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My Spanish Page!

Okay hi people! This is my spanish page, as you know, duh! Anyway, I know how to speak spanish, so I thought that I would share with you guys just a few words in Spanish, so that maybe you would like to speak spanish someday! Its really a neat lanuage.
Here are some words in Spanish:

Hello: Hola

Goodbye: ĄAdois!

Yes: si

No: No

Please: Por favor

Girl: Amiga

Boy: Amigo

Horse: Caballo

I: me

Bathroom: bano

Book: Libra

Spanish: Espanole

The: la

Thank you: grachias

Thank you very much: Muchas grachias

Like: gusta

Blue: Azul

Purple: Maderado

Red: rojo

White: blanco

Yellow: armallo

Orange: Armarado

One-Hundred: ceni

I Like Horses!: Me gusta caballos!

Something fun here! Just use the words from above, and try and figure out what these Spanish people are saying! Its quite easy, and fun too! Once you figure it out, email me with the answer, plus your email and email, and you will get a prize! But plz make sure that the subject in the email is "spanish quiz". C'mon! Its something fun to do! Here it is:

A woman walks into a Spanish store after walking for a long time on the streets in Mexico. She is glad to see that the store is open, and goes up the the counter where an older man is tending the store. "Hola!" says the woman. "La bano por favor?" "Si," replies the store man, and points over to the door in the corner of the store. "Grachais," says the wonman, and walks in the room and comes out a few minutes later. She returns to the counter. "Me gusta la amiga bano. Muchas grachias. ĄAdios!" she calls as she walks out of the store. "ĄAdios!" yells the man.