First of all, Jesus loves there

Past Employment

ca. 2500 BCA : Had a hand in the construction of the pyramids in Egypt.

100 BCA : Wrote a little book, called "See if you Believe This...". Was later renamed "New Testament" or something...
Age 11 to 13: Assistant to sociology professor helping to determine if children are willing to kill other children for small trinkets. This experiment is later dubbed the "Lord of the Flies" syndrome.

June 3, 1982 to June 30 1983: Third base and second Fiddle, New Bethlehem Phil Harmonica/Baseball Team - Eastern Beirut division.

When he was a mere lad of 18&3/4 he walked from Toronto, he was there visiting his great-grandmother on his mother's side, to The Florida Everglades in an effort to "discover" himself. While there he became an aligator wrestler. That was where he met his first wife, Sharon, the local whore. It didn't last however, because he was jealous that she earned more than 3 times the pay he did. He traveled further into the Gulf area where he imatated the lovely flamingos. how he loved them. They tasted great with Worsteshire Sauce and the plumes , when carefully sewn, made lovely outfits for him.
Three days before his twentieth birthday, Gruntwilligar had decided once and for all that he had had more than enough of the mundane life he had lived thus far. Ignoring constant recruitment offers from various international military services, he moved to a remote farmhouse in Arkansas, where he set up his own penguin breeding service. Within a few weeks, he learned that the climate in Arkansas was far too warm for breeding happy and well-adjusted penguins, and moved the operation to the Antarctic. From there, his business took off, but made no money whatsoever, as the costs of shipping smooth round stones to the bottom of the world was too high.