Table of Contents

New Page
I ran out of space on one page so I made a new one to continue this page. The story and other stuff is continued on this page.

This is the story me and my 3 best friends are writing. Soon we're gonna put up info pages about ourselves (like you really care) so you'll know a little about us.
All In The Stars
This is my newset Hanson story! I hope you like it!

Ok I know alot of these pics don't work b/c i had to delete some. Some of you have e-mailed me telling me about the problem and I don't mind b/c MOST of you and I stress most have been being merely helpful but one person who isn't welcome back here I might add said that my page just plain out sucked b/c my pics didn't work!!! I was fully aware of the problem and did not appreciate the insult!

Middle of Nowhere
This is a list of the songs on MoN. The tracks that have been released already have links with the lyrics on them. Soon i might put all the words but really doesn't just about every fan have the c.d already? I'm sure ya do.

I like to blab about Hanson so I figure why not blab to you guys? After all you like Hanson as much as I do right? Not everybody does! So these are just my thoughts and stuff on Hanson! I guess it's kinda kewl.....maybe...IDK.

Snowed In
This is a listing of the tracks with the lyrics to the songs they wrote! Soon i'll get all of them up but I can only devote so much time to this page! Anyway I L-O-V-E this album!!! They're perfect to do something Christmasy 's cos they're just 3 adorable angels!

Suzanne and Rebecca!
I have made a page dedicated to Suzanne and Rebecca! They felt the need to talk about my page! They signed my guestbook in big annoying letters telling me how bad my page and story sucked. Well ok. If they can be dumb and immature so can I! Just come in and see what I have to say about them! Later I will paste the e-mail they sent me!!

Tour Dates
Ummmmm this one is self explanatory huh? But if u really don't know......it's telling tour dates! *gasp*

Voting Booth
Ok you can go here and enter your Hanson page (if you have one) or vote for me! Please! I just checked and I'm in 2nd place!

This is all for today! The reconstruction of this page was Hope's idea! Thanx Hope!

Email: ihthzh@hotmail.com