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So You Want to be a SAHM???

Is something in your life amiss?
Do you feel stressed and time starved?
Do you wonder if you can REALLY quit your job??
Are you worried your husband or other family members won't be supportive??
Spending TOO much on daycare??

Do you long to be WITH your children?
Try these links -

I am living proof it CAN be done - if you have a strong commitment to it. Remember - we are a family of SEVEN! (see my family page for details!!) Yes, money is tight. But I also thought it was tight when I was working!! When we made the decision to have Cameron and Caroline, I knew I wanted to stay at home. I had the blessing of older children and with it the knowledge of how quickly they grow and how stressful the daycare and working scene was. Yes, there are a lot of working mothers. Just because so many people are doing it does not make it OK. I am thirty seven and when I think back to my own childhood, I think of how different things seemed to be. Brand name labels were not important in school, it was if you had the "style." In the absense of living in a shack or driving a smoking old clunker, the size of your house or the type of car you drove really didn't matter either. Why has that changed?? Why have we allowed ourselves to become so materialistic when this is the type of value we DON'T want to convey to our children?? Is a new mini-van - and the payments that go with it - really that important?? When going from a dual income family to a single income family, you do have to adjust your spending. Buy those name brands at re-sale shops, garage sales and thrift stores. We all know how hard kids are on clothes anyway, so no one will know but you! Choose a used, economical automobile. Find fun, free, or low-cost things to do with your family. Before you quit your job - RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH!!! You'd be surprised all the ways you can save money and there are many frugal living related sites on the Internet. Remember - your job COSTS yThe time that they are small and the most vulnerable is so, so short. In the span of a lifetime, five or ten or even fifteen years, is such a small portion - especially to devote to what is most dear to you. You can always resume your career when they are older. But you can never go back and capture those tender, special years. Just Remember - Where there is a will, there IS a way!