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Suffering for being a Christian

Part 1 we left off with how we should not grumble amongst us who are in Christ. We need to be in one accord with each other. To stick together during the times of the trials that we face for the name of Christ.

Let us move now to the Suffering for Being a Christianin v12. Here we are called "Dear Friends" also referred to as "Loved Ones". We are not to be surprised at the "painful" trials that we are and shall be facing for the name of Christ. It is predicted that we will suffer for His name sake. We need to keep our eyes upon Him. God will get us through any and all trials. v12 says: "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trials you are suffering as though something strange were happening to you." So, wear a smile during these times of suffering, you are being blessed by our Father, v14.

I really love the next verse (13) " But rejoice that you participate in the suffering for Christ that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." Cool here I think. Why cause it is proved here that we are a team that has received the VICTORY. We all go throughout our lives with suffering, we battle a good fight, end result we win in the name of Christ. We are on the winning team, so rejoice in this suffering. Don't get down and out for what persecution you face for His name sake. But rejoice in it!

Here in verse 14 it tells us when we are insulted to just move on for the "Spirit of glory and God rests on you." So, let us join in one accord and move on through this valley for God's rod and staff they comfort us. God is blessing us with each insult we receive. Let's look where else in the Word does it speak like v14 says...... Matthew 5:11-12 Jesus said "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Acts 5:41 "The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name."

Other verses to study on your own are John15:18-20, Acts 14:22, Romans 8:17, 2 Corinthians 1:15, Philippians 3:10, and 2 Timothy 3:12.

So, let us remember that our forefathers before us all the way back in the days of the apostles have been suffering in trials for the name of the Lord. We, too, are suffering for His name sake; gaining rewards each time someone does or says evil things against us. In v15 and 16 here it says not like suffering as in a murder, a crime against us in the human way, but in Christ we need to walk with our heads held up, do not be ashamed that we are Christians, be proud that we bear the name of Christ upon us.

Look in verse 17, it says suffering will start with the family of God, and what more will the judgment be to those that are not in the family of God, what will the outcome be for them? If our Father brings judgment on us, How much more will that judgment be for those you persecute us?

Verse 18 says: "And 'If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?'" It will be hard for us to accept this persecution at times. We will feel like just giving up. But, we can't give up for the name of Christ. We must accept it and go ahead and keep doing what is commanded of us in the Word. Return hateful comments with LOVE. We need to do the commandment in verse 19. Keep faithful to our Creator and do good.

We all know that the time is at hand, Christ could come any moment to receive His bride; the body of believers. So, let us all join in one accord, stand firm on our faith for our Creator, return the suffering we receive back to the offenders with nothing but LOVE. Let us say, Praise God each time we receive a suffering for what we believe in, what we stand upon, for our Lord who went to calvary for us.

This ends the devotion on 1 Peter 4. Let's stand together during this suffering trial that we are just getting a taste of now, it will get much worse in the days ahead.

May we rejoice in each suffering we receive. May we always keep our eyes on Jesus, not just when things are going good, but especially during the trials we are getting ready to walk in. May we all stand firm in our faithful Creator and carry out the commandments we have been directed to perform.

The beginning!!!!