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Are we in the Last Days?

This seems to be the topic among many across the globe. Christians as well as non-believers know something �big� is to take place. History has given us so much! If we look throughout history we can see where we once were to where we are today. Giving us the reason for the major question: Are we in the Last Days? I firmly believe we are in these days as it is spoken in the Bible as well as many scholars have researched and written upon this very topic. As we look in the most historical book of time, the Bible, we will see what is revealed in the pages that lay between the cover of this most awesome book.

Why would we think our generation is anymore special than the ones that have come and gone before us? As many claim, all the other generations have said the very thing we claim today. That we are that �last generation.� However, if we look closer than we have ever looked before, we are that generation.

As we head in the 21st Century we will look over the last 20 that have come and gone. From the time the world was created to the end of the 19th century we find that a lot took place. But, in the last 100 years we have gained more knowledge in all aspects of this world, than all 19 centuries before. Prior to this century, the means of transportation was in the form of horses and wagons; vessels were made of wood. Henceforth, in the 20th century the automobile was introduced. We have seen the airplane technology increase beyond what we can truly imagine. Ships were mainly built out of wood, now the boat industries have gained more knowledge in how to use metal as the shell of the crafts. Boats were man powered by oars, now they are powered by diesel fuel and some crafts use jet fuel to burn. The average knot was approximately 1 to 2 in earlier centuries, however they range from 10 to 50 knots today. Air cushion vehicles can travel over the water surface up to speed of 50 miles per hour, then proceed over any other type of terrain.

The computer industries have rocketed to record heights. In the countries that are producing for the others that are less knowledgeable have trillions of dollars in the debt factors. Can you image what our forefathers of the United States would think if they were here today in the flesh? They would literally be amazed and would not believe what they see. For today through the computer industries we talk to peoples from all nations. Is this not a sign? The computer industries are working hard each day to find other ways to introduce more easily carried computers. We have them now as small as a candy bar that one can carry in a jacket pocket or a hand purse.

If we research we will see that the first computer built was as big as a conference room, only to be built now to the pocket size of today�s needs. Major businesses or organizations truly depend upon the computer age. What is going to happen if the technology breaks down, the computers seize to operator? Where can we go and find a modern day typewriter? Do we look in the stores or do we look in the Antique shops or even stop along the way at a garage sale for one?

Stop and think just since you were born where this world has come from and where it is headed. In the early 1900s what was the rate of violence compared today? Sure the polls tell us one thing, but what is the violent rate really today? Do you think higher or lower than just ten years ago, what about one century ago, go further what about 19 centuries ago?

We are told throughout the bible to look at the signs that shall appear. Many in who don�t believe the bible to be truth, but just a great fictional book, will not see the signs that those in who believe the bible is literal truth. What signs do you see? Do you just see the sign of Jonah each day? Or do you see the signs of His coming?

The sign of Jonah is found in Matthew 16, Jesus says �When evening comes, you say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is red, and in the morning, Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast. You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.�

To those that have their trade in being a fisherman or one in who sails upon the ocean waters, rivers across the globe have a saying �Red sky in the morning sailors take warning, red sky at night sailors delight.� Where do you think this saying originally came from? It is that passage in which is quoted above. You can find it in Matthew 16:2-3.

Is this the only sign we that believe in Christ see today? I believe the answer is no! Why because there are many signs that have been revealed that soon our Lord and Savior would come back to gather His bride. Once this happens the years of great horrible and terrible things will enter in this world, like no other time has come. Are we not to keep watch, be ready like the five virgins with extra oil for their lamps? Are we to be like the other five, not be prepared for His coming? Which set of the five virgins are you camping with? Do you feel that you don�t need that extra oil for the lamp, or do you feel you have plenty extra on hand?

We read in Matthew 25:1-5 �At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.� What will you do, fall asleep or will you wait and watch the signs that appear for His coming?

We are to be alert (on guard) to resist the devil, stand firm in our faith, remember that our brothers and sisters are also going through the same sufferings as we are. (1 Peter 5:9) If we take upon the role of the foolish five virgins what are we doing? We are giving in to the ways of this world; we do not trust our faith. Remember that we only need faith the size of a mustard seed. (Matthew 17:20)

In battle we have squads that make up a platoon, platoons that make up a unit, units that make up a battalion, battalions that make up a brigade, brigades that make up a division. The military have plans drawn up to win the battle. We as the children of Christ are like the military statue we see in our military of today. The only differences are our plan was developed long before man was created. The plan is developed and it has been in action for a long time. It is soon to come to a closure. The battle is won! Christ has the VICTORY and those of who have proclaimed He is their Lord and Savior are included in the victory.

What are the most obvious signs that we have today that the generations before did not have, beside the ones previously mentioned above? Are there any obvious signs? The bible gives us signs to be looking for the return of Christ Jesus. In Acts 2:17-21 �In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions; your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.� Have not the sons and daughters prophesied, in our generation? Have not the sons seen visions? Have not the old men dreamed dreams? Have not the wonders been revealed in the heavens? Have not the signs been revealed on earth? What signs have been revealed this far? Are there anymore signs that can take place before the return of Jesus Christ?

I will continue this in a later message. I pray that you will read this and ask yourselves the questions that are throughout this message. Think upon all the questions herein, search the scriptures for the obvious answers. Don�t turn to man to reveal to you, turn to the one in who was given to us to do this the Holy Spirit. Allow yourselves to hear the voice of God in your heart, mind, and soul. God bless you all!

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