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Hello and thank you for looking at this page. Before I begin, I would like to say that I am not in any way trying to "gossip" about my entire meeting with WARRANT and for that reason, I will not reveal everything that was said. This is an EXTREMELY BRIEF review with very few details, but I hope you enjoy. My main reason for writing this is for my own keeping and I would love to share my experience with other dedicated WARRANT fans! Enjoy! And a special thank you to WARRANT for making this happen!

July 02, 1997

While on vacation, my sister, cousin and I decided to visit the new (at the time) Hard Rock Cafe in Myrtle Beach

The outside of the HARD ROCK CAFE in MYTRLE BEACH

After a two hour stand up wait, our table, finally free, we gladly sat and placed our orders. After nearly an hour and a half, of eating and talking, I noticed it was around 10pm and we ordered dessert and the dream of my life was about to take place...

The inside of the HARD ROCK CAFE in MYTRLE BEACH

I noticed the table located closest to us was not vacant anymore. I looked down and ate a bite of cake and heard a voice,

"How about sharing some of that with us?"

I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes. Jerry Dixon and Danny Wagner along with their "good friend" were sitting straight across from me. My mouth dropped open and I couldn't believe my eyes.

My cousin kindly gave them a piece and that was the beginning of our discussion. They asked if we were familiar with the House of Blues and we agreed that we were. They informed us that they would be playing the House of Blues the following night and asked if we would come up to see them play. They said since we were so nice to share our cake with them that they would let us backstage. After nearly two hours, Jerry and Danny left for the bars which were part of the Celebrity Square section of Broadway At The Beach, Myrtle Beach.

Since my sister, cousin and myself, were new to the scene, we decided to stroll around the Celebrity Square and to our surprise, we saw Jerry and Danny at the Easy Riders Bar.

They noticed we saw them and they walked up to us and we began talking more. They were extremely nice! I couldn't believe they took time to stand and talk with us. I do not believe I have ever met anyone as nice and sincere as they are. We left to go back to our rented beach house after nearly an hour of talking, but we made plans to meet at the House of Blues the following night.

July 03, 1997

Arriving at the House of Blues was not a simple task. It took my sister and I exactly a 45 minute drive from our rented beach house, all the way to Barefoot Landing, Myrtle Beach.

To keep from boring you into a coma, I will begin with WARRANT on stage at the House of Blues...

Thrilled with excitement and energy, WARRANT stepped on stage. They opened with Down Boys. After the third song, Jerry noticed my sister and I making our way to the front row. Jerry pointed at us while asking,

"Did you have any trouble getting her (me) in?"

My sister answered, "No," and smiled. Jerry smiled and said something else, but I couldn't understand him. He continued to talk more, but I couldn't even begin to understand what he was saying.

Jani was sincere and nice to his devoted fans. He kept repeating,

"Thank you so much for singing with me. That is great. That makes me feel so good. Thanks man, thanks. It means more to me than you will ever know, man."

While leaning over into the crowd, a girl grabbed Jani almost pulling him into the crowd. Security pulled her out of the House of Blues.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around and it was WARRANT's "good friend". He said that Jerry walked off stage and said to him,

"Those two ladies are here from last night."

The "good friend" told us to stand where we were standing when the show is over and that he would walk us backstage.

WARRANT played for a good two hours and we were waiting anxiously to go backstage to talk with them again. Their "good friend" arrived and walked us backstage. I noticed the sign that said


and knew we were finally backstage. I took a seat on the couch and instantly noticed that

Jani Lane was sitting right across from me on the other couch

I could not believe it. My heart about stopped. I gave him his privacy though. I did not bother him or run up to him asking for autographs... I kindly gave him his space.

Jerry sat in the chair next to me and told me I looked like Uma Thurman to him and he asked my age. He asked Danny if he checked his e-mail lately. Danny said,

"Yes, every two days"

and asked if Jerry checked his e-mail lately and Jerry said,


Before Jerry left, he shook my hand once more and said,

"You look like Uma." (Thurman)

but he quickly returned later that night.

It was nearly 4am. Their "good friend" offered to take pictures of me with the entire band. Jerry was standing against the wall and I nervously stood a couple inches from him. His "good friend" asked Jerry to come up to me so that he could take our picture.

Jerry said,

"If you want a picture, you will have to come up to me because I can't walk over there."

Needless to say, he had a ~little~ to drink that night.

I walked up to him and he immediately put his arm around me. He stumbled and I almost fell over trying to hold him up. Before the first picture snapped, Jerry said to me,


Of course I did, I was nothing BUT smiles that entire night and I looked up to him and he asked my age. I told him and he looked at his "good friend" and said,

"I wasn't looking up, take another one."

Jerry asked me,

"Can I give you a kiss?"

I said yes and he gave me a kind kiss and that was the last picture taken of us but we did continue to talk.

Jani Lane was standing close by and his "good friend" asked if I could have my picture taken with him. Jani said alright and his "good friend" introduced me to him. Jani told me my name was a beautiful name and asked my age.

Jani began singing a song with the only lyric being my name

I can't even remember the last time I was this happy. They are all so caring and very sweet.

Obi asked him, "Isn't she beautiful?"

Jani commented, "Yeah, she's beautiful."

Right after that comment the camera snapped our picture.

It was time to leave the House of Blues since it does not stay opened the entire night. My sister and I walked out with them to the back of the House of Blues and watched them get into their van to take them to their hotel and then to the airplane back to California.

Danny walked with my sister and I to her car (since we parked nearly a mile away). We even walked over a bridge that consisted of Alligators, Galapagos Tortoises and West African Dwarf Crocodiles to her car.

When we finally walked nearly a mile to get to her car, Danny and I had words about who would sit in the front seat of her car.

"I don't want you sitting back there," Danny politely said.

I told him it was fine and for him to sit up front. When arriving at the restaurant for breakfast, he opened doors for us and was extremely polite.

Jokingly, Danny told us that the day before, he and Jani went to play golf and Jani hit the ball into the nearby swamps and made a joke for Danny to go into the alligator infested water to receive the ball. But even with all the stories, we did have a time limit.

He had to be back at his hotel by 4:45am so that he wouldn't miss the plane. Danny was all compliments and nice and talked about most anything with us. He discussed his favorite bands with us, tattoos, the show at the House of Blues and pretty much everything with us.

I FINALLY met another Pisces (I'm a Pisces but have never met another Pisces) and we (Danny and I) compared our daily living with eachother. It was so GREAT to be able to talk with someone who understood where I was coming from... It was a wonderful time and I will never forget it.

This is something I will NEVER forget. It is still so very clear in my mind. I didn't leave "empty handed." Jani and Jerry and Rick so kindly gave me their guitar/bass pix, and hopefully, I made a friend that night.

Thank you, Danny, for taking time to talk with me that night... you've really changed me (for the better). I realize that you think of it as just another night, meeting another fan, but please realize that you do have an impact on people and that can be very good. Just know that a second of your time can mean a lifetime to the person you meet. I understand myself better, now, and am relieved to know that I'm not the only person in this world that acts the way that I act! Ha! A special, special thanks to you, and to your wife, for always being there for me. You both mean a great deal to me and I'm forever grateful.

e-mail me: AL1CEE@AOL.COM

You've seen red times.