Chapter XIII

By Joanna Phillips

Cody lay awake and stared at a sky turning gray with dawn. So today was the day they went home. After weeks on the trail, the possibility of ever sleeping in a warm bunk with no rocks digging into his shoulder was a strange, but welcome thought.

Of course, he would have preferred to be returning with Jimmy and Lou. Tears filled his eyes as he thought of their failure. There was nothing else they could do, yet Cody couldn't help but feel they were giving up too soon. However, he knew in his heart that it was time.

His eyes drifted over to where the Kid had cried himself to sleep. Cody had tried everything to block the sound of his friend's grief, but to no avail.

Suddenly Cody bolted upright and yelled, "Teaspoon! Buck, Noah, Ike! Get up!"

The riders all sprung to sitting positions, guns in hand, chests heaving with fear.

After realizing there was nothing threatening posed to attack them, they turned bloodshot eyes on Cody.

"What are you doing?" Noah wondered.

"Kid's gone."

"What!" Teaspoon roared.

They all looked over to where Kid had slept. His saddle still lay there, but there was no Kid.

"Maybe he's answering a call of nature, Cody," Teaspoon pointed out.

"No, Katy's gone," Buck answered.

"Merciful God! I thought for once in his life the boy was thinking straight!"

"He just can't give it up, Teaspoon. He won't till he's dead," Noah said grimly.

"He didn't even risk taking his saddle or any of his belongings, afraid he'd wake us up!" Cody observed, "That's a sign of a desperate man."

"Damn it!" Teaspoon growled, and wiped the sleep from his eyes.

So what do we do?Ike signed.

"The only sensible thing to do is to go home. We can't keep dragging Kid back. If he's going to keep going after Lou, then we can't keep him tied up in the bunkhouse," Noah said. He saw the looks on the other's faces and broke into a grin. He continued, "Yeah, I know, I know. When have we ever done the sensible thing?"

Teaspoon shook his head. The others were just as eager to continue on the fruitless search as Kid, but none of them had the guts to admit it to him. Teaspoon knew that he could convince them to all come back with him.

But the looks on their faces changed his mind. Who can convince who?Teaspoon wondered with a grin. He nodded to the boys.

For the third time they continued their search after trying to give it up.

"Three is my lucky number," Cody pointed out, as if reading Teaspoon's mind.

"Why three?" Buck wondered.

"He can't count any higher than that," Noah replied with a straight face as the others broke into laughter.

Jimmy jumped awake and sat up quickly, though doing so sent dizzying pain through his head. He swayed unsteadily for a minute, collecting his thoughts.

Why in God's name did Curly hit me?

He dove inside the shelter, and wasn't horribly surprised to find it empty. Curly had Lou. It was a frightening thought given Curly's state of mind…or lack thereof.

He quickly found both guns, holstered them, and put his hat on, though it looked ridiculous with the buckskins and Indian vest. He vaulted onto the appaloosa horse he was used to riding, and then found himself in a predicament.

The drizzly rain still fell and would have washed any traces of Curly away. He looked up toward the mountains and reasoned that Curly would be trying to move further away from the white settlements. He charged his horse up the trail.

Lou's teeth were chattering when Curly finally pulled the horse to a stop beside a tiny stream.

"We'll rest the horse," He told her shortly as he lifted her down. He wound a buffalo robe around her, covering the bloody dress. Some of it was fresh blood after the long ride.

She looked at him, her eyes very bloodshot, her skin chalky white.

"Why are you doing this, Curly?" She asked him, her voice pleading for understanding, "Why? We are your friends!"

Curly mumbled something to himself that Lou couldn't understand.

"Where are we going?" She persisted.

"Where your spirit may fly free, like Raven Wing's."

"What are you talking about Curly?" She demanded as fiercely as she could, "Curly, I'm supposed to go home, to my family! They need me!"

"You'd go back to them, after what they did to Raven Wing?" Curly wondered, looking like an animal about to strike. Lou found herself terrified by him.

"Curly, there were both Indians and white men in that war party. You know not all whites are like that! I am white, Jimmy is white, Kid is white, and you are forgetting Curly, you are half-white!"

"No!" Curly screamed at her and his hand moved like lightning to strike her across the cheek.

Lou brought her hand up to cover the cheek now burning with the sting of his hand, her eyes wide, "Raven Wing would be so ashamed of you for doing that!"

Curly then surprised Lou again by breaking into great sobs. He doubled over and screamed with the pain ripping him apart. Lou cautiously scooted closer to him, putting her arms around him and hugging him tightly. Tears started down her face too.

"It will get better," She whispered, though she thought it a lie. She knew that if she ever lost Kid, she would never stop feeling the pain. Suddenly it occurred to her what Kid must be going through thinking she was dead.

"No, it is the end!" Curly said, "I wish to die!"

Lou bent her head as another wave of grief washed over her. He had been so vibrant and alive just a day ago, as had his beautiful wife. Now one man's pride had destroyed not only them, but an entire village. And she was at the center of it all.

"It is a good day to die," He whispered pitifully.

"Don't say that Curly. Time will help, I promise."

"There is no time," Curly sobbed, "I must join her soon!"

Lou was frightened for him.

Jimmy rode silently, gun in hand.

Suddenly a movement not too far away caught his sharp eyes, and he pulled up. There was a rider up ahead.

The horse emerged from the shadowy trail, and Jimmy gasped in disbelief. He would know the loud-colored paint mare anywhere.

"Kid!" He cried in joy, and started for him at a gallop. Jimmy forgot every bitter word between them as Kid started in his direction.

They met in a tiny clearing, and stopped their horses beside each other.

Neither of them said a thing for an awkward moment, and Jimmy was tense, wondering if Kid shared his enthusiasm.

Then Kid extended his hand across the distance between them and his smile was warmer than Jimmy had ever seen it.

At first, Jimmy hid the tears that threatened his eyes, but when he saw Kid's eyes shining with them, he lost control as they grasped each other's hands. It was a good start to repairing the huge chasm between them.

"Never thought I'd see your ugly mug again," Kid finally managed to say.

"You aren't that lucky," Jimmy smiled and then reached to embrace his friend.

"Where's Lou?" Kid asked urgently when they released each other.

"I don't know exactly," Jimmy began but when he saw Kid's face drain of color explained quickly, "She's alive, Kid! We've been in a Sioux camp all this time. Believe it or not, Curly was there and he made it quite bearable."

"Curly? The Indian, Curly?" Kid asked incredulously.

"None other," Jimmy smiled slightly.

"He's not Sioux," Kid began, then shook his head, "Never mind! What about Lou?"

"Yesterday the Sioux village was attacked while the hunting party was away. It was a massacre. Old men, children, and women, all slaughtered. Curly's wife was one of the ones killed. Lou was shot badly, but she'll make it."

"So she's back at the camp," Kid said, sighing with relief.

"No, Kid. Curly is out of his mind with grief. It made him crazy. Last night he knocked me out and took Lou. I think he intends to keep her away from the white man's world. You see, he and Raven Wing loved Lou dearly, and I think he thinks she's all he has left. I don't think he'll hurt her, but I can't be positive."

Kid nodded and controlled the urge to snap at Jimmy for not watching her more closely.

Instead he eyed Jimmy's clothing, "Nice outfit."

Jimmy raised an eyebrow, "Wait till you see Lou."

Kid sighed, and his voice was soft when he said, "I can't wait."

Jimmy nodded, and looked away to hide the pain on his own face, "I'm sure she feels the same way. Let's go find her."

The two men rode off together in search of the woman they both loved.

Curly stirred slightly. Lou had fallen asleep while he sobbed, and Curly did not have the heart to wake her and push on. He'd decided to take her back to the camp. She was right, Raven Wing wouldn't approve of him forcing the girl away from Jimmy.

When he moved she awakened also.

Curly moved to check her wound. He'd probably done much harm to her by moving her about for so many hours. It was still oozing blood, and her coloring looked bad.

"I'm taking you back to Jimmy. It is time for both of you to go home," Curly said quietly, leaving Lou speechless with relief as he began tending to the horse.

He was gentle when he lifted her up onto the horse and climbed up behind her. They turned and headed back the direction they had come.

However, they had only walked a few steps when Lou felt Curly go rigid behind her, and gasp. His weight was thrown onto her and she nearly toppled off the horse. She recovered her balance and spun around in time to see Curly sliding slowly off the horse, gasping for air.

Lou cried out, unable to understand what was happening. She spun further in the saddle, despite the pain it caused her.

Dark Wolf was emerging from the woods behind them, advancing on her slowly. Lou glanced down at Curly and saw that Dark Wolf had thrown his hatchet and hit him squarely in the back. He writhed in pain, and fought to pull himself upright to face his attacker.

She leapt off the horse and pulled Curly's rifle out of its sheath. Before she could take aim though, Dark Wolf was pointing the same gun he'd tried to kill her with before right at her head.

Lou could do nothing but stand on trembling knees. All she wanted to do was to go home!

Dark Wolf minced no words, and pulled the trigger.

Lou closed her eyes, waiting for the roar of the shot that would kill her.

However, the gun clicked quietly, and did not fire. It was jammed.

Everything else happened fast. Dark Wolf pulled out another tomahawk and started riding toward her. Lou raised the rifle and took careful aim.

Dark Wolf stopped his horse and looked at her, terror in his eyes.

"Throw down that weapon and get off your horse!" Lou growled at him.

Dark Wolf was in no situation to argue. He soon stood at the animal's side.

"You don't deserve an honorable death," Lou growled, fury making her knuckles white as she grasped the gun.

"You can't do this to me. It is not the way of the white man," Dark Wolf said.

"I'm not a white man!" Lou growled again, the fury in her only growing as Curly lay choking at her feet, "I am Fire Dancer, remember?"

The gun exploded in the early morning air, and Dark Wolf crumpled to the ground.

"What's that?" Cody asked hurriedly, seconds after the gunshot echoed off the valley walls.

"Let's go find out," Teaspoon told them, and they started in the direction of the sound.

"Oh no," Jimmy whispered quietly as he and Kid met eyes after the sound of a gunshot far away died on the air.

"Let's go!" Kid said, his voice panicked. He couldn't have come this close only to lose her now.

Lou let the gun slide out of her hands and fell onto her knees beside Curly. He lay on his side. Blood was running out of his mouth, and it gurgled in his throat. There was nothing she could do. Curly was dying.

The insanity and senselessness of it nearly drove Lou mad. She pushed his long curly hair from his face, unable to find any words.

"It is-a good day to-die," he whispered to Lou.

Lou sobbed over him as he struggled for a few more moments. Then his eyes fixed on something over her shoulder, something that only he could see. As a smile curved his handsome face, Lou realized he must have seen his beloved wife. Curly had gone home.

Her scream ripped through the valley. The horse shied away from her. She bent over Curly and rested her forehead on his, as the sobs wracked her.

She screamed again and again, unable to control herself. The loss of the past two days had been too much, and she felt she would break under the strain.

Cody, Teaspoon, Buck, Noah, and Ike burst into the clearing and spotted her at the far end.

"My God, is that Lou?" Cody breathed as he recognized her, barely daring to hope that they had stumbled upon her.

"Oh God, is that Jimmy?" Noah suddenly whispered when he saw that she sobbed upon the body of a man.

They rode forward cautiously, afraid of what they would find.

"It isn't Jimmy," Buck assured them as he saw the too long hair wound in Lou's hands.

"It's Curly," Cody said slowly, and ignored the questioning glance from Noah. Noah hadn't been with them when Curly had come to the station.

Teaspoon dismounted and approached her cautiously.

"Lou," He said softly, not wanting to startle her. She'd given no signs that she was aware of their presence, "Sweetheart, we're here."

Lou didn't seem to hear him. Teaspoon saw the body of another Indian lying not far from them.

Teaspoon reached down and gently placed his hand under her arm, trying to help her to her feet.

She spun around, startled to see him there. He quickly saw that she was injured badly herself. He was crazy with worry over Jimmy's whereabouts, but didn't push her for an answer. Her eyes looked to all of them in turn, and they returned her stare solemnly.

She then let Teaspoon help her up on her trembling legs. Wordlessly he put his arms around her in a bear hug, and Lou sobbed even harder.

"Jimmy's safe too," She finally choked out, knowing they must be crazy with worry.

"It's over, honey, you're safe," Teaspoon promised her, "We're all going home. Thank God, we're going home!"

Teaspoon was reluctant to let Lou go, but knew he should check to be sure that both men on the ground were actually dead. Wordlessly, he nodded at Cody, who gladly came forward and wrapped Lou in a brotherly embrace. He was shocked to find her trembling. He'd never see Lou so vulnerable. He was happy to hold her.

"Cody," She mumbled from his chest a moment later, "I can't breathe! And you smell terrible!"

Cody and the others laughed, glad to hear a bit of the old Lou shine through.

"Well, these two are gone," Teaspoon sighed as he walked back over to the boys, "Let's dig a resting place for them."

"No!" Lou suddenly said violently, and pushed away from Cody to face Teaspoon, "I have to take them back."

"Back where?" Noah wondered.

"To the village," She said.

"After you've escaped? Are you crazy?" Cody wondered.

"I didn't escape. Curly took me away."

"Why? And where's Jimmy?" Teaspoon asked, now that she seemed to be somewhat in control.

"There was a massacre yesterday while the hunting party was out." Tears touched her eyes again, "Almost every woman, child, and old man, was killed. I was lucky. Curly's wife was killed, and Curly was mad with grief. He took me away by knocking Jimmy out, but came to his senses today. He was taking me back there."

"Still, if you go back, aren't you afraid of what they'll do to you?" Noah wondered.

Lou shook her head, "The Sioux were kind to us. We were treated as guests, well except we couldn't leave. Jimmy had finally gotten permission to leave when Curly took me away. He'll be waiting in the village, worried about me. We should go."

Ike pulled on Buck's sleeve, and Buck glanced at what he was pointing to and smiled, "Don't be so sure."

They all followed his gaze and Lou's heart seemed to skip a beat as she saw Kid and Jimmy ride into the field side by side. Kid's eyes fell on her instantly, though she looked like a stranger in the Sioux dress, and a smile spread across his face.

She began to walk toward him slowly.

Kid could barely see Lou through the tears in eyes starved for a glance at her. He slid off Katy's bare back, and stumbled hard, nearly falling in his attempt to get to her. The others watched with slight smiles, except Jimmy, who grimaced with the pain of it all.

Kid couldn't seem to get to her fast enough. She had stopped and now stood waiting for him. His instinct was to rush up to her and fold her in his arms and never let her go again, however when he saw the uncertainly in her eyes he slowed down.

He stopped in front of her, both of them blinded by tears.

The doubt in her eyes killed him, because he knew he'd put it there. But his ability to look into her heart through her eyes had not faded, and behind the uncertainty, he saw it, a glimmer of hope and love. She then smiled ever so slightly and Kid knew everything would be all right.

They needed no words as he stepped forward and wrapped her in his arms. Lou had never felt so safe in her life. Kid gently sank to his knees with her and rocked her for what seemed forever, while the others watched.

Jimmy sighed sadly. It was as it should be.

Suddenly though, Cody let out a wild whoop and started toward Jimmy, with the others close on his heels. Jimmy had no time to react as Cody reached his side, and with Ike's help, drug him from his horse. He was nearly suffocated by the weight of all of them as they all crushed him in a hug.

Jimmy forgot his hurt over Lou at their warm, though somewhat painful, display of affection and love for him. Suddenly Teaspoon was pushing the boys away, and putting a hand on both of Jimmy's shoulders. Jimmy tried not to wince as the man squeezed his bad shoulder firmly.

Tears stood in Teaspoon's eyes as he said huskily, "I love you son! Welcome home."

Jimmy felt his eyes grow moist again as the older man stepped forward to hug him. He returned the hug fully.

Kid released Lou somewhat reluctantly as she pushed herself to her feet and straightened her dress. The blood on the dress was making him mad with worry, but he kept quiet.

She walked unsteadily toward where Teaspoon and the boys had gathered around Jimmy. Jimmy looked up in surprise to see her walking away from Kid and towards him.

They moved aside respectfully. Lou paid them no attention as she walked right up to Jimmy and threw her arms around his neck. The others backed away, not wanting to intrude on what they understood to be a very special, private moment between them.

Jimmy was more than happy to return the hug, and moved to tears by it. She didn't say anything for long moments.

"Well, we made it," Jimmy said quietly.

The sound of his voice was so dear to her, so much more than it had been before the ordeal.

"Curly's dead," She said, and found all her tears were gone. There was now just a hollow grief that only time could heal. They'd seen too much, felt too much and lost too much to ever completely recover. But, then, neither of them wanted to fully recover. They wanted to remember.

Jimmy nodded, "I figured he was. But, I think he died the moment he discovered Raven Wing was dead."

Lou nodded, "Jimmy, I owe you my life."

"And I owe you mine," He pointed out.

"I do love you, Jimmy, you know that," She said again, repeating what she'd told him in the tee pee.

"I know you do. And I love you. And I know you love Kid and he loves you, and believe me, I understand."

Her eyes filled with tears at his understanding.

"We're going to take them back to the village, right?" Jimmy changed the subject.

"We have to. He and Raven Wing should be together," Lou said.

"I'm sure they already are," Jimmy said, and Lou felt comforted by his words. Lou finally released Jimmy and turned to the others.

Kid had walked to stand with the others. She searched his face for anger or jealousy, as did Jimmy, but all they could see was joy, and quiet understanding.

And Kid did understand. He had no idea what they'd been through. He didn't know what had gone on between them, and he didn't really know if he cared. They were both alive and well, and coming home, and he realized that nothing else in the world mattered to him at the moment. There was time to sort out everything. They had a lifetime.

"You make a fine pair," Noah commented, noting the blood on Jimmy's arm, and the blood on Lou's middle, "What--did you have a contest to see who could get shot up the most?"

"It was more of a contest to see which would hurt worse, a bullet or an arrow," Jimmy grinned.

"And who won?" Kid wondered.

"I did," Jimmy and Lou insisted at the same time and they all broke into laughter.

"We should go. You both need to see a doctor," Teaspoon said, "We can be in Sweetwater in three days."

Lou rode alone, glad she did not have to choose between Kid or Jimmy. She rode on Curly's horse, while the bodies of Curly and Dark Wolf rested across Dark Wolf's animal. Kid took the loss of Curly hard, and rode away to retrieve his saddle from where he'd left it the night before. They let him go alone, knowing he wished to deal with his grief over his blood brother. He rejoined them quietly, and Lou rode up beside him and reached over to squeeze his hand. He looked at her gratefully and squeezed back.

They rode back into the village a few hours later.

Jimmy and Lou rode at the front of the small group of riders to still any panic that might rise at the appearance of white men.

Lou's eyes took in everything a last time. Wonderful memories assaulted her. They played in her mind clearly, bringing a bittersweet smile to her face, even as tears spilled down her cheeks.

As she looked at the spot where their tee pee had stood she clearly saw Jimmy looking at her proudly and waving his hand at his first creation while Lou watched the tee pee collapse on him. She remembered him dragging her to the water and dumping her in it, and then the look on his face as she dragged him down also. She looked to Raven Wing and Curly's fallen tee pee and saw Raven Wing emerge from it for the very first time, the most beautiful woman she'd ever seen. She heard all of Curly's unannounced arrivals in their tee pee, heard the conversations and laughter with Jimmy over whatever she'd tried to make edible for supper. She remembered the day Jimmy had taken her for the ride in the meadow, the wild chase for his hat, and she felt his kiss. She could hear Raven Wing's laughter at the hopeless cause of teaching her to weave. She could nearly feel the heat from the fire as Curly drug her around it, first reluctantly then she could see him as he struggled to keep up with her. Then she glanced toward the pond, where Raven Wing had laughed at her fear of the origin the soap and had later helped prepare her for her wedding. Her eyes returned to the creek and she remembered sitting there with Raven Wing, as Raven Wing had told her of the baby in the last peaceful moments of her life.

She could hear, see, and feel it all so clearly that she expected to turn her head and find Raven Wing running up to her with a bright smile on her face, and Curly not far behind her.

Of course, she and Jimmy had their share of terror in the time they'd been there, but those times seemed distant as they drew their horses to a halt in the village center.

Jimmy glanced over at Lou, and dismounted, walking to help her down from her horse.

The others stayed on the backs of their animals and watched as the silver headed chief came to meet them.

He had aged a thousand years since yesterday, Lou realized.

He stood before them, after glancing to see that they'd brought back the bodies of Curly and Dark Wolf.

He began to speak to them, and Lou and Jimmy exchanged glances. Buck, seeing this, rode forward to translate.

"He says you have both shown great courage and heart. You are both free to go, but also free to stay. You are free to stay not as captives, but as members of the tribe," Buck paused, impressed by the high honor being bestowed on Jimmy and Lou, "He says he will miss you both. He says that his daughter loved Fire Dancer very much and he wishes for her to have something that belonged to her."

Lou's eyes filled with tears as Running Horse reached a trembling hand into his pocket.

He opened it and Lou gasped. He held out a turquoise necklace that she'd never seen Raven Wing go without.

"It was her mother's," Buck translated, "It has gone from mother to child for many, many moons. Raven Wing would have wished Fire Dancer to have it."

"I-I couldn't," Lou whispered to Buck, "Tell him it's too much."

Before Buck could explain to her that Running Horse would be offended and hurt if she refused the gift, Running Horse stepped forward and slipped it over Lou's neck. He then reached forward to cradle her neck and bring his forehead down to rest on hers.

Lou leaned against the leathery skin of the old man and closed her eyes. Buck did not need to translate as the old man prayed for her safe passage home, and for a happy life.

He then moved to Jimmy and brought the younger man's head down to rest against his own, whispering words of prayer and protection for him too.

And then, he turned and left abruptly, walking with the hunched shoulders of a broken man.

"Will he be all right?" Lou whispered to Jimmy when he had disappeared from sight.

"I hope so, Lou," He said softly, but he doubted it. He turned to her, "Ready to go home?"

She nodded, her heart pounding.

The others were respectfully silent as Jimmy and Lou walked back to them. It took only a few moments for Jimmy to gather his things and saddle the horse he'd borrowed so long ago from William's Station.

"Better go jump on Katy with Kid," Jimmy told her, avoiding her eyes so she couldn't see the hurt in them. He was trying to make the decision easy for her, she knew, and she watched as he swung up onto the horse.

Lou looked at Kid and smiled, and he smiled back gently. She knew he would understand.

She shook her head and wordlessly motioned for Jimmy to pull her up behind him. He did so, and looked baffled when she wrapped her arms around him tightly. Smiling, she explained.

"Remember? You've said from the beginning, we get out of this together or not at all," Lou told him and tears rose in her eyes as she pointed out, "We rode in here together, and that's how we're riding out."

As they exited the village, Lou fought not to look back, knowing that it would only hurt her more. She couldn't resist one last glance over her shoulder though, just before the village disappeared from sight. She gasped at what she saw.

A beautiful black bird circled the village gracefully, intertwining with the smoky fog that still clung to the village. It was a hauntingly beautiful sight.

Jimmy heard her and turned to see what was wrong. His eyes found the bird and a slow smile spread across his face.

"A raven," Jimmy said softly, and reached to cover her hand with his own.

Lou and Jimmy both allowed a sort of peace to settle over them as they were able to let go of the horror. Lou closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against Jimmy's back, touching the necklace that Running Horse had given her. She suddenly saw Raven Wing so clearly that she would have sworn the woman stood before her.

After that moment, she was never able to picture the beautiful woman so clearly again.

When Lou looked back, the raven had flown away.

It had been a journey encasing a lifetime of joy and sorrow, of tears and laughter, of heartache, but most of all, it had been a journey of love. The road had been long and trying.

Now the road led them all home.


Copyright 1998-This work is not to be reproduced without the permission of the author

Way Station
Fan Fiction
