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Have you ever been in your house before having a bible study? And reading the word and studying the scriptures, and just have these stupidest thoughts start trailing through your mind?

Anybody ever have that happen? Make me feel bad,

" I feel normal now".

You read the same scriptures eight times before you get the meaning of it, or you feel like you’ve taken a Sominex,

And if you notice, it does NOT happen when you watch television.


You can watch a two-hour movie and concentrate with no problem,

BUT take out the word of God and notice what happens to your mind,

See, that’s the realm that Satan works,

Today I am gonna show you how to deal with the devil!

You said I’d never make it, you said I wouldn’t last,

You said I’d be returning to my actions of past,

With the crowd I use to run with, say the things I use to say,

But I wish you’d stand back and take a look at me today,

You see, Satan you’re a liar, you should know by now I know you are a liar,

Their is one thing you can’t deny, you’re the father of every lie,

Cause you’re a liar Satan.

You know I gave my heart to Jesus. You laughed and I heard you speak.

I remember when you spoke through someone, you said I would not last two weeks,

But I have walked with the Master through the flood and through the fire,

And if I’ve learned anything at all, I have learned that you’re a liar, you’re a liar,Satan you're a liar.

Now look, I know you’re everything in this world, except my friend,

And yet you still have the courage, the nerve to come around and bother me again,

You tell me that I am not born again, Heaven is not reality,

And Jesus Christ, He’s not the Son of God,

Well Satan listen real good to me.

Satan you are a liar, you’re a liar, you should know by now I know that you are a liar, Satan you're just a liar.

Jesus said there is one thing you can’t deny you’re the Father of every lie,

Satan you’re a liar, Jesus told me what you are He say’s you are a liar.

I remember when I was sick, you told me I wasn’t gonna get well,

But you’re a liar Satan, you told me my marriage wasn’t gonna work, but you are a liar Satan.

"In The Name Of Jesus, I Command You To Flee"

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Angelbear’s Directory



UPDATED 2/17/04