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More Rathburne Shots

Welcome to Rathburne’s online photo album. If you were lucky enough to be celebrating the "76" Bi Centennial here are a few shots that may look familiar to you. It is very Familiar to both newly reported and tourist. Waikiki Town, we use to call it. This page is constantly under revision and construction.

No Hawaii pictures would be complete without a Hawaiian sunset. Here a sunset is captured while out on local operations. If you took some pictures of downtown, the local clubs or maybe a trip to the local Islands do you have pictures to share?














1976 memories of P.I. Pictures

From working in fields to market





Open-air markets to Sary-Sarry stores


Shopping is a little bit different but fun. The people are friendly.








Special Events

Most everyone will find there way out on Grange Island. The base runs regular boat service to the Island from dusk to Dawn. Besides just kicking back to patty the main things I also remember doing is scuba diving, snorkeling or just viewing the island sites..

Click picture for larger view.




You can still find gun emplacements fro the time of the Spanish American wad and W.W.I.I vintage.