I have been so lucky to have the help of so many great minds! One of the greatest things about creating this page has been learning what kind of wonderful people "The Young Riders" fans are! You guys are a classy bunch of people!

These are a few of the incredible people who have kept me sane through this ordeal of page designing!

Wendy--Thanks for all you've done to help me out, first by letting me be a part of your awesome page through fan fiction, and then by letting me on the Web ring and being so generous with your pictures! You kept the YR flame burning until the rest of us caught up with you! Thanks!

Kathleen--(My fellow Jimmy and Lou fan) Thanks so much for all the encouragement and info, and the pictures! We may make poor Kid miserable sometimes, but at least we are happy! And remember, great minds do think alike (wonder if the opposite is true? LOL!)

Kirsten--It was worth designing this page to meet you! You're awesome! You've been a source of constant encouragement and laughter for me! And don't forget, in a few months we're going to set out across the U.S. on horseback and perfect the handoff (of course that will be hard if your hand falls off from typing me all those lists!) Congrats on your new site, it is great!

Broedy--I worship at the Kid and Lou Shrine!!! And I bow before Broedy! You are wonderful and you've helped me out so much with your kind words!

Ishani--Wow, you've given me so much wonderful advice! I can't begin to thank you enough for helping me take the edge off my computer illiteracy! You're my hero!

Kathy--also a source of advice and encouragement...Not to mention the owner of a site I just love! (Long live the Jailhouse!)

PhilippaAnother hero of mine, whose support I've treasured! You keep those stories coming(especially The General...I'm waiting!)

Miho--One of the kindest women anywhere! I'll never forget your first kind letter(nor my mad attempts to get a reply to you!) and the continued support! And I really won't forget your eagle eyes, which catch the smallest detail...but I love it!

Julie--for her generous offer of her articles, which will be a key to my whole idea of having an old publicity page!

Will--my sweet boy! You are just wonderful, and your praise has meant so much to me! Thanks for always being there! And remember..."We were strangers, starting out on a journey..."

Tanya--is it possible you aren't up on this page yet? We've had so many wonderful in depth coversations about the show, as well as study breaks just to say HI! I always look so forward to hearing from you!

Lea--Thanks for all the days in Valhalla discussing Young Rider plots, and all the late night emails! Also, I won't forget the late night study sessions at the Waffle House for Philosophy...and how we tied Jimmy into the meaning of EVERYTHING!

Alyson--YOU GO GIRL! (How two years ago is that?) I'm so proud of you for starting to write, as well as thankful for your support! Here's to crazy lives!

Melissa--I fought the law and the law won! LOL! Thanks (I think) for always being there to force, er um, encourage me to write new chapters, and I'm sure Jimmy and Callie appreciate your determination to have a happy ending greatly! Police-safe!

Hanny--My dear friend who I could never forget, although you think I could! I'm always anticipating your funny, spirited mails, demanding that I get busy on updates!

Robin--It always means so much to me that you take time out of your busy schedule to send me kind emails, and funny college forwards!

Dana--(Whip crack noise inserted here) You too, never fail to inspire me to get busy...even if it is out of fear!

Anna--Great job on your new page! I'm so looking forward to reading more!!!

Cyn and Danni--LONG LIVE TY MILLER! Thanks so much for your amazing work, and the hard work you put in! And even more so, thanks for dealing with my disbelief and starstruck letters when I found out I could ask Ty Miller a question!

Leigh Ann--Whatcha thinking pretty girl! HA HA! I'm not quite dead yet...I could go on and on, and still not even begin to cover the laughs we've had. It is fun being insane, isn't it?

Lisa--Or should I say Arnie? Thanks for the late night proof readings over my shoulder! You're the best roomie ever, even if our room does glow bright green at night with all your stars!...of course I have to be nice because you know where I live! LONG LIVE LOANERN, WRANGLERS, and COWBOY HATS!!!

Christy--I'm very high strung, you know! LOL! Oh, and by the way, thanks for letting me come down and try on your shoes. And as much as I love you, I AM NOT A LUMBERJACK! Leave my Pj's alone!!!

Mom and Dad--Everything I am, everything I have, is because of you, and I love you both with all my heart! And don't worry, I'm not running off the Hollywood to write for at least another year!

And to all of you who have been so kind and sent me so many kind and supportive e-mails, I thank you from the bottom of my heart! You have made this so enjoyable and worthwhile!

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