Thanks to Julie for sending me this article (and many others!)

This article comes from 16 magazine! I have no author or date for reference!

It will probably remind you of being 13 again, but have fun!!!

Young Riders

The Dating Game!

Which Rider is Mr. Right?!

Gregg, Travis, and TY are the Sexy Bachelors of The Bunch! Which One is For You? Take This Quiz and Find Out For Yourself!

1. Your idea of the perfect date would be to spend the evening:

a. Going to a U-2 concert, then out for a candlelit Italian dinner.

b. Taking a long walk, maybe stopping in a bookstore to talk about things you've read.

c. Going to see a foreign film, and then to an all-night coffee shop!

2. You like it when guys wear:

a. Thick, outdoorsy sweaters, and workboots.

b. Bandanas, jeans, and vests.

c. Black jeans, black jackets, black boots-black!

3. For your birthday you would like to receive:

a. a mountain bike

b. A trip to Europe

c. A book of poetry from someone you love.

4.One of your pet peeves is:

a. Pollution

b. Flying

c. Not getting enough sleep.

5. In your spare time, you enjoy:

a. Sitting around doing nothing!

b. Writing short stories.

c. Taking photographs and developing them yourself!

6.Your favorite thing to eat is:

a. food

b. Sushi

c. Thai food or anything spicy

7.How would you describe your idea physical type?

a. Fair skinned, athletic build, reddish hair.

b. Large intense features, slight build.

c. Dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes-Dark!

8. You would describe yourself as:

a. Easy-going, fun-loving, a free spirit

b. Intellectual, serious, but with a sense of humor.

c. Spiritual, artistic, but with your feet on the ground.

[Okay, hope you guys didn't cheat! Here are the answers!]

ANSWERS: If you answered A to all or most of the questions, then your "Best Bach" would by Ty Miller! He's a cutie with uncomplicated tastes, who likes girls that are natural. If your answers were mostly B, Travis Fine's a fine pick for you! You're both serious minded, curious people who'd hit it off for sure! And if your answers were mostly C's, then Gregg Rainwater would be great for you! As Gregg himself once told 16, "I like girls who are earthy, yet have a dreamy side." Could that be you?

Way Station
The Printing Press
