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Poznanie Knowledge Dear friends,
This web project was established sometimes around June 1997 and was dedicated to the book - The History of Slovakia and the Slovaks by Milan S.Durica-historian and Catholic priest who has the strong sympathy with clero-fascist Slovak State(1939-45) This publication was accidentally published with financial support from the European Union "Phare" and has come under heavy criticism from Jewish Community in Slovakia, Jews around the world and many historians. The History of Slovakia and Slovaks has been distributed as a handbook for history lessons in slovak schools. The book contains many factual errors and mistakes and has all the typical signs of xenophobia armed against the Czechs, Hungarians and of course Jews. The government of the prime minister Meciar ignored the requests from EU to withdraw Durica's publication from slovak schools even they promised to do so.

It's December 1998. However, this publication is still in school libraries as the instruction book for history teachers. We hope that a new slovak government does consider the book as historically incorrect.

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The response of Slovak historians

EU- funded Slovak book prompts Jewish protest

EU- urges withdrawal of Slovak history book

Slovakia defends controversial history book

Slovak premier raps book denying hounding of Jews

Slovakia withdrawas controversial book from schools.

B'naiB'rith meets with slovak officials

Anti-Defamation League welcomes Meciar's lies.(?)

Slovak ministry of education on book of Durica

Slovak Jews charge government with Nazi sympathies

The Ministry of Education in Slovakia(offical web site)


Photo archive

Jews in Prewar and War Slovakia

The culmination of the Final solution of Jewish question

Scott Anderson:Extremists in our midst

Estimated number of Jews killed in the Final solution

Antisemitism Report:Slovakia-1997

Mr.Berger's Story

Czechoslovakian Rescuers

The First Eyewitness of the Holocaust

The Interview with Mr.Vrba

The Deportation of the Jews from Slovakia

J.Nemsila- Alleged war criminal dies in Canada

Vatican and Slovakia

The Holocaust/Antisemitism Web Sites

Erika Blumgrund-Poem

The Federation of Jewish Communities in Slovakia

Slovakia Daily Surveyor



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