Lisa's Story


On 5/16/99 me and my friends tried to get into SNL but that didn't work.......anyways we were walkin back to Millennium (our hotel that we were staying at in New York City) and we met this guy that told us BsB was going to this after party for SNL at some museum! so me and my friends went to the museum and waited for the party to start (by now it was like 2am) so then everyone started to come, the whole SNL cast came, then out of no where we see Howie and Aj walk by, my friend got some pics and i got there autographs....Aj was wearing a Leopard Skin cowboy hat haha... well then my friend goes to me LISA TURN AROUND so i turned around and who bumps into me? BRIAN LITTRELL!!!! I screamed in his ear...aww I felt bad well anyway then kevin comes in front of me and goes in. I'm like OMG OMG OMG!!! and that was the end of that party whoo that was now we went back to our's now like 3 o'clock in the morning we didn't get to bed until who knows when but i only got 24 minutes of sleep....well anyways we woke up to larger than life cause we bought the CD from some guy....well at like 7 we went to wait on line to go into the special ( ya know the 2 hour live thing) on 5/16/ you know we're waiting till like 11:30 and then we went in. they seated us right were they were walking into the place. so when they came in I like touched all of their hands. and gave Brian the lil' Chihuahua beanie baby. which he was playing with on his knee in the beginning of the show.Ok well into the show I started to just ya know stare at AJ for alittle bit..and then i notice he is staring back at me. But I had a fake tattoo thing on, he was staring at it for like 10 minutes, while I'm sitting their about to cry with a big smile across my face like OH MY GOD AJ IS STARING AT ME!so then he finally smiled back because he was probably thinking OK this girl is like 14 and has a tattoo....well anyway during the commercial...Kev was staring and said "I like your shirts"(we had tank tops on that said MILLENNIUM) so I was like THANKS and asks him to sign sumtin after the show! and he said ok one minute and after the show he singed my millennium CD. I got great pics and brian's lookin at me in 2 of um. I'll try and scna them for you too.....but OH MY GOD! my stories not over yet! on Tuesday 5/18/99 i went back into the city to try and get into TRL but that didn't work. so you know that SNL party i told you about well a photographertold me thta they were having a party a this place called The Globe and me and my friends went to meet them there! 1st howie showed up signed some CD's and then went inside...he used my pen! then AJ came and we sung i wnat it that way and he came over and said "I promise i'll come back out and sign stuff i promise you guys" (but i had to leave b/c i was sick and about to puke) but i stayed and waited for Nick, Kev, brian, and they showed up soon after Nick gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek...I was dieing! he signed my CD along with Kev who singed it at MTV, when kevin came over he was liKe hey i remember you guysfrom thta sunday thing...we're like YOU DO? COOL! but brian walked in with his g/f and didn't come over. nick's g/f was also there too. she was OK haha Well that's about it for now! If I meet them again which may be in September I'll be sure to tell you!

~Lisa Littrell~


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