable to care for her at home.
The day finally came April 28th, my birthday, what a wonderful birthday gift, my baby girl was finally coming home. She came home with a monitor that was to be hooked to her at all times and that sounded like a fire alarm with no volume control that would have a false alarm everytime she moved (sending me to the ceiling), a 4 ft. tall oxygen tank needed to help her breathe when she ate and Propulsid and Caffeine, medications to help the Apnea and other symptoms. I didn't care what we needed to do, I just wanted to have my girl home with her brother in her own crib where I can love her and welcome her to the world.
