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Back To Your Heart

'Give me one more chance, to give my love to you.
'Cause no one on this earth loves you like I do.'

-Backstreet Boys' Back To Your Heart

The phone was ringing shrilling when she entered her apartment. She put the groceries on the counter and picked up the phone. She really had to get an answering machine.

"Hello?" she asked, breathless.

"Hi! It's me." Her best friend was on the other end.

"Hi! What's up?"

"I'm at my sister's place and my niece was reading this old Teen People and you'll never believe who there's an article on."

"Who?" she asked, even though she had a sinking feeling that she already knew who.

"Kevin and the Boys. They're talking about the new CD."

"Really?" she responded as she walked back into the kitchen and started to put away the food.

"Yes. Have you heard it yet?"

"Yeah. I finally went out and got a copy."

"Did you listen to number 9?"

"What's the name?"

"Back To You Heart."

"Yeah. I listened to it."

"Kevin wrote it," he friend said simply.

"Oh." She reached into the grocery bag and pulled out the next jar. Peanut butter. Kevin's favorite. Her mind wondered back to when she had gotten him 5 jumbo jars as a joke.

"He talks about the song in the article." Her friend paused and she heard her ruffling threw the pages of the magazine. While she waited, she put away the peanut butter.

"Here it is. He says, and I quote 'That song is about somebody.' Girl, he's talking about you."

"You don't know that. It could be someone he saw after me."

"He hasn't seen anyone since you guys broke up."

"How do you know?"

"I talked to Howie." It was a soft response, like she wasn't sure if she should be saying it.


"Why don't you go see him?"

"I don't want to. Anyway, they're not in town."

"Yes they are. They're taking a break for a month."

She didn't say anything, thinking hard.

"I gotta go," she said quickly. "Bye."


She hung up the phone and finished putting away the food. Then she left her apartment.


She stood outside the house, wondering if she should really be here. How could they get back together? She knew that he was leaving for tour soon and he would be gone again. She had really hated how often he had been gone. She finally worked up the courage and rang the doorbell.

The seconds slowly ticked away. She was sure Kevin wasn't home. She turned around and started to walk away.

"Hello?" Kevin's deep voice asked from the door. She turned around and saw the shock on his face.

Hi," she said.

"What are you doing here?"

"I decided that I had to see you."


"Maybe so you can break my heart again!" she snapped.

"I deserve that," he admitted. She nodded and there was a silence.

"I got the CD," she said quickly. "I heard the song."

When Kevin realized what she was talking about, he just nodded. "Do you want to come in?" he asked.

She walked back to the door and went inside. She had always loved the house. All of the wood made it seem so peaceful. She knew she would still be able to walk around blindfolded. Some of the best moments in her life had happened here. Her thoughts walked through the house and out to the pool. She looked at that and then went upstairs. To the bedroom…and the other rooms. She still loved the house.

Physically, she was walking into the living room. If she had watching Kevin, she would have seen the look of horror on his face. She entered the room and noticed that the TV was on. And she was on the TV.

"What's this?" she asked Kevin, confused.

He didn't answer. He just looked down and jammed his fists into his pockets.

Her gaze returned to the TV. She remembered this day. Her and Kevin had gone out to a park with her best friend and her fiancée. Kevin had brought his camera along so they had taped it. On the screen, her and Kevin were trying to swing dance. They were both laughing hysterically. Then they kissed.

Tears rushed to her eyes, remembering that day and how much in love they had been.

All of the sudden, the tape stopped and the screen was blank. She whirled around in time to see Kevin set the remote down.

"So what did you think?" he asked her, wringing his hands.

"Of what?" she asked, her thoughts still on the video.

"The song," he supplied, looking in her eyes.

"It's good."

"It's about us."

That one sentence hung in the air as Kevin waited for her to say something, anything.

"I know."

"Why did you come here?"

"I really don't know." She looked at him and started to walk his way. She reached up and ran a hand through his hair. She loved doing that.

"You want one more chance?" she asked. Kevin nodded and his eyes were sad. "That's all you're getting. One chance. You screw it up, and I'm never coming back. But, if you want to risk it, you can have me back."

Kevin nodded and took her in his arms.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," he told her. Then he kissed her. That was when she knew she had made the right decision.



Okay, this stuff isn't copyrighted but I'm asking you to please not take it. It is my stuff. If you want to use it, just email me: I'll give you permission. Just ask first. Thanks!