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Power to Witness Boldly

Now, we as CHRISTIANS have been given the authority to use the POWER in which we received from the baptism of the Holy Spirit the second we accepted Jesus Christ into our lives, to change us from the old self to the new self that God will be changing in us.

We are commanded to go out and witness to those who doesn't know the gospel of Jesus. This is a duty, a responsibility that has been directed to us. As in the Army, we have taskings....there are two types of task one is implied task and the other direct task. The implied task is those in which we don't need to be told what to do. Take the initiative and do what we know needs to be done. Where the direct task is self explanatory....we are directed by our Seniors to go perform this task.

Now God has given as a "direct task" and we must perform this without questions. We are to go out and witness to the lost; but to those that have strayed from their walk with Jesus, and everyone really. We must do this boldly and with power.

In Acts 4:33 it is stated, I quote from the NIV, "With great POWER the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all." What does this verse say? It gives us a powerful message here. That we must NOT be silent in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus......we are to go witness to all of this great event in History.

We turn to Acts 2:1-4; "When the day of Pentecost came they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." Wow!!!!! Glory bumps here in what the Spirit is showing me.

This passage says a lot. Luke is the one talking here. Now this passage especially the 4th verse could be only to the apostles all 11 of them and Matthias, or it could mean all in the 120. Grant it, they refer to the 12 here....but I say not only to the 12 of them but the 120 and to us that are living today. This passage tells us that the POWER to witness is now given in different tongues. Tongues in which we don't speak primarily. This was given so all the world would receive the hearing of the gospel through witnessing by words coming out of the mouths of all.

Now in 1 Peter 3:15 here is a direct task that we need to implant in our heart and turn it from a direct task to the implied task. I quote, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. ALWAYS be PREPARED to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." Ummm what is this one? Here is the boldness task too. We need to not be fearful to speak up and be boldly on the witness of our faith. Here HOPE is what lays within us. What is boldly, stern? Yes, but with lots of love in it.

We are to make a inner commitment to Christ in this passage. Why? So, we will not be without speech when approached on our hope in the faith we have of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His returning to gather us. To not refrain to speak up for the gospel of Christ. We CHRISTIANS are to be ready in love to answer even the non-believer why we believe what we believe, why we have this so called "blind" faith. We are to not just shrug our shoulders and whisper 'I don't know'. We are to be gentle and respectful in our answer, give it out with love, never to degrade them.

There are other verses......some in which I will express in detail. But, what I want to say came from the lesson. In our witnessing, we are to be bold, use the power in which was given to us as a gift from Father above. In witnessing it is not only in words alone. It is in actions!!!! It could easily be in music (a gift of talent from God), in listening (another gift one could receive from Abba; which means daddy). There are a lot of ways to witness to the lost and to those in which has steered there life from the path to righteousness,in writings; I could go on and on.

Let's take the sites in which are here on the internet, some started out for God and then turned sour. But in some sites, we see, others words coming over the screen in typing form. We witness this way, but our actions are so evident here too. In these sites we need to stop and think before we address anyone. We need to say to ourselves, self are you being honorable here to Jesus in your words in which you type, or honorable to Jesus in the actions in how you type it??

These sites are God's sites, let's join together all of us and make Him proud of us. Let our words we type and our actions that we let others here see be totally honorable to Jesus. Let's use these sites to truly reflect the power boldly to witness to all.

In Revelation 12:11 "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink to death." WOW!!!!!! Our testimony is covered by the blood of the Lamb. Through our testimony we are witnessing to others of where we were in this world to how we became transformed from the old to the new self. Through our testimony we use the power boldly by sharing with others non-believers as well as believers what Jesus has done in our lives. Can we say that our testimonies are reflecting this directive given to us?

Isaiah 55:4 tells us this "see, I have made him a WITNESS to the peoples, a leader and commander of the peoples." You might be saying but I don't understand this one. How many of us are in a leadership role or a commander in our job site or home raising children? Most of us have someone below us in our jobs and lives. We are role models to some, just like we should have role modeled after Jesus upon taking Him as our Lord and Savior.

Let us go out and be boldly in the gentleness of ways, stand firm in the gospel in which we follow. Let us go teach the gospel not just with words, let our witness reflect in our actions as well. For if I remember this 'actions speak louder than words'.

Now there are many scriptures to look up on this are some others........Romans 10:9, Acts 1:8, Matthew 23:31, Philippians 4:9, Joel 2:28, Mark 1:8, Acts 2:32-33, 4:31, and 10:44-46, Isaiah 11:2-3, and Galatians 5. Please take time and witness for our Father, rather it just be speaking to a loved one in who doesn't know Jesus or to a strange in passing. Give all GLORY AND HONOR AND PRAISE to the Father.