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Boring stats:

I'm for all intents and purposes 23 years old, and I'm a girl. (obviously =) I hope)

I have dark brown hair, green eyes with blue flecks, pale blue-toned skin, and I'm average height and build. The only remotely interesting thing is the tiny size of my hands and feet. =)

My hobbies:

Playing around on the internet. I spend a big chunk of my free time playing web games, answering email, playing around with my site, blabbing to net people, and so forth.

Games. I prefer older games I grew up with, and I can now appreciate them more, for example NES games like Kirby's Adventure and Mario 3, Sega Master System games like the original Phantasy Star, and PC games like Jill of the Jungle, Xargon, Boppin, and Lands of Lore.
I'm especially fond of Boppin, the Commander Keen series, and Hand of Fate.

Cross Stitch. I like stitching up nice things. Sometimes I get plain bored of what I'm doing and set it aside for a little while, but I usually finish what I start. Reading. I like short story collections because I have a short attention span. I read a lot of historical murder mysteries, and fantasy novels. Mostly I read very dry non-fiction on a subject that interests me.

Absolute favorites:

Music: Type O Negative, Regurgitator, Nirvana, movie scores, Michael Jackson, the Prodigy

Movies: Gladiator, Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, Jurassic Park, older Disney movies

Books: Paul Doherty!

T.V. Shows: The Simpsons, Law and Order, Full Frontal (when it was still on), Futurama, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager, Seinfeld, Frasier, and the stuff on Adult Swim

Kids' T.V. Shows: Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors, Courage the Cowardly Dog, the Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory, Pokemon, the Smurfs, Fat Albert, Wacky Races... eh, stop making me choose. I like everything.

Colors: Pink, violet, black, sea green

Animals: Bats of all kinds, fish of all kinds, octopuses, and dogs. I've only had German Shorthaired Pointers and a Doberman so I can't really comment on the other breeds =)

Stuff I don't like:

Monkeys (they creep me out)

Thunder storms (scary)

Watermelon (gross)

People who have their car stereos up too loud (road hazard and annoying)

Some more rambling:

Please don't feel discouraged if you try to contact me/be my friend/whatever and I'm not entirely pleasant, accomodating, or truthful. Thing is, if you can put up with my at my worst, you'll really like me at my best. And if you can't, it's not worth it for either of us.

By the way, I was raised in a very relaxed Catholic family that nonetheless observed the traditional Pagan customs of my culture. Therefore, I'm still at a bit of a loss religion wise. I don't really get on well with fundamentalists of any religion, however.

I have a fair singing voice, but I'm painfully shy about it. Unless I'm drunk. Just kidding.

I have a vivid imagination, and I'm not afraid to use it. In a traditional Tarot deck, I'd be a Page of Cups =) I like to tell stories, make up stories, listen to other people's stories, whatever. If you've made it up somehow, I want to hear it.

My pet peeve is abbreviation.

I like to wear velvet.

There's three freckles in a straight line on my right forearm.

That's it

Well, that's all. Really. Go away and look at the rest of the site.


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