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Header Photo Copyright Jay Adeff, not to be used without explicit permission, see more of his great photography at

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Win my Award

I have an award that I give out to Naomi sites. This is a prestigious award and will be given out to only the sites who have shown to stand out above the rest.


Updates, how frequent


Graphics, pleasing to look at, all pages must look neat and well matching

Credit, give it where it is due

That's it! If you do not win it, you will get a Nice Naomi Site Award and you may try again when you think you have bettered your site. If your site doesn't win the Marvelous Naomi Site award the first time around, don't be offended, what really counts is that it is a tribute to Naomi and what it really is about is recognizing a wonderful skater with a bright future. 

Sample of the Marvelous Naomi Site Award:

Please Fill Out This Form:

Your name:
Your email address: (e.g.:
Your Site Name:
Your Site URL:
What's special about your site?

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The Naomi Nari Nam Experience is Copyright 2000, All graphics made by me using Paint Shop Pro 6. Thanks for coming by!