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Cindy And Gwendy Concert Review

Concert review from Ghent, Belgium, June 2nd 1999!

First it was Tatjana Ali. She came up around 8.35pm. She was very good, but she stood the whole time on one side of the stage. So we didn't see her much, but she sings really well. She also did a Will Smith medley. After about 20 minutes she said goodbye and left the stage. Now it was waiting for the ultimate show: a concert of the best group in the whole wide world -> the Backstreet Boys!!!

After a couple of minutes the lights go out and the band shows up. Everybody started screaming! The band starts to play music from the movie "Star Wars" and the dancers came up with Chinese torches in their hands. They each go to one side of the stage. Suddenly there's a lot of firework behind us and the guys come out, standing on surfboards. The first one we see is Nick. They surf above the heads of the fans and land safely on stage. AWESOME!!! The dancers help them to make the cords loose, but it seems that Brian has a littl' problem with his cords. Finally they're loose. They all stand in a line and Kevin steps forward. He holds his hand against his ear and nod 3 times. They do this on every side and then they each stand on a side of the stage. They're wearing a kind of spacey outfit. A blue checkered T-shirt with long sleeves, a blue vest with 3 belts and black pants. AJ is wearing a red monocle (eyeglass). They start with the song "Larger than life", which is dedicated to us, the fans! Kevin is dancing in front of us and is looking extremely good. At the end of the song there's firework. The next songs are "Get Down" and "The One". Brian comes to our side and he's definitely back, because he's making funny faces old the time. Nick also comes to our side for a moment. Then they all go standing on the upper platform and dance crazy. Brian is shaking his butt. ;-)

Nick says hello and welcomes us to the concert. He also says:"The reason why we start our European tour here in Belgium is because we were discovered in Belgium!". Thanks Nick! In the meanwhile the others put on a long black coat. Then the others come and talk with us, while Nick put on his coat. Brian promised us that we don't have to wait that long anymore for the next concert and AJ toast on the new album 'Millennium'. Howie thanks us for making "I want it that way" number one and Kevin tells us that he loves us. Than the next song begins; "As long as you love me", including the chair-routine. But…Kevin's chair is stuck behind his coat and the chair falls on the ground. But he makes funny faces and continues with dancing. We encourage him by screaming "Go Kevin go Kevin". After the chair-routine they go off stage. The dancers keep dancing with the chairs, so the waiting doesn't take long.

After about 5 minutes they come back. This time they're dressed in a kinda moto-cross outfit with leather pants. Very HOT! The song "Quit playin'games" begins. They each go and sit on one side, while the dancers put them a safety belt on with two cables attached. Nobody knows why. They count to three and than they're pulled up. Amazing! They also fly into the direction of the public gallery. Howie is on one side of us and Brian on the other side. Brian is very calm, because you all know he's afraid of heights. Poor B-Rok! He's acting like he's riding on a bike. But Howie,… man, he's definitely not afraid of heights. He's turning round and round, he even hangs up-site-down. I don't know how they dare, but it's fantastic! I see Kevin also hanging up-site-down. He just can't touch the fans. After a while they land safely, without any accidents. Pfew! In the meanwhile some co-workers put ladders on stage. During the song "Don't want you back" they all climb on the ladders and do stunts, again!  AJ is standing on our side. And I most tell you all, he's looking great again. His hair is blond and I can see his tattoos. After that they bring 5 mothers with their daughters on stage. They each take a mother and a daughter and go standing on one side of the stage and sing "The Perfect Fan", that is dedicated to all the mothers in de audience. The mothers go sit and the Backies take the daughters and go for a walk around the stage, hand in hand. It's so beautiful! After this moment the boys ask us what's our favorite song from the new album, and then they tell us their fave songs. In the meanwhile the piano comes down, which Kevin takes place behind. The other four take place on the stairs. During the song "Back to your heart" the piano and Kevin go up. Beautiful! After that they disappears for the next act. After a while we hear thunder and rain. There's also wind and steam coming out of the rockets which are hanging above the stage. When you close your eyes it's just like you're in the jungle. The upper platform comes up and on the side of it are nets. The dancers and the guys are hanging in it. They are all dressed in white. The first tunes of "Everybody" start. The boys dance and sing better and better. "Everybody" is the first song of a medley they're doing. "We've got it goin' on" and "That's the way I like it" are the others. Brian comes dancing in front of us. And girls, he's looking so goooood. After de medley the band start to play a jazz-song and the guys go off stage to change their outfit.

After ten minutes the upper platform comes up and the boys are sitting on stools wearing grey vests and pink pants. They are really handsome in that. They sing "I'll never break your heart" and "No one else comes close"! After that they come back wearing a pink coat and grey had. They perform "All I have to give", including the had-routine. AJ stands in front of us. Then Howie tells us that the next song is dedicated to Denniz Pop, who recently past away. The song is "Show me the meaning". It's really an emotional moment for the guys.

After a longer break than before they show up wearing casual clothes. Brian -> jeans, white T-shirt and a cap. Nick -> orange pants, T-shirt with number '12'. Howie -> green pants, green T-shirt with white stripes. AJ -> green pants, leather vest, had with tigerprint. Kevin -> black pants, T-shirt with no sleeves-black with white spots. Nice!!! They bring the song "It's gotta be you". After that they all stand in line, including dancers, and say goodbye. They do this on every side. But……we all want more! Every fan starts to scream "We want more!". For the encore they sing "I want it that way"! But then it's over. They thank us for coming to the show and hope that we had a good time. We sure had, no question about that. When they go off stage they have to past us, because that's the only way out. Suddenly I see Brian running in front of me. I reach out but I missed. SHOOT!!! AJ, Howie and Nick also come true. Then it's Kevin turn. I reach out as far I can, and yes!!! I touched him, only for a second, but that's enough for me.

Okay!!! That's the whole story. Hope you all liked it. I sure did. Sorry that you had to wait so long, but it took me a lot of time to write it. I had to get info from magazines and other fans, but I made it! If you have any other questions, just ask us!!! We will answer them with pleasure. Penpallies are also welcome!

Our e-mailaddys are:

And if one of you go to a concert, have lots of fun. Let us know how you think about it!

See Ya!!!


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