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Hi my name is RoseWithin,
given to me by a very "special" friend
in who God has richly blessed me with.
Thank you Father!

What does RoseWithin mean?
It stands for "Jesus Within".
He is residing in my heart.
I am a "true believer" now through eternity.
I thank God for choosing me when He did.

I am a "true believer" of the living God.
Most would call me a "born again" Christian.
I have to be some what different for the
"church" is made up of "true believers".
Those that have accepted Jesus Christ
as the Son of God.
So, I am not only "born again"
but I am a "true believer" of God.

In the book of Song of Songs 2:1 it says:
"I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys."
Jesus is my rose in the midst
of the thorns in my life.
What are thorns?
They are what I refer to
as sins in my life.
Sin is anything that is not good in
the eyes of our Father.
In the book Habakkuk 1:13 it says:
"Your eyes are too pure to look on evil;
you cannot tolerate wrong.
Why then do you
tolerate the treacherous?
Why are you silent while the wicked
swallow up those more righteous than themselves?"

We are to be like God
and turn our eyes from the evil ways "sin".
There is not one sin in
this world that is any different
through the eyes of God. Sin is sin!

There are those in this world that think that
sin is rated like a child's math test is rated.
That you have real bad sin and then just sin that is not bad.
But sin no matter what it is is "sin".

We as "true believers" "born-again" Christians are saved
by the gift of "grace" given to us by God.
This by no means gives
us a ticket to go sin.
1 John 1:8 says
"If we claim to have NO sin,
we DECEIVE ourselves and the TRUTH
is not in us." therefore we sin daily!!
This means that when we
ask forgiveness of that sin or sins
we are just that "forgiven".
When we ask with a sincere heart we are "forgiven".
What a wonderful God we serve.
Thank you Father!!!!

copyright(c)1999 Trudy D. Husband

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