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Are these Signs of the End Times or Not

I wrote about “Are we in the Last Days’? Today, I want to address some of what I feel are signs that we in Christ should have already recognized. Remember, this is my thoughts and opinions on what I feel are some critical signs that we are in the last days prior to being rapture out of this world.

I spoke about the computer age. I don’t recall right off the top of my head, the time period or how long ago the first computer was in full action. But, as a child of 13 years old, I recall a bible study we had that lasted for what seemed like years. It was on the book of Revelation. The leader felt it was a must that us teenagers knew what this book was all about. This was the first time and only time until 1991 any one spoke of what John wrote that he saw. Why cause the seminaries across our land didn’t think anyone would understand what Revelation was all about. But, since I came back to church in the summer of 1991 through the summer of 1992, this was one of the main books that were being spoken in the walls of some of the churches.

I am going to take you back to 1973, we gathered in the living room of our bible study teacher’s home. Here we opened with a prayer and then sat in astonishment what the leader was talking about. Needless to say all of us teenagers went home scared to death. Let me tell you what he told us. As we sat listening, our bible study leader started to explain what John’s vision was about. It was not a good picture of what the world’s future held. He told us that there would be a time that the registers in the stores that were manually operated would be replaced with a computer system that would scan the prices. That the items would no longer have the prices written or stamped for us to see. What would replace this method would be a “bar code”. This ‘bar code’ would have everything about the item that the scanner would read; also in this bar code was three numbers that didn’t represent the item or anything about it. These three numbers are the same, one can be found at the beginning, one in the center, and one at the end of the code. These numbers are 6, 6, and 6; the number that is associated for the beast that is spoken in the bible.

Being teenagers we sat scared out of our skin but we listened, some for the first time in our lives, to the story that was being told to us. Some were sitting on the edge of the seat, ready to vacate the house. He continued to tell us more. He spoke of the introduction of credit cards to replace paper currency, the judgments to come, with every detail that was so terrifying. He also spoke of the ‘bar code’ that will be stamped permanently on either the forehand or the forehead. As he spoke the mental picture started forming in our minds. As we looked to each other we saw the fear in each other’s eyes.

We could not really grasp what it would be like in the future he was telling us about. Remember this was in the early 1970s, a group of youth learning what most Christians avoid even today. The leader of our group proceeded to tell us this time period would be about thirty or forty years from then, which puts it to today’s era. We thought wow it is when we would be around his age that he was then. Questions popped up about what about our children; what about those that died not hearing this, what if we are a part of this time period of the judgments, what would happen to us? Questions upon questions were asked. The more we asked the more we got scared.

Our study of the book of Revelation went on for about ten weeks, we gathered every Wednesday evening. The longer this study went the more teenagers started coming to the study. Before it was finished we had every high school student sitting in the study. (About 30 students in all) It ended up as one of the major lessons we talked about on bus rides to and from sport events that related to the bible. After the study was over many would not open the book of Revelation to read it. Many Christians today refuse to open the book and read. They claim it is confusing, it is too scary to read, hard to comprehend. But, I tell you my fellow brothers and sisters, we need to get in the book of Revelation and those that relate to it in the Old Testament. We need to teach other’s what is written within the last and most awesome book of the bible, in my opinion.

As time passed and the years came and gone the lessons from that year was still within my mind. I can recall the first time I went to the grocery store and there a scanner system had replaced the old manual register. It was the year of 1983. I didn’t notice this system until after I had gathered the items I needed. As I approached the register, I still didn’t notice it. Once I reached the conveyor belt I noticed how the lady was ‘ringing’ up my items. I looked behind me, to the front of me, and to both sides. I panicked needless to say. I looked back at the lady as she was continuing “to scan” these items. I recall telling her, Miss never mind continuing I will not be shopping here from this day forth. I left the register and walked out the store. Talking out loud, this is the end. Satan is now in the stores just like my bible study leader years ago had spoken of. I shook my head, looked back to the store, and seemed like it was all in slow motion.

I didn’t go back to that store for many years. Whenever I did go to a store I would first glance to see if the ‘old register’ was being used. I thought to myself, if I see the ‘old register’ then it was safe to buy items from this store. As years came and gone once more, more and more stores were going to the ‘scanner system’. As you know all major stores and businesses are using this system today.

Question is how did this bible study leader in 1973 know this was to take place? For the word computer, scanner system, nor bar code was used in plain language for us to see with our eyes. As you can imagine when I saw this taking place in 1983, I was scared once again about the vision that John had, of what is to come. There are times even today I get a little scared of what the judgments will really be like, what the world in which we live will do next to introduce the coming of the Antichrist.

Just the other day I went in a gas station to purchase a few items. When I went to the counter to pay for them, there taped on the register was a sign. This sign read: “When writing a check the employee will have to get a finger print on it, don’t give them a hard time just do it”. I didn’t know this was being done. I asked the clerk, what is this about? She replied, due to hot checks we must now take a fingerprint of the person writing the check. Come to find out it is in our major banks as well. Is this another warning to take heed of?

In our major airports they have a scanning system that some just put their hand in and they are cleared to walk through. Again, is this a warning we need to take heed to? In the European countries where we have major military installations, our peoples are being asked what they think of a chip being placed under the skin of the forearm. This chip would contain all the medical history of that person. Many are saying no way will you do this to me. Once more, is this a warning to take heed to?

If you notice this system of a chip implanted under the layer of skin is now in our pets. In this chip it has the medical history, the last known address and owner to the animal. Folks we are next! Could this be the “mark of the beast”?

Praise God we in Christ, those who have actually confessed with our tongues, actually accepted Christ in our hearts will not have to see this horrible and terrible time. Question is “Are we this last generation that is spoken clearly in the bible”? My friends you tell me what do you think? Look for yet another dealing with some warnings that I feel shows us we are that last generation prior to the rapture of the church. God bless you!

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