A Tale of Two Strangers

Chapter X

By Cheryl

"Now, boys… and girls, why don't you be getting' some sleep," Teaspoon commented as he and Rachel left the bunkhouse, "and make sure you keep the music down."

"Sure thing, Teaspoon," Cody replied.

"Reminds me of my dad, kinda," Chancy said to no one in particular.

Dmitriv pushed another button on the machine to make another song play, "So who's up for a party."

"Didn't you just hear, Teaspoon?" Kid asked Dmitriv.

"I heard him," Dmitriv said with a smile, "Don't agree with his opinion. The night's young."

"So what do you purpose we do now?" Cody asked.

"Well," Dmitriv said, "we can't drink, fight, have women, gamble…,"

"So why don't you go to sleep?" Kid asked.

"Just give me a second, I'll think of something," Dmitriv said a little angry.

"Strip poker?" Chancy asked.

Dmitriv who was deep in thought quickly said, "No gambling."

"Doesn't gambling involve money?" Chancy said.

Dmitriv smiled, "You have a point there, Chance."

"What exactly is strip poker?" Cody asked.

"It's poker, but instead of betting money you bet clothing," Dmitriv answered.

"So if you lose you have to take off your clothes?" Jimmy asked not sure if he was willing to gamble that much.

"No, you take off an article of clothing," Dmitriv said, "a hat, a shoe, a sock."

"Until you get down to the bare necessities," Chancy added.

"Why'd anyone wanna play that kinda poker anyway?" Jimmy asked, "Don't make no sense."

"Didn't say I did," Dmitriv answered then turned to Chancy. "Why do you want to play strip poker?"

"You just said that there isn't that much that we can do," Chancy said. "We're young let's do something wild."

Dmitriv thought about that for a second, shook his head and replied, "That doesn't really answer the question."

"Look around Dmitriv, I'm in a room full of young, attractive men," Chancy said. "Do you know the last time I was in a room with a female to male ratio of 2 to 7."

Dmitriv and the rest of the riders looked at her.

"Come on," Chancy said turning hard to convince everyone. "We'll only play for an hour. Who could lose that badly in an hour?"

"I don't know? You haven't seen Jimmy play," Cody said laughing. Jimmy hit Cody.

"Besides the most that will happen is we'll all end up in our underwear, which is how we see each other every night before bed anyway." Chancy said. "Maybe we'll see a couple of bare chests, that will be the worst."

"Your bare chest or ours?" Cody asked smiling.

"Whoever loses most I guess," Chancy answered him with a serious face.

"Count me in," Cody said. Ike nodded his head.

"I don't know?" Kid said with a worried look on his face. "Teaspoon wouldn't like us doing this."

Dmitriv looked at Kid and said, "Stop being such a goody-to-shoes."

"Does that mean you're in?" Chancy asked Dmitriv.

"I'd never miss a good poker game," Dmitriv said smiling.

"You're not going to cheat." Chancy ordered Dmitriv.

"Cheat? Me?" Dmitriv said with a look of surprise and innocence on his face.

"From what Georgia's told me you're the best poker cheat he's ever seen." Chancy said

"No, I'm not," Dmitriv said. "He's never actually seen me," he added with a smile.

"So what about the rest of you?" Chancy asked the rest of the room a little seductively.

"Well," Buck started a look of doubt on his face.

"If it's only an hour," Noah finished for him.

"Jimmy?" Chancy asked.

"I could never turn down a pretty woman," Jimmy said smiling.

"Pretty? Come on Jimmy," Dmitriv said, "I need to take you out on the town sometime and show you some real women," he added with a smile on his face. It was clearly a joke.

Chancy however didn't think that it was funny and glared at Dmitriv. She then picked up an empty cup from the table and hurled it at Dmitriv. Dmitriv saw it and ducked as it flew over his head.

Dmitriv sat back up not even phased by Chancy's actions. "Got cards?" he asked her.

"Of course," Chancy replied. She brought a deck of cards from her stuff. "Lunar Aces," she added as she placed the deck on the table. She then turned to Lou and asked, "So, are you in?"

"I don't know?" Lou said uncertain if she really wanted to play or not.

Dmitriv reached out a hand to pick up the deck from the table.

"Don't even think about it, kid," Chancy all of a sudden growled at Dmitriv.

"Damn, Chance, I was just going to look at them," Dmitriv said offended.

"Well you can look at them from a distance," Chancy responded. She then turned back to Lou to finish their conversation.

Dmitriv turned to Cody and Jimmy and commented softly, "She's really in a bit of a mood tonight, isn't she?"

"I heard that," Chancy said to Dmitriv without turning her attention from Lou.

"The good question is, do I care." Dmitriv answered.

"So, Lou?" Chancy asked.

"Well," Lou said hesitantly.

"Come on," Chancy said, "no one has to do anything they don't want to. We're only playing for an hour. How bad could it get?"

"Yeah, I guess," Lou said. She still had her doubts but she trusted that her new friend knew what she was doing.

"Good," Chancy said. "That just leaves Kid."

Jimmy gestured toward the cards with his hand, "Mind if a deal?" he asked Chancy.

"No, feel free," she answered. "So what about it Kid? Are you in or not?"

Cody turned to Dmitriv and asked, "So you're really that good at cheatin'?"

"Used to be a pick pocket," Dmitriv answered. "Got hands faster than lightening."

"I don't know?" Kid said answering Chancy's question. He didn't really want to play the game, but thought that maybe somebody with some sense should be around to make sure nothing bad happened.

"Really?" Cody commented about Dmitriv and the pick pocketing. "You any good?" he asked.

"Are you kidding," Dmitriv exclaimed. "I could steal the gun out of Jimmy's gun belt, while he was wearing it, without him even knowing."

"I'd call that good," Buck commented.

"Good way to get yourself shot," Jimmy stated giving Dmitriv a stern look.

Dmitriv smiled back, "Well if you're just shooting and not shooting to kill, maybe I should actually try it sometime."

Jimmy gave Dmitriv a hard look.

Dmitriv poked Jimmy in the ribs with his elbow, "Come on Jimmy, I was just kidding. It might be a noble way to go, but I don't feel like hanging up the spurs just yet. Come on deal the cards."

Jimmy started to shuffle. He turned to Kid, "So, Kid am I dealin' you in?"

"Don't know?" Kid answered.

"What are you going to do just sit there and watch?" Dmitriv asked. "Doesn't sound very exciting."

"Besides don't you want to make sure we don't do anything too outrageous?" Cody asked.

"Yeah," Kid said with a sign, "deal me in."

"Everybody should grab their clothing before the dealing starts," Chancy commented.

"What?" Cody asked confused.

"Whatever you have on when the first hand is dealt is all the clothing that you get. So I'd be grabbing your hats, guns and anything else you can find. The rules are just like regular poker, but there really isn't betting. If you lose a hand you lose an article of clothing. So, good luck to all. Deal those cards Jimmy, dear." Chancy said.

"We can grab some clothing first right?" Cody asked.

"Make it fast," Chancy said as she grabbed a funny looking hat with a brim that shot straight forward. The rest of the riders grabbed their hats, gun belts and whatever else they could think of to wear.

"Let's begin," Dmitriv said once everyone had once again settled down at the table. "Jimmy."

Jimmy had Ike cut the cards and dealt them out.

One piece of clothing after another hit the floor. First the hats and belts, then shoes and socks and finally pants and shirts. Much more than one hour had passed and still the cards were dealt. It was late, but the bunkhouse was full of excitement. They all wanted to know who would finally loose. Who would finally loose all of their clothes. They had all agreed, quite democratically, that the loser had to run around the homestead in the buff.

The order each rider took off their clothing was unique. Ike had grabbed a scarf before the game started. All he wore now was his underwear and the scarf. Buck still had his pants and was wearing his vest. Noah had his underwear, pants and whip left. Kid who had placed a little conservative was still wearing his underwear, pants and one sock.

The big losers were Jimmy, Cody and Chancy, who all only had one article of clothing left. Jimmy had called people on their bluffs too often and all he had left now was the bottom half of his underwear. Cody was a little too overconfident of his poker skills and only had his union jack underwear left. Chancy had just been a little unlucky lately and had just given up her last sock. So she was just sitting there in just her underwear.

Dmitriv and Lou on the other hand were the big winners. Lou was quite a card player. And had gotten lucky more than once. She still had on her pants, shirt and underwear. Dmitriv had an uncanny way of reading people and had been cheating a little. They had also all voted that every time you got caught cheating you lost clothing. So, Dmitriv just had his pants and lower half of his underwear, that way they all knew that he wasn't hiding cards up his sleeve. The problem was catching Dmitriv cheating. He really was very good at it. The only one that appeared able to really catch him was Lou, she now sat beside him so that she could keep her eyes on Dmitriv's rather fast hands.

"Two," Lou told Ike the dealer, he had won the last hand. Ike dealt Lou two new cards.

"I fold," Kid said.

Chancy took a good look at her cards, then glanced at Noah's, who was sitting beside her, cards. She then halfway whispered to Noah, "I'll swap you that 10 of diamonds for an eight."

Noah looked over at her cards, "Not a bad swap."

"Stop doin' that Chance," Cody said, "It's against the rules."

"Well, maybe I don't like the rules." Chancy commented.

"Just fold or ask for cards," Jimmy said getting irritated at the delay in the game.

"Which one should I keep?" she turned and asked Noah. Noah looked at her cards again and tapped one of them. "That's probably a good choice," Chancy said and laid the other four cards on the table face down. "Four, please, Ike."

"Three," Noah said placing three cards on the table.

Ike silently dealt himself two cards.

Buck studied his cards for a second, "I'm out."

Cody smiled, "I feel lucky tonight. I'm in."

Jimmy chuckled, "Yeah right, lucky." He looked at his cards, "Sure why not, I'm in."

Dmitriv looked at Cody then Jimmy and said, "Out."

Lou looked at Dmitriv, wondering what he knew. She then looked at Jimmy and Cody and finally at her cards. Kid looked at her cards over her shoulder, "I'm in."

Chancy looked at her cards then said, "Well, since I have nothing and am going to be sitting her in my birthday suit if I lose, I fold."

Noah looked at Cody, Jimmy and Lou and then at his cards and shook his head, "Fold."

Ike shook his head and placed his cards on the table.

"Well Cody, show 'em," Jimmy said. Both Cody and Jimmy knew that the loser was THE LOSER.

Cody smiled and proudly placed his cards on the table, "Three queens."

Jimmy smiled. Cody got a little worried. Jimmy laid his cards on the table, "Full house, eights over deuces. Lou?"

Lou shook her head laid her cards on the table, "Pair of kings."

"Looks like you lost Cody," Jimmy said still smiling.

Cody had a very worried look on his face now. The rest of the riders sat around waiting for Cody to take off his last article of clothing. All of them were feeling mighty lucky right now that it wasn't them in the same situation.

"Come on, Pretty Boy, we're all waiting," Dmitriv said.

"This isn't fair," Cody exclaimed, "Jimmy has two parts to his underwear. So he got on extra turn."

"Chancy said at the beginning that whatever you had on to start was all that you had on," Noah said, "You should have chosen different underwear."

"Come on Chancy, aren't you with me on this?" Cody asked trying to sweet talk his way out of the problem. "If you had lost wouldn't you be happy to only have to take off the top half of you're underwear."

"Don't see how that would make all that much difference to Chancy," Lou commented.

"Good point," Noah added.

"Shouldn't you be removing some clothing Lou," Cody said a little harshly.

Lou stood up from her chair and took off her pants, "You happy now Cody?" she asked.

"Yeah," Cody answered.

"Cody does have a point," Kid added his two cent to the agreement.

"Why don't we vote on it?" Buck asked the room.

"He lost fair and square," Jimmy said.

"Pretty Boy, just suck it up and be a man," Dmitriv added.

"I say we vote," Chancy stated.

"It'd be the democratic thing to do," Noah added.

"Fine," Jimmy said, "let's vote."

"Ok," Chancy said, "who's in favor of Cody only having to take off the top half of his underwear?"

Chancy, Buck, Ike, Kid, Lou and of course Cody all raised their hands.

"All opposed," Chancy said.

Jimmy, Dmitriv and Noah raised their hands.

"Six to three, Cody gets another chance," Chancy said.

Cody took off the top half of his underwear. Everybody passed their cards to Jimmy, the new dealer. He then shuffled them and began to deal.

"Make sure you give me that ace this time," Dmitriv told Jimmy.

"Sure thing," Jimmy replied jokingly.

"He's good enough at cheating he doesn't need any help, Jimmy," Chancy said, a little angry even though she knew it was just a joke.

After Jimmy finished dealing everyone looked at their cards.

"One," Dmitriv said.

"Just one?" Lou asked.

"Yeah," Dmitriv replied. Jimmy dealt him the top card of the deck.

"How 'bout three," Lou said. Placing three cards on the table and getting replacements.

"Two," Kid said.

Chancy let out a sigh, "Why do I always get the crappiest hands. I don't understand why the poker gods are so unhappy with me."

"How many cards do you want?" Jimmy asked wanting the hand to be finished.

"Guess I'll be going for four, again." Chancy replied.

Noah shook his head, "I'm going sit this one out."

Ike looked closely at his cards. He held up three fingers and placed three cards on the table.

"Two," Buck said.

"Two," Cody also said.

Jimmy gave himself three new cards and the final round of play began.

Dmitriv, who always had his poker face on said, "I'm in."

Lou looked at her cards and shook her head, "I'm out this time."

"Me too," Kid said.

Chancy looked at Kid, Lou and then Dmitriv, "Well, since Shorty over there probably has a great hand, and mine once again sucks, I fold," she said as she threw her cards onto the table.

Noah looked at Dmitriv. He thought Chancy was right about Dmitriv having a good hand, "Fold," he said.

Ike looked at Dmitriv, shook his head and placed his cards on the table.

"Out," Buck said.

Cody looked at Dmitriv and then everyone else, "He's bluffing. He doesn't really have anything."

"If you say so, Pretty Boy," Chancy said.

"I'm in," Cody stated.

Jimmy looked at Dmitriv. Something told him that it wasn't a bluff, "I'm out."

"Okay," Cody said, "Show 'em."

"You first," Dmitriv replied.

"Two pair," Cody said, "Tens and queens."

Dmitriv looked at Cody and said, "Sorry Pretty Boy, but you lose." Dmitriv laid his cards out on the table. He had a straight flush.

A look of surprise covered Cody's face. Then he got angry, "You cheated."

"How?" Dmitriv asked him, "Where did I hide the cards?"

"Down your pants," Cody replied.

"Feel free to check Pretty Boy," Dmitriv answered, "But that hand was all luck."

"Maybe Hickok helped you?" Cody said.

"I didn't help him cheat," Jimmy answered.

"Well," Cody said standing up and putting his hands on his hips, "I'm not going to do it."

"Stop being such a wuss and just drop your drawers." Dmitriv said.

"But you cheated," Cody said.

"That was a fair hand," Dmitriv said.

"That's the reason that you don't cheat in the first place," Chancy said, "because no one believes you when you really don't cheat."

"Well you can't prove I cheated, because I didn't," Dmitriv said.

"You cheated," Cody repeated.

"Just face it Cody, you lost," Jimmy said.

"But he cheated!" Cody said.

"That was a fair hand!" Dmitriv said standing up.

"You're not getting into a fight over this are you boys?" Chancy asked Cody and Dmitriv.

"It's not that big of a deal," Noah said, "You can even wait until you're outside to strip."

"I shouldn't have to be stripping in the first place," Cody said, "He's the one that should be stripping," he added as he pointed to Dmitriv.

"You want me to strip? I'll strip," Dmitriv said as he began to take off his pants.

"Keep your pants on kid," Chancy ordered Dmitriv.

"So Cody what are you paying if I go take a lap around the place in the nude?" Dmitriv asked Cody.

"What do you mean?" Cody asked confused and worried that Dmitriv was tricking him.

"Well, money's never been my thing," Dmitriv said.

"How about chores?" Cody said catching on.

"You can't have Shorty buy off your loss," Buck said.

"Nothing telling him that he can't," Jimmy said.

"No," Dmitriv answered Cody, "Chores won't work. You wouldn't do them and everyone else would just end up doing extra chores."

"Then what do you want?" Cody asked. "It's yours."

"Well," Dmitriv started, "a good drink would be nice."

"I can do that," Cody said.

"A good game of cards," Dmitriv continued, "a woman."

Cody nodded his head, "I think I got it," he said and smiled. "Teaspoon needs a couple of riders to carry a dispatch to Fort Mills. There's a little town on the way that has a great saloon."

"So I go on the ride with you?" Dmitriv asked.

"Yeah" Cody replied.

"Okay," Dmitriv said, "Here's the agreement. I get some money to gamble with, a good, strong shot of whiskey, and the services of a very pretty woman."

"Okay," Cody said nodding his head, grateful to have gotten out of his rather sticky situation.

"You've got yourself a deal, Pretty Boy," Dmitriv said. He held out his hand and Cody shook it.

"You're not seriously going to do this?" Chancy asked Dmitriv.

"Why the hell not?" Dmitriv answered. He sat down on the nearest chair and removed a small gun and gun strap from his ankle. He threw the gun at Ike. "Watch that for me," he said.

The riders all gave him funny looks, "Gotta have a back up," Dmitriv said to answer their questions.

Chancy shook her head, "Everybody's not out to get you," she told Dmitriv.

Dmitriv looked at Chancy and said, "Never been proven different."

Dmitriv started to walk toward the door. He stopped by Jimmy, put his hand on Jimmy's shoulder and said, "Hickok, watch my back while I'm out there."

"Who's goin' be shootin' at you?" Jimmy asked.

Dmitriv gave Jimmy a hard, serious look, "Don't ask stupid questions."

Jimmy looked back at Dmitriv and understood the fear of not trusting people. He nodded his head and answered, "Sure thing."

Dmitriv walked out the door into the night. The riders all exchanged looks wondering if Dmitriv would actually go through with it. They all knew that he would.

By the time the riders got outside Dmitriv was already naked and walking away from the bunkhouse. He began to jog around the homestead. The riders on the porch of the bunkhouse began to yell and holler. They were paying so much attention to Dmitriv that they didn't even realize that their noise had awakened Teaspoon and Rachel.

Rachel stepped out of the house just before Dmitriv can around the corner. Dmitriv saw her and slowed his pace. Rachel walked out of the fenced in yard and straight toward Dmitriv.

"Just what do you think you're doin' Vladimir?" she asked harshly.

"Well," Dmitriv said. He had stopped in front of her, his hands on his hips. "There's a good reason for all this."

"And just what pray tell would that be?" Teaspoon asked as he marched toward Dmitriv. Teaspoon shoved his hat into Dmitriv's hands.

Dmitriv looked a little confused, and then realized that Teaspoon wanted him to cover himself up for Rachel. "Oh," Dmitriv said and with his left hand placed Teaspoon's hat over the more delicate parts of his anatomy.

"Well Chancy wanted to play strip poker," Dmitriv started. He turned to Teaspoon, "Now that's not gambling because you bet clothing instead of money." He turned back to Rachel, "The loser had to run around the homestead in the buff. Cody lost and he didn't want to do it."

Dmitriv looked back at Teaspoon, "Teaspoon, do you want the hat back when I'm… done."

"Not right now son, but once you're done tellin' you're story," Teaspoon said intrigued by Dmitriv's story.

Dmitriv looked from Rachel to Teaspoon and then continued, "Cody's paying me to do it for him."

"So you just stripped down in front of the girls?" Rachel asked.

"No," Dmitriv said, "I did that outside, Lou and Chance didn't see a thing. Not that it would matter if Chancy saw anything, because she's seen it all before." Dmitriv paused realizing that he had slipped up. "But they didn't see anything," he added. "Teaspoon do you want the hat back now?" Dmitriv asked.

"Just keep it 'til morning," Teaspoon answered.

Dmitriv thought about that for a second. "When I turn to leave I'll be facing the other direction anyway. So here," Dmitriv said as he handed the hat back to Teaspoon. He gave both Teaspoon and Rachel a smile and said, "See you in the morning." Dmitriv then turned around and walked back to the bunkhouse. "Lou, I'm headed back." he yelled toward the bunkhouse.

Chapter XI

Kid and Chancy rode out first thing in the morning to go looking for Furlons. The rest of the riders were now all sitting at the table eating breakfast. They had all seen Dmitriv talking to Teaspoon and Rachel last night. But Teaspoon and Rachel hadn’t yet asked any of the riders about the events of last night.

Teaspoon said, “I need two riders to go to Fort Mills.”

“Me and Shorty’ll go,” Cody spoke up.

“Why you and Dmitriv?” Teaspoon asked wondering what was going on. Cody had just gotten back from a ride and it wasn’t like Cody to volunteer for a ride.

“Why not?” Cody replied.

“Part of the payback,” Dmitriv added.

“For last night?” Rachel asked.

“Yeah,” Dmitriv answered.

“What exactly is Cody payin’ ya?” Teaspoon asked. He was sure that a ride to Fort Mills wasn’t the payment.

“Not going to tell you,” Dmitriv stated.

“What!?” Teaspoon responded surprised.

“It’s an agreement between me and Cody. It’s none of your business,” Dmitriv replied. The riders all looked at Dmitriv like he must be crazy to not answer Teaspoon.

Teaspoon looked back at Dmitriv. “Maybe you’ll answer another question for me.”

“What?” Dmitriv asked.

“I’s just curious ‘bout that little thing you said last night, ‘bout Chancy havin’ already…seen you.” Teaspoon asked.

“Yeah,” Dmitriv replied, “but it’s not like I do that kind of thing all the time.”

“So?” Teaspoon prompted Dmitriv to answer the question.

All eyes were on Dmitriv to explain the situation.

Dmitriv looked around the room, “Well,… me and Chancy slept together once.”

“You, what!?” Cody exclaimed.

“What part of that didn’t you understand?” Dmitriv plainly said back.

“So you and Chancy are kinda…” Lou started to say.

“A thing,” Dmitriv finished for her, “No, it’s nothing like that.”

“What exactly is it like?” Noah asked.

“Well, a couple of months ago, on the last mission like this actually,” Dmitriv started to explain. “We had this big party, drinking tequila, everybody was really messed up. And me and Chancy, … it just kind of happened.”

“You just …?” Lou asked leaving a blank space to indicate what she was talking about.

“Yeah,” Dmitriv answered.

Lou gave Dmitriv a hard look. Dmitriv saw that look and responded, “It wasn’t like that Lou. It was a mutual thing. Chancy’s a big girl she can make decisions like that for herself.”

“She just slept with you?” Jimmy asked.

“You know,” Dmitriv started, “by 19th century standards, Chancy’s not a lady, at least not a good Christian one.”

“And by 21st century standards?” Rachel asked.

“She’s a lady,” Dmitriv answered, “She’s been know it have a little fun, if you catch my drift, but she’s still a lady. Chance is very particular about her men.”

“So how’d she end up with you?” Cody asked with a smile.

“Everybody makes mistakes,” Dmitriv replied. “Actually, I think it was more like a curious experiment. Not that it’s a bad thing to be an experiment of One Chance Delay’s. More like a privilege.”

“One Chance?” Buck asked.

“It’s what some people call her,” Dmitriv responded. “Don’t tell her I told you that one. She really hates it.”

“So, One Chance?” Teaspoon asked wanting to know the reason for the nickname.

“With Chancy you get one chance and after that you don’t stand a chance,” Dmitriv answered.

“Are you saying that you still haven’t blown your ‘one chance’?” Noah asked.

“No,” Dmitriv replied, “I blew that before I even met her, my reputation preceded me.”

“Why’d she do it then?” Jimmy asked.

“I really don’t know,” Dmitriv said.

“Women are mysterious creatures sometimes,” Teaspoon said.

“No,” Dmitriv said, “I understand women.” Teaspoon looked at Dmitriv. “Really Hunter I do. It’s just Chancy I don’t understand.”

“Maybe it’s your hearts that you need to understand?” Rachel asked.

Dmitriv stared a hole through Rachel, his eyes full of fire. She had hit a nerve. “I think that’s a little much for me to stomach at breakfast.” He rose from the table and started to walk out of the room. “Cody tell me when you’re ready to go,” he ordered Cody his back turned to the table.

“You know, Vladimir, some day you’re goin’ to have to stop runnin’ from love,” Rachel said.

Dmitriv quickly turned around. He slammed his hands onto the table and leaned down so that his face was inches from Rachel’s. Anger seemed to emanate from his body. The riders were actually scared of what he might do. Dmitriv looked at Rachel hard for a second them said, “I am one hell of a jerk. Chancy could do a hell of a lot better. She’ll eventually get over it.”

“I’m sorry that you feel that way,” Rachel responded not backing down a bit.

Dmitriv stared at Rachel for awhile. Everyone at the table sat in silence. Then Dmitriv stood back up and stormed out of the bunkhouse. He slammed the door behind him so hard that the walls and windows of the bunkhouse rattled.

To Be Continued...Chapter XII

Copyright 1998-This work is not to be reproduced without the permission of the author

The Way Station
Campfire Tales

Email: gliterin@bellsouth.net