*~My BacKsTReeT's PLaNeT*~

Pictures are best viewed with Netscape.

Well I just found out dat on certain internet server some of the pics. do not show up. I'm very sorry. All I know are the pics and everything work perfectly on AOL. I'm so very sorry. But I am goin to change some of da things into JPG files so it well view on all kind of internet servers. So most of da pix u will be able to see now.


Hi! Hope you will like this site. I love the BSB and I want to make this site to show how much I love them. This site is 100% rumour free from what I know. This site is not completly done, and there will be more stuff added. Hope you like!!! Thanx.


If the links have this (*) by it. It means that it has been updated.

~*A nOtE 4 Da FaNs*~

Hi PeoPle!!! I have updated da site for dis week wit some new pixs dat i've scan. Well i'm havin final exmas/midterm for all my classes. dats comin up, so i'm not sure if i will be updatin until February. Cus i want to devote as much time as I can to studyin. Since rite now I got D's in geometry and global studies. Hope u understand, byeeeeee!!!


Go get the Backstreet Boys "Millennium." If you haven't yet. It's really good. It'll be worth it.

*~CoNcErT ReViEwS*~

My BsB CoNcErT ReViEw OcT. 14,1999

My BsB CoNcErT PiXs. OcT. 14, 1999

SuSie BsB CoNcErT PiXs. OcT. 15, 1999

~*BacKsTReeT PiXs*~

*GrOuP PiXs

*SpEcIaL PiXs

TheSe PiX aRe InDiViDuAls & GrP ShOtS DaT FiT InTo A CeRtAiN CaTeRgORy

~*InDiViDuAl PiX*~

AJ's PiXs

BrIaN's PiXs

HoWiE's PiXs

KeViN's PiXs

NiCk'S PiXs


BacKsTReeT's BiO

FiNd OuT HoW tHeY GoT ToGeThEr

~*InDiViDuAl FaCt ShEeT*~

AJ's FaCtS

BrIaN's FaCtS

HoWiE's FaCtS

KeViN's FaCtS

NiCk's FaCts


BacKsTReeT's BoYs

~*InDiViDuaL TraNsCrIpTs*~

AJ's TraNsCrIpTs

HoWiE's TraNsCrIpTs

KeViN's TraNsCrIpTs

NiCk'S TraNsCrIpTs

BrIaN's TraNsCrIpTs
BrIaN DoEsN't HaVe OnE YeT

~*BsB DaTeS*~


BsB ToUr DaTeS


*BsB NeWs

AlWaYs UpDaTeD

~*SaY WhAt (LyRIcS)*~



FaNs ExPerIeNce WiT ThE GuYs!

~*WiN My AwArD*~

BsB AwArD InFo

This month winner of my BSB award for most creative site goes to Missy wit her AJ site. Its really cool. Come check it out.

~*BsB LiNks*~

SoMe BsB SiTe DaT I rEaLlY LiKe

~*I NeeD YoUr HeLp!*~

If you guys have ever met the Backstreet Boys please e-mail me your story of your experience. And if you guys have pictures, that would even be better. If you guys are able to do that, I'll promise to put it up on our site and give you guys your credit. So please send us your experience. Thanx.

Hope you like this site! More pictures coming soon.

Click on my banner if u want to put my banner link on your site. It will take you to the HTML code. If u did that, thank u very much.

Come Visit My AJ's Site!

This is Maggie AJ Page. Come check it out. She teach me a lot bout makin a page. And I wanna give big thanx to her.

Vote for "Show Me The Meaning" on TRL. Lets try to get it number one straight until they get retired. It would be a TRL record.

An award I won. Cool huh. My first.

If the banner don't show up. Right click the x and click on show picture.

Sign My Guest Book!

Tell me what you thought of my web page.

Last Updated: January 7,2000

This site will be usually updated weekly or daily.

Site Went up On April 22,1999

Add Me!

Always remember:

"Live life to the fullest for future is scarce/sacred."

-Nick Carter

Email me. I love getting emails! I'll email u back if u have a question.

Email: crazyazngurl637@aol.com