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Benjamin's Very Own Webpage

Here I am- July 2000

In the first picture, I am 6 months old. In the second picture, I am 15 months old (March 2000). Now I'm 2! In the bottom picture I am 3 months old!

Baby Benjamin

Mickey MouseMy name is Benjamin Lee. I have two older sisters that always take good care of me. I am in training to be a missionary! Grandpa bought me an orange sign for my room that says, "Missionary Training Zone". I have a nice navy blue suit and ties for Sunday. I wear a future missionary pin. I love to get attention from everyone!
I am all boy! I am very good at football, and touchdowns and I'm the best at tackling! I just cling really tight until we both fall down!
I talk really well now. Mommy says its because I have two big sisters to try and compete with! Most everyone can understand me.
Everywhere I go, I get attention! I love it! Grown-ups will come up to me and want "five." I'm pretty good at that too!

Pictures of me when I was a baby. The newest pictures of me!

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Last updated April 8, 2001