Dear :
I am writing to request that you immediately stop
using a carbon monoxide gas chamber at the [name of facility].
It is known that animals killed in gas chambers often
scream in panic, struggling for air, as the gas
irritates their eyes and noses. It is an extremely
cruel and inhumane method of euthanasia.
The use of carbon monoxide chambers for killing
animals is an outdated and far less humane method of
euthanasia than lethal injection of sodium
pentobarbital. Euthanasia by carbon monoxide is
slower than lethal injection, and the machines have
been known to malfunction. If the carbon monoxide
chamber malfunctions or is improperly used, death can
take up to twenty minutes while death by injection is
almost instantaneous. Carbon monoxide can be
hazardous to shelter staff. Repeated exposure to the
gas, even at low levels, can result in a variety of
long-term human health problems, including cancer,
infertility, and heart disease. Cost analysis of the
two methods has shown that the cost of lethal
injection is slightly less per animal than carbon
Virtually every major animal protection organization
in the country, as well as the American Veterinary
Medical Association, advocates intravenous injection
of sodium pentobarbital as the euthanasia method of
Please insist on euthanasia by sodium pentobarbital at
the [name of facility]. As an agency that is responsible for the care
and safeguarding of the animals of the community, I
would expect that it would have the utmost concern for
the humane treatment of animals.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look
forward to hearing your decision.