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Returning from 1st deployment

USS Rathburne's new Homeport

When USS Rathburne, the U.S. navy's newest Destroyer escort arrived in Pearl Harbor she was assigned to Desron 35. Later it would be assigned to both desron 25 and 33. Looking for arrival photos and Desron Logos. If you can help with either please e-mail and submit.


Finding housing and settling in new home

If you took your Family to Hawaii I would like to hear from you. Looking for stories of interest and how were you greeted. Was the Navy sponsor program in place yet or did that take a while yet. I've herd from a couple of plank owners that give some info but still waiting from those who brought there family to Hawaii.

Pineapple Fleet Logo

This was one of the three destroyer squadron logo's that at one time or another the Rathburne would have been part of. If you have a scan of either the Desron 25 or the Desron 35 logo's please submit them/


Still needed is the Desron 35 Tiki logo

When I received this logo in the email it said he copyed the logo and cleaned it up with a phptp eiditor ot make the logo appear like  new. Thanks Gary for clearing it up. He was also able to do the same with the  Desron 33 logo.

I think that will give us all the desron that rathburne was assigned to in Pearl Harbor. But whith the changing and resizing there may be a different squadron. If you know of any other Squadron that rathburne was assigned to please submit inormation to update the desron logo.


First hand Look at the Memorial

This photo was from first hand list posting, photo from on board the USS Arizona Memorial. Listing is the names of those entombed in the wreckage. I would recommend anyone that passes through Hawaii make the effort to visit. I remember the first day I was in Hawaii they were filming the movie: Tora-Tora-Tora. And I thought it fitting to visit. Glad I did.

 If you haven't already signed the guest book please take time to do so. That way other shipmates may find you. If you are a family member of past crew member and have info, such as the service member passing on, e-mail for addition to Memorial page of past shipmates. General info or looking for ??? can also be posted on the guest book.