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DTM is the most professional military magazine in Taiwan


Dang Yang 911   /    Lloyd Thomas   DD764


This page was just completed today (October 22) by one of editors in DTM.
Through this we believe those old tin cans have attracted the eyes of our society.

Click on the above site to see the DTM site.

Below are more pictures from DTM Archives.
It is so fantastic to see these pictures of a long ago friend.  
Click on the pictures to see a larger view.



DTM01.jpg (48689 bytes)      DTM2.jpg (43152 bytes)      DTM3.jpg (60795 bytes)      DTM4.jpg (84678 bytes)      DTM5.jpg (53363 bytes) 

Radars  /  Historical picture  /   Fire control director  /  Aft mast, fire control director of Bofors 40mm in front of chaff  / Sonar Room

 DTM6.jpg (43582 bytes)      DTM7.jpg (50408 bytes)       DTM8.jpg (88982 bytes)      DTM9.jpg (34789 bytes)      DTM10.jpg (45354 bytes)

Sonar       /      Fire control director     /      Sonar control panel      /     Bofors 40mm Gun     /       ???

DTM11.jpg (81603 bytes)        DTM12.jpg (44250 bytes)        DTM13.jpg (64997 bytes)         DTM14.jpg (94894 bytes)       DTM15.jpg (23877 bytes)

???    /            ECM antenna nearby Aft mast    /       ECM     /    Bofors 40 mm Gun   /    5"/38 Gun's aiming window

DTM16.jpg (45819 bytes)       DTM17.jpg (46069 bytes)       DTM18.jpg (45857 bytes)       DTM19.jpg (60554 bytes)       DTM20.jpg (66446 bytes)

 5"/38 Gun's aiming window  / The entrance of 5"/38 Gun  /   Inside 5"/38 Gun        /    Mount 52         /     Bridge        

DTM21.jpg (38082 bytes)                         DTM22.jpg (42932 bytes)                    DTM23.jpg (37495 bytes)

Triple missile launcher of Hsung-Fung I surface to surface (Gabriel in Israel)   /   Depth charge releasing rack  / Dang Yang 911