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Hey! Wasn't graduation fun! I spent most of my time trying to get several people together, with some sucess too! Is that how you spell sucess? Who knows! Anyway, have fun!

Laura Doing my Make-up!

Here is Laura getting me ready to go to the ceremony! That was a great night! Everyone remember the baby picture slide show! That was the greatest! I think I just cried during that whole thing because it was so beautiful. Okay, I'm a suck, but hey! What can you do. Oh, and Laura, she did an okay make-up job!

The picture!

This process took a very long time! It is very difficult to line up for a picture when there are a kazillion people in your class! Yikes! But anyway, I can tell you who all these people are, but look at Liane standing there, she looks pretty funny!


Hee hee hee, some of us are cool, some aren't. But I thought I was the coolest with my dark glasses (I bought on the Toronto trip!) and my candy necklace! Not to mention my new hairdo, which interestingly enough looks like my hair style now... well, Look and Danny Kaplan! Isn't he the cool guy! Hee hee hee!

The girls!

Here's a close up on us while we were being sorted out. My dress was made by my mom. I liked it, but it was a little big. Karen's dress was really nice too (she's the one in white beside me). Does everyone remember how excited Sarah Orange was because she had the same dress as Diane? (in a different colour though!) I'm sure Diane was thrilled!

OH! Cool guys!

K - This picture has to be the highlight! Look at our cool friends here! Adam D, Brett F, Ian C, and Stephen Norton! Aren't they cute! Hee hee hee, how enjoyable!

Look at Katherine's hair!

Woah, Katherine's hair is long! She looks so business like in her pink dress, but it was very nice nonetheless. In the background, you see people using me (well, my shades!) as a mirror. That was annoying - having people checking their hair in my glasses, argh!

The Gang!

I don't know what my smile was there, but I thought it would make me look better... did it work? =) This was our gang, and we got to sit at a head table because I was a speaker! This is a true Bonus Situation.

Another shot of us

Just another shot of us, I think we looked good. I liked their dresses. Alyssa's was really original. I liked the brown tye thingy.

Daniel Karen and Me

Daniel, Karen and me sitting outside the dining room on graduation. I look smashing, don't I?

The inside of the Graduation Program

List of Graduates and the Program. Notice my name... Class Speaker! I adored my speach! "ahh, les garcons anglais!"

More of the inside

Graduation committee, Graduation classes...