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mOrE kOoL mAinLAnD CrEaTiOnS

LoOk aT tHe KoOl nEw PiCs I gOts!

kRaZy KrEaTiOnS!!!!!

LoOk aT DiS cRaZy As CiViC!!! TaKe NoTiCe ThE fRoNt iS nOt a OrDiNaRy CiViC........iT's mOrE LiKe a mInI iNtEgRa!!!! iT's SmAlL bUt I sURe It PaCkS a pUnCh!! jUsT LoOk At tHat hUgE iNtEr-cOoLeR!!

LiKe tHE cOlOr???

hErE's a PrEtTy NiCe cIvIc cOuPe.......

SaVe tHe bEsT fOr LaSt!!

hErE's A pIc aNygUy wOuLd LikE!!*L* dAyUm!!!!!!! bAbY gOT bAcK!!! hahaha

TheRe'S mOrE tO cOmE I gOnNa bE pUtTiNg uP sOmE LoCaL bOiZ cArZ sO cHeCk bAcK LaTeR!!!!