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Special Occasions!

Camp wouldn't be camp without a lot of these things. These things are really what makes camp so much fun, and makes people want to come back every year. Enjoy, and re-live the memories! Sorry I haven't put them in a logical order yet. That will come.

Ray Marinko Relay

Who doesn't live for this in second session! We wait in great anticipation as the many "terrors" "rip" down the days for us... days until, the Ray Marinko Relay! "The Ray" is a land water relay that takes place in second session. It is the all camp program and it is truly fantastic! This picture here is of the flagpole runner touching the flag pole to win the whole relay! I think this is the Ray from 1994.


Another great activity at camp is the Barbeque! We have one every Saturday I believe, and they are great! We all gather in the dining hall, have announcements, then we are dismissed strategically. "You may go if your councellor was born in the month of November". How fun is that!...

More Barbeque!

Then, everyone goes outside on the terraces in groups. You sit around a sign that has your circle's name on it (as you can see here, the yellow sign above Emily's head). We are given a bag of chips, carrots and celery, and finally, we get the burgers. Dessert is always good on Barbeque days! We have icecream sandwiches or popsicles, always something good and cold! Quite enjoyable on the whole!

Native Council

Okay, this isn't the greatest picture to illustrate Native Council, but I really don't want to ruin the surprise for you! It is one of my favorite programs! I'm so excited that I'm a TLC this year, because I can't wait to play thoses little Native games - or even better - be a chanter! Wow! Pure excitement!

Coffee House!

The oldest girls circle has two special programs that are unique to that circle. They are Coffee House and Shish. This picture is of my friend Sarah, singing a beautiful song she wrote.


Shish is a great program too! Every cabin of the oldest girl's circle dresses up - in this Shish, we dressed up as the different groups or cliques at high school during the 70's. My cabin, seen here, are the hippies!

The Nerds!

Yes, every high school has their nerds, but maybe not this nerdy... Anyway, once you get dressed up, you go to the back of Trapper Pete's and you make, you guessed it, Shishkabobs. They are always great!

More Shish

But maybe the greatest thing about Shish is that the girls of the circle prepare all the food! We have fresh bread, potatoes, and yummy brownies for dessert! Yum Yum!

Clay Pits

Not everyone at camp get the chance to do this activity, but it is certainly fun! If it rains, there are little clay pits behind crestwood and the native council ring. Many cabins go as a CIA to get dirty in the clay pits and then they go wash off at the water front. Despite the lameness of this statement, it is really fun, trust me!


I won't give away too much about Banquet, but it is the most fun! Everyone gets dressed up, the diner is fantastic, we watch a slide show, we get a chance to take final pictures of everyone looking great, we give out candles to light on January 1st to remember camp, and the best part of Banquet is...

Sing Song!

Yeah! Sing Song with Jack Pearse, the senior director of camp Tawingo! He is the greatest sing song leader ever! He had the ability to make everyone really get into the sing songs! Everyone has their personal favorites, one of mine is the following:

I won't tell you!

Just take a guess by the actions! How fun is Banquet! Woah! I can't wait to go to camp!

I hope you enjoyed this photo album, if you have questions, or you want me to add anything, just e-mail me at Thanks!