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Chrisy Bear's Webpage


Pooh bearChrisy bear Hi, my name is Charisa (ka-ris-ah)Marie Baker. My nick-name is Chrisy. I am 3 years old! I have a younger brother named Benjamin and a older sister named Cailynn. I love to play with and harass my older sister. I love take care of my brother, Benjamin. I always go wake Benjamin up in the morning and let him out of the room. Mommy gets upset, but I don't understand why? I'm just helping my brother!
I love to carry purses around and notebooks. I do the "budget" all the time! I always have a notebook and pen to get people to sign "checks" for me too. Mommy says I'm such a grown up little girl!

Chrisy bear
This is me when I was 1 1/2!

New Pictures of me! Pictures of me when I was younger

Please sign my Dreambook!
So I can have sweet dreams!
Would you like to see my Dreambook?

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This webpage created by SBaker
"For my Darling Chrisy Bear".