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How to Pray

There is a lot of controversy on this topic amongst the different denominations that we have in this world. Jesus taught us "how to pray". This is not a memorized prayer that Jesus commanded us to pray. For memorized prayer doesn't come from the heart. We are to pray like Jesus prayed. On the outer surface of this example many believe that memorized prayer is how we should pray. It is not, for Jesus also tells us that is just babbling like the pagans. Those prayers are not heard. We are to pray by the "example" that lays within the "Lord's Prayer". Let me explain this for all, Let's take the Lord's Prayer apart for the example that lays within.

"Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name". This is known as "Worship of the Father". We are to start out by praising Him.

"Thy kingdom come". This is known as "Allegiance to God's sovereignty". Give thanks for what and who He is!

"Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven". This is Submission to His will. Submit unto Him!

"Give us this day our daily bread". This is asking for His provision. It is Petition and Intercession. Lift up one another and self.

"And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors". This is Confession and forgiveness of debts. Confess our sins and sins that we have against fellow brothers and sisters.

"And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil". This is Deliverance, Watchfulness! Claim the healing in which He gives.

"For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever, Amen". This is again Worship! Thank Him for all in which He has given you.

Christ example tells us how we are to lift up in prayer. We are to pray from the heart, make it spontaneous, not a memorized prayer that we have been taught to recite. That is babbling, Where is the true meaning in that type of prayer?

True we say the Lord's Prayer, we sing the Lord's Prayer. But, it is cause it is one of the most beautiful prayers that has been given to us to learn on How To Pray by. It was Jesus' prayer to Father. Christ would not say pray this prayer, then tell us that memorized prayer is babbling, for Christ does not lie. He said pray "after this manner" this. In Matthew 6:9 (KJV) "After this manner therefore pray ye:....". Nowhere in scripture does Jesus tell us to recite His example on how to pray. Look within that hidden message there and you shall see we should worship, give Allegiance, Submission, Asking, Confession, Deliverance, and Thank and Praise Him upon closing the prayer.

We all need to research the scripture and see the hidden treasures within. To allow the Holy Spirit to show us the "hidden treasures" that our Father has in His doctrine, The Bible. God puts others in our lives to assist in this. He uses them as "vessels", the Holy Spirit speaks through them to all those that are eager to learn.