O children why aren't you listening to me
I have given you a journey to follow my lead
But you are refusing to see
O children open your eyes and see
Your own journey without me will not succeed
You will only be hurt and blame me
I love you with all my heart can't you see
I created you and gave you free will
But children come home to me
~~~Author Trudy Husband~~~
Our Shepherd
The Lord is our shepherd who watches over us
He leads our lives in the most wonderful way
He Covers us with His blood letting us know
We are His children and He will never let go
The Son of God is the one
That will remove all our sins if only we ask
He died on Calvary in order to give us life
He went to prepare our room in the house
Now He is coming back to take us home.
~~~Author Trudy Husband~~~
High On The Mountain
High on the mountain top
You can see forever God's creation
Hear the wind whistle through the trees
Birds gliding through the air
Bear cubs playing at the base
Hikers crossing the stream
Butterflies smelling the flowers
Deer gazing in the meadow
All around God's creation at work
The grass is greener still
The peaks have the fallen touch of snow
Our Father's hands are like gold
~~~Author Trudy Husband~~~~
The Cross
The cross was craved from a tree
That now only grows for beauty to see
This tree is no longer strong enough
for any man to hang there and die
Some wear the cross for all to see
But does not know the meaning of what it means
Some wear it to say a statement of what they believe
That Christ was hung there in place of thee
Around the necks of man hangs a cross
One that touches the heart
So man will remember who sacrificied
His life for all to receive
The man who hung from this cross
Had love and compassion for all to see
One drop of blood from the hole in His side
Cleansed the very heart and soul of mankind
This cross reaches down and dangles
the very hearts of man
To let man remember to lay all sin
down at the foot of the cross
Wearing the cross that dangles and touches the heart
Should be worn for that man who gave His life
For all mankind to receive the room being prepared
in the home near the golden streets up high
The Cross is the symbol for man
to never forget what man did that day
When our Savior was nailed to that tree
on the hill of calvary.
When wearing the cross that dangles so free
Remember that great sacrifice that was for all to see
That Christ went there not for His own life to be set free
But for all mankind to live with Him for all eternity.
~~~Trudy D. Husband~~~~