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Sweet Pea Cailynn's Webpage!


My name is Cailynn Jean. I have red hair and brown eyes. I am 5 years old. I take very good care of my sister and brother. I am such a good girl for my mom and dad.
I love it when people say things about my red hair. I always remember it and it makes me feel good. I collect Disney movies and books. They are my favorite! My mom tries to get everything Disney for me. My favorite Disney movie is "Toy Story 2"
I have my own room. It has red hearts on the walls and on the trim near the ceiling. On the ceiling its painted blue and there are clouds and stars. I love it. I have my own red bunkbed.
Next school year I will begin Kindergarten! I'm so excited! Mommy is going to homeschool me.

This is my ballet recital page for when I had my ballet performance in 1999. The latest pictures of me!
My Second Birthday Page My Third Birthday Page

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This page was created byS Baker
"For my darling daughter, Cailynn"