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The Young Ladies

Welcoming Committee

Welcoming Leader
Lady Amilee
The welcoming committee is here to make all new members welcome.
This committee is expecially for the age 13 - 18 years old. We wanted
to make a group for the younger Ladies. They have so much to add to
this ring. Good ideas, suggestions, etc. Here, the Young Ladies have a
leader at their age, and she is here to help and guide you.
You will receive information about the ring, and all the
committees. The welcoming committee is visiting all the new
members homepages, and signing the guestbooks with gifts.
Prepare to make a page for all the gifts and surprises *smile*
If you have any questions when you have joined, and you are one
of our Young Ladies, thisis the place to go. We are trying the best we can to
answer any questions, and if you want to join one of the committees,
send an e-mail to Amilee and let her know.
NOTE: This will be better organized when we get more members.
The webring is only a week old, and we can't get nothing but better:o)
But we have started, that's what counts, my friends.
If you have any suggestions to committes, or things that this ring
should have, we would love to hear it!