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My Special salute page

Mike starting ships generator

I want to thank time and add a special salute to Rathburne Shipmates.First is Mike Hickman MM3 Aux 1. I was not stationed aboard the same time as Mike but now have been working with him about ten years. He knew I had other ship site's on the web and convinsed me to start one for the Rathburne. Some may know that one of Mike's hobbies was photography. The bad part of that is he no longer has most of the photos he took while stationed on board. Some given away some lost. But he did share a cruse book and some photos he had taken on board. So for present he has worked his way into top billing.

Here is a sample of Mike's handy work. Thats him in the picture. He gave me some photos of him that he had developed on the ship. I only wish that he had more from around the rest of the ship. Most of the photos he would give a copy to some of his friends. the majority that he had have been misplaced or accidently thrown out.

Telephone, thing it could be long distance

I don't know what makes the phone booth absorbe noise. But I will say it works. The space is noisy and when you stick your head in everything goes quiet. Maybe they should put some of these out in town.

I don't know what material they put in to deaden the noise but these things really did work. When you stuck your head in one of these phone booths all the noise from the space disappeared.  Like majic you could carry on a normal conversation without yelling.

Aux one machinery room

Making checks after placing load on generator.

You know the navy check and then double check. Here Mike can verify the double check with proof. See that thingy over there? What' that thingy for? Its a gauge you dummie. Oh! Just kidding.

Mike knew I had put togather a page on the Stoddard and the Dewey. There wasn't a page for Rathburne sailors and I told him I didn't have enough material other than a few pictures. He said he loan me his cruse book to Help. the First page may be mine but the Next 15 cound not exist except with photoes scanned from his Cruise Book. So if you have stuck arround long enough to find this page e-mail Mike and say THANKS. His is the first entry on the guest book. Mike is nicknamed Mako at work. You may want to ask him how he got the name. And of course he would particular like to hear from those he served with.  He also served on USS Stien
de/FF1065. I copied a Stein cruise book and pictures for him. So if you were on the Stein you may also Know him.