Hidden Characters
- Age:
- Symbol:
- Style:
Break Dancing
- 1st Costume:
A white jumpsuit and red stripes with an "F" (for Fire of course) in the middle. On the back, he has a cowboy hat
- 2nd Costume:
A red jumpsuit and white stripes with an "F" in the middle. This time he doesn't have a hat.The cuffs on the pants are burnt.
- Attack:
Heat creates a massive fire ball and throws it at the opponent
- Stage:
It is like a factory that manages lava. You dance on a elevator. Depending on your dancing (if it is good or bad) your destination where the elevator stops at the end of the song is different.
- Music:
Hip-hop Rap. SLower tempo and more "frendly" than the Bust the Move(first one)one.
~Back Up~
- Age: 16
- Symbol:
Cocktail glass
- Style:
Rollerblade Dance
- 1st Costume:
Waitress costume. Note that the rear of her skirt is transparent
- 2nd Costume:
Black Bunny outfit
- Attack:
Casts a spell and the opponent turns into various stuff (frog, rice bowl, etc.)
- Stage:
In front of the Sushi Planet drive in restaurant.
- Music:
Bouncy kind of music... don't really know the style. J-Pop perhaps?
- Notes:
she's supposed to be Frida's younger sister, but for one thing, Frida was black, and Comet is white... and...they really don't look alike
>~Back Up~
- Age:
- Icon:
Like a sign on a Women's Washroom door
- Style:
Hip-Hop Street Dancing (?)
- 1st Costume:
Extremely long sleeved white shirt and blue pants. Very Hip-hop! Her hair is
tied to her sides. Columbo sits upon her head wearing a small baseball cap.
- 2nd Costume:
Black Hip-hop costume with a white "S" in the middle of her shirt. Hair is tied
in loops. Columbo sits inside her backpack.
- Attack:
A large cake falls and flattens her opponent!
- Stage:
Riding on a raft, the dances tour the "Jungle Tour" fun park on a river.
- Music:
Cute kid like song. I think it's pretty good, but then again, I've always been a
fan of Shorty
>~Back Up~
- Age:
- Symbol:
a hand holding a bag of money
- Style:
Seems like Rave or Hip-Hop style
- 1st Costume:
Black tanktop and bellbottom pants. Has an "S" in the middle of the shirt. Wears bug-eyed sunglasses and also has a long ponytail (the ponytail I hate)!
- 2nd Costume:
Same as the 1st costume with a very loose yellow shirt over the tanktop and no ponytail!
- Attack:
Takes out his GAT and starts shooting. The screen "shatters" if the attack connects!
- Stage:
In front of a bank vault. Alarms and security systems go off as time moves on.
- Music:
Gangsta Rap.... BOI! To me, it is hard to stay on the beat with the rapping. I like the old Strike Song better.
~Back Up~
Age: 11
Symbol: 10 yen coin
Style: I have no idea, it looks like a kid trying to break dance
1st Costume: Blue school uniform with a backpack.
2nd Costume: Red school uniform with a backpack.
Attack: A door appears in front of the opponent. It opens and a load of bricks drop from the window sill onto the opponent. First time I did the attacked. I was surprised in a way. Very unique attack.
Stage: In front of a rich looking Japanese style house.
Music: Nice upbeat song, it sounds like a fast pop song, makes you very happy! :)>
~Back Up~
- Age:
- Symbol:
Two intertwined lines
- Style:
Capoeira (if you didn't know capoeira is mainly a fighting/dance style)
- 1st Costume:
Nothing changed really. Same as always
- 2nd Costume:
Their skin tone is green.
- Attack:
A sattelite shines a beam on the opponent, shrinking the body, but not the head!
- Stage:
Its in their ship. It it different than the first one. You see Chichi and sally rolling around.
- Music:
Techno remix of their first song, sans lyrics. In my opinion it gets boring. It keeps on repeating. I like the old one better. There is this part I like when they do solos and the songs as a nice beat to it.
>~Back Up~
- Age:
- Symbol:
- Style
: Zombie Dance (like michael jackson in Thriller)
- 1st Costume:
It is a blue captain costume. He has a ax in his head and looks very gross and decapitated
- 2nd Costume:
The skin tone is a different color- orange.
- Attack:
He removes his head and throws it at the opponent. The head does a eating motion towards the opponent.
- Stage:
Pirate Ship
- Music:
Very fast grung rock dance music. It is very cool.
~Back Up~
- Age:
- Symbol:
Burning cigaretteStyle: 70's disco
- 1st Costume:
White leisure suit. Think John Travolta in "Staying Alive"
- 2nd Costume:
Blue sailor costume.
- Attack:
Tosses a picture at his opponent.
- Stage:
Disco dance floor, complete with disco ball and floor lighting! Kind of Similar as the old Hiro stage.
- Music:
Disco! "Dance like the Hiro" is definitely not as good as his theme song in Bust-A-Move 1. But, how could they top "The Natural Playboy"? That is my all time favorite!
- Webmasters Favorite BAM Character!
~Back Up~
- Age:
- Symbol:
A can of Tuna
- Style:
- 1st Costume:
It is very robotic. Main color is white. It is like her techno cat costume
- 2nd Costume:
Same exact thing but with different colors. Main color is black.
- Attack:
A HUGE claw come up above and grabs the opponent. The opponent disappears for while than is dropped
- Stage:
It is held in a Music Studio set with cameras and lights.
~Back Up~
- Age:
- Symbol:
- Style:
I can't really describe. Its like her style in the first game.
- 1st Costume:
A police outfit with shorts. WHite socks, black shows and a baton
- 2nd Costume:
"Rich Tycoon". She has a mustache drawn on her face and has a cane. SHe wears pants that are pinstriped.
- Attack:
She gets a megaphone out of nowhere and screams a high pitched scream.
- Stage:
It is in a middle of a traffic jam in the city. There has been an accident with a helicopter and police cars.
- Music:
It is kinda pop and very slow
~Back Up~
Hidden Characters
- Age
: ??
- Icon
: The symbol is ?
- Style
: Dances like Kelly
- Attack
: Balls of fire form into one and he roars making the fire ball hits the opponent.
- 1st Costume
: Green scales with yellow with a white stomach.
- 2nd Costume
: same thing except with pink purplish scale
~Back Up~
- Age:
- Symbol:
a box with a japanese symbol
- Style: Geisha - a traditional japanese dance
- 1st Costume:
In the Beginning he was a little baby panda bear than later he transforms to his real self.He looks like he put make up all over body to look like a "panda" with a shoe on one foot.
- 2nd Costume:
Same thing except he has a flower on his head.
- Attack:
She gets a megaphone out of nowhere and screams a high Its really freak. Its like all these hands attack you and it goes topsey>
- Stage: In the beginning its a really white room with tv screens or something and on those screen it shows very disturbing pictures. It changes if you are doing well.
- Music: Very Freaky Dance Music. Its really fast but he dances really slow.
~Back Up~
Hidden Characters