I am a Protector; I have a few subs under my protection. They come to me with anything and everything, simply because they know I will be there to listen and to help them as much as I possibly can. I am there to meet the one they may become interested in, to get to know this Dom/Domme, and make sure that this person is someone that is right for my friend. Before the meeting with the Dom/Domme even takes place, I know what they are looking for in a Master/Mistress, for that is one thing, among many others, that we cover before I even take them under my protection. A good Protector will know how the sub he/she takes under their wing reacts to things that may happen, and how they react to the ways of other Dom/Dommes and subs as well. He/She will know what makes them tick, and know where they stand on certain issues.
I give the ones I protect guidance when needed. I am not saying I know all, I can only share my own personal viewpoint. If anyone does tell you they know all, they are lying to you, for no one can possibly know all, every situation is different, with different players. And what I don’t know, I do my best to find out the answers, for them or with them, but the answers are always found.
A Protector is a HANDS OFF position, so don’t let anyone tell you any different. Although, in some cases, the Protector may become the subs Master, which sometimes works, but sometimes it doesn’t. So be careful. Personally, the feelings of a Protector and a sub should never cross the line of Master/sub, but then again, that is just my personal viewpoint.
There are certain rules a Protector gives a sub that He/She is protecting. These may vary depending on the persons involved. These rules are also consensual and are for the well being of the sub, so he/she should FOLLOW THEM and not stray from them.
A Protector has your best interest at heart, so make sure you have the right one. Looking for the right Master, as well, takes time. Patience and a bit of looking is the key to finding either, a good Protector or a good Master. Just take your time in whatever you do, it will happen. You have to have faith that it will.
I have found that a lot of the best answers and information comes from the subs that are in the realm, the ones that have been here for a while. They are themselves, and they have seen a lot of things happen. They are willing to help other sisters/brothers out, to steer them away from the wrong Dom/Dommes, who they may think as a player, wannabe, etc. But you can always count on your subbie sisters/brothers; they will not let you get hurt in any way, hopefully, if they are good enough friends.
This is all my own personal experience and opinions so please don’t take offense in this page, or what is stated here. The ones that may take offense are probably the Dom/Dommes I have mentioned above…… I just wanted a place that people can come to for answers, and not be afraid to ask questions and hopefully, get the answers they are looking for.
My name is Master_Eternal, and if I can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask. My sub, EternalDesires, and I myself spend most of our time in Vp helping others, so please ASK. We are a Real time couple, and are more then happy to help out as much as we can. Thank you for taking the time to visit our rooms, and please enjoy all of them at your leisure. The links at the bottom of this page are links to our personal pages, so please enjoy them with us.