Values: One week ago, Optimal Optimus Primal of Beast Wars fame vanished while en-route to the newly reconstructed Maximal space station Cybertronian Alpha (CA2). Primal was to function as the station's commander. Presently, Quade who is in command of a Maximal fleet near the outer rim receives a transmission from the Maximal High Council (MHC) who informs Quade of Primal's disappearance. Quade is subsequently reassigned to fill in for Primal as the new station's commander. The other crew members begin to arrive at CA2. They are a pretty wide range of individuals and a few have some trouble getting settled in. Quade has Edge, his returning first officer, head up an investigation to find out what happened to Primal. Data recovered from wreckage of Primal's ship indicates that it was destroyed by a solar flare which does not seem to have occurred naturally. The Red Star fleet arrives at the station, bringing Temperance who had been recently reinstated into the MIS. Temperance informs Quade that the events involving these solar flares have been occurring for the past two months, leaving several inhabited planets destroyed. As the investigation continues, so does life on CA2. Primevil informs Quade about some 'vampire inhabitants' living on the station and near by, that he inadvertently infected. They fell victim to his 'taint' prior to him learning to control his lust for mech fluid that came with him having a vampire bat beast mode. Primevil came to the station in order to round them up. Also it is noted that some bug like creatures are running about the station. They are later discovered to belong to one Dr. Meta who is a rogue Maximal scientist. Feeling that his talents could be useful, Quade allows the good doctor to remain on the station. Meanwhile, a message is received from Tyre of the Four-Faction Group (4FG) stating how he is the one behind the solar flares which he calls his ‘ultimate weapon’. He also claims to have Primal as a captive. Tyre states that if his demands are not met, he will use his ultimate weapon on Cybertron itself. In response to this, a riot occurs on the Promenade. Heretic who resumed his role as head of station security, has Volotar - who was installed as the station’s main computer - set off a low field energy pulse in the Promenade, which knocks everyone in it out without harm to their person. Temperance leaves CA2 in order to retrieve his shuttle the ‘Perrigan,’ feeling that information on its data tracks could be useful in stopping Tyre. Later, the MHC announces its intentions to give into Tyre’s demands. Quade covertly makes plans to nail the 4FG when they arrive at the meeting area. Dr. Meta begins to modify 'Red Star' 1 for this voyage by equipping it with a matter transporter devise and Frogger - the head station negotiator - does his best to keep the ambassadors from killing each other. Icerunner who was believed to be dead, arrives on the station. It turns out that the bomb did not destroy the planet she was on after all. An explosion still occurred, but Icerunner had enough time to lessen its effects. The strike team commanded by Squirrely leaves from the station and heads to the meeting area, following the cargo ship containing Tyre's demands. A battle ensues. Meanwhile, Edge in command of 'Red Star 3', in response to a distress signal from Temperance's shuttle, locates it. It is in pretty bad shape. Temperance is alive but injured. Temperance is brought aboard the Red Star 3, but he however does not seem to be acting ‘himself’. Back at the battle, thanks to Meta the 4FG’s ship – the Eradicator - shields are disrupted allowing the strike team to beam aboard. The strike team is met by Jungle, DeVin and a squad of 4FG troops. Everyone is surprised to see Jungle alive. It seems that Jungle faked his own death all those months ago and that the MSP has a deal with the 4FG. The MSP seems to feel that the 4FG’s ultimate weapon is of great value to them. Thanks to a timely distraction by Meta, the CA2 strike team is able to scatter, but are met with other obstacles such as other troops and internal defenses. However, Jungle seems to switch sides and helps Icerunner free Primal from the brig. Meta is able to make a few, 'modifications' to the ultimate weapon which is housed on the ship. Then the strike team along with Primal, Jungle and DeVin are beamed out. When the Eradicator attempts to use its ultimate weapon against the Red Star, the Eradicator blows up, thanks to Meta's 'modifications'. Back at the station, things begin to return to normal with Tyre's threat over with. No charges can be brought against Jungle and DeVin since they were acting under MSP orders. Jungle and DeVin are assigned to CA2. Despite Primal's return, Quade is selected to remain in command of the CA station. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure has arrived on the station, who does not seem to be up to any good. Dark Times: A meeting with the resident representatives from the Transformer factions and other major alien governments is occurring. The Carbation Empire has resumed attacking Maximal settlements along the border, and Quade feels that this will soon spread to colonies belonging to other governments as well. Also ‘Greater Force’ organic ships have been spotted in the raids, meaning that the Carbations have teamed up with the ‘Greater Force’ as well. However, none of the ambassadors are willing to listen. The conference is interrupted by the station receiving a distress signal from a Maximal Military transport in a near by system, that reports to be being attacked by a ‘Greater Force’ organic ship. A team consisting of two Red Stars and a squadron of one man fighters is dispatched from CA2 to aid them. One Red Star is commanded by Edge, the station's first officer, and the other is commanded by Quade. The organic ship is under the command of Megatron from Beast Wars fame. It is obvious that the ‘Greater Force’ organic ship has the edge in this confrontation despite even the Red Stars being present. The transport under attack has two cargo holds. One cargo hold contains some artifacts and the other contains some protoforms. A Carbation war ship arrives to aid the organic ship and a squadron of 4FG attack wings arrives as well. The 4FG ships are obviously not siding with the ‘Greater Force’ and the Carbations, but nor are they siding with the CA2 team. But, back on the station, things are going equally bad. The mysterious figure who arrived on the station previously, turns out to be Pyre who was thought to had died on the Dark Maximus some time ago. He rapidly infects the majority of the station's population with a type of plague he was carrying, turning them all into vampires, who are subsequently under his control. Pyre claims to have gotten this plague when Primevil bit him while onboard the Maximus. Temperance who is away from the station, with the group engaging the organic ship, remotely summons his ship the Perrigan which arrives at the fight and Temperance uses it to head back to the station. Upon his arrival, Temperance actually aids Pyre in his efforts. Knowing they cannot win, Quade orders the cargo holds of the transport destroyed so that they will not fall into enemy hands. Unfortunately, they instead fly off into space much to Quade's dismay. An 4FG attack wing manages to grab a cargo hold then exits the scene. It was the one containing the artifacts. It is now an all out race for the remaining cargo hold as all the remaining ships go for it. But just as a Red Star was about to grab it, a bright flash of light occurs. When everyone's vision returns, the organic ship, the Carbation war ship, the Maximal transport and the cargo hold are all gone. An obvious question hangs in the air; what force could of caused the flash? Beaten, the CA2 teams return to the station, but it seems deserted. They get no type of reply from their hails and no life signs can be detected. However the Perrigan is noticed in orbit of the station. A boarding team is prepared, but before they leave, Quade suffers a ‘stroke’ and is placed in a cr-chamber and so Edge takes command. Once on board, the team spreads out looking for answers. They encounter several groups of the vampire infected people. Also a few have managed to avoid infection including Heretic, Squirrely and Primevil. Pyre challenges Jungle to a fight. Jungle aggress as Pyre had captured DeVin. Pyre obviously has the upper hand during the fight, being much tougher and more powerful then he was the last time Jungle saw him. Temperance silently watched the battle with much amusement then heads to the Red Star Quade is on to take care of ‘unfinished’ business. The rest of the boarding team is losing ground to the vampires, despite their best efforts. Temperance finds the disabled Quade, but is surrounded by a security team before he can act. As Pyre is about to deal the final blow to Jungle, DeVin manages to break her binds and shoots Pyre with his own discarded rail gun, sending him down. Unfortunately, DeVin is revealed to be infected herself. It is then Jungle realized that it was all a trap. DeVin and Pyre gloat at Jungle and they kiss. Though before they can finish him off, Jungle suddenly disappears, having been beamed back to the Red Star, along with a handful of the other non infected. Jungle 'questions' Temperance concerning his part in all this. Temperance reveals how two artifacts are needed to stop Pyre and end the plague. One of them Tyre has, for it was in the cargo hold he stole. The other is in near by space. The Red Star leaves to find Tyre. Thanks to efforts by Dr. Meta, the approximate location of the 4FG base is found and they head there. There they are sounded by 4FG ships and taken to their base which is within a nebula. The CA2 team tries to reason with Tyre, but he refuses so they do things the hard way - their way. Edge turns out to be infected with the plague and quickly infects most of Tyre's men, causing him to reconsider his position and to work with the CA2 team. Tyre takes them to the artifact chamber. Everyone is then transported back to the Red Star, including Tyre thanks to Dr. Meta. Meanwhile on the station, Heretic manages to get some of the station's internal defenses back online which aid the resistance and Primevil and Pyre face off. Though close in power, Pyre seems to be the strongest. The fight rages through most of the station and down onto the planet below the station as well. Meanwhile, the Red Star picks up a distress single. The single belongs to a shuttle containing, Temperance..? It turns out that the Temperance that has been on the station the past while was in fact his clone, which Temperance made during his days on the Maximus. The switch was made back when the Perrigan was attacked, while away from the station. Thanks to Meta and the 'real' Temperance's help, the other artifact is found. About this time, Quade awakens, now recovered from his ‘stroke’ and they head back to the station. Unfortunately, one problem remains; how do the artifacts work? Meta and Icerunner toil over this problem. Meanwhile, Jungle and Temperance go to the planet below the station to get a handle on the situation. Suddenly the artifacts begin to hover next to each other. They then ‘combine’ together, shooting a type of energy from them. It passes threw the Red Star harmlessly and strikes the planet below the station which is where Pyre and Primevil are at. This causes both Pyre and Primevil to suffer a major power lose and all the infected people become cured. But Pyre is far from out. Temperance tries to formulate a plan to handle Pyre, but Jungle attacks him head on, pissed from Pyre violating DeVin. Temperance reluctantly joins the fight. Damaged from the intense fight, Primevil slips away. Pyre is still a force to be reckoned with. Getting control of his rage, Jungle attempts to reason with Pyre as does Temperance which seems to calm him, but he still fights on. Suddenly some white energy shoots out of Pyre and hovers in the air above Pyre. Pyre screams in pain. A mysterious voice or voices talking as one is/are heard, stating how the results from this test will be most useful in 'the coming'. Then the energy vanishes and Pyre collapses. The question now is; what was that energy, and what did it mean? Many lost their lives in this conflict, which has become known as 'The CA Massacre.' Frogger meets with the ambassadors and shows them clips from the battle with the organic ship. Most present are amazed at the power of the single organic ship and agree to an alliance to combat them, including the Predacon Alliance and the Carcanen Alliance. Quade informs Primevil how his 'kindred', though not responsible for this plague will be watched very closely to ensure that this never happens again, by order of the MHC. Primevil is outraged, but shows no outward signs of this, as there is nothing he can do about it. As for what to do with Pyre. Edge and Quade want to send him back to Cybertron for a trial, but Jungle manages to convince them that Pyre was not responsible for his actions and should be granted immunity. Quade agrees as long as Pyre remains on the CA2 station so that he can be watched. Pyre therefore becomes an ‘advisor’ to Quade. Old Wounds: The MSP was ordered to be disbanded by the Maximal High Council (MHC), due to their questionable actions and nature. Jungle therefore found himself in some real hot water as he no longer had the protection of the government behind him. An alien race known as the Carcanens took full advantage of that fact by expediting Jungle to their home world as so Jungle could stand trial for crimes he committed against their race while in the MSP. Quade, Pyre, Temperance, Squirrely and Icerunner arrived to help Jungle. But in a swift trial, Jungle was sentenced to death. Jungle escapes however, but Pyre goes after him. What came out of this was an alliance between Jungle and Pyre that resulted in the Dark Warrior’s death sentence being revoked. However, Jungle was banned forever more from Carcanen space. Revelations: Icerunner accepts a commission into the MIS and thus departs the station. Meanwhile, a new station commander arrives on the station. The new commander is Ramulus. Quade was reassigned to command the elite Red Star Omega fleet - the next generation of the Red Stars. Things do not go smoothly for the new commander as he is faced with a mining accident which took place on the planet below the station. Many miners lost their lives do to the faulty equipment. Temperance and Dr. Meta, under Ramulus’s orders, begin searching for new technologies to aid the miners. A mysterious scientist calling himself, ‘Red’ shows up with the solution to the problem. Ramulus aggress to let him build his devise, but has Meta and Temperance keep a close eye on the stranger. Meanwhile, a group of Carcanen mercenaries shows up on the station. They are after Jungle. Pyre shows up and aids Jungle in the fight. The Carcanens prove to be no match for the combined might of Jungle and Pyre. Thus they are slain. However, it turned out that one of them had a young son. That fact caused Jungle to be taken back for the boy was now alone. ‘Red’ finishes his equipment and is ready to test it. Ramulus, Red and several others head down onto the planet. It is then that ‘Red’ removes the cloak which covers his body and is revealed to be the infamous Red Jungle, who is an insane alternate of Jungle from another universe. The machinery turns out to be an inter-dimensional travel device which Red hoped would enable him to go back to his home universe. Red Jungle had been stuck in this universe ever since the Dark Maximus was destroyed. An all out battle occurs. The machinery is damaged in the fight but functions. The end result is that mostly everyone present is sent into another universe. They all awake on a barren waste land planet and Red Jungle is no where to be found. Everyone is dazed and confused, but spread out to find out where they are. Meta, with Temperance's aid begins to find a way to get back home. Pyre begins to have strange flashbacks - this planet seems so familiar to him, but why..? Jungle and Squirrely go off in search of the missing Red Jungle and Pyre goes off on his on, in a direction he feels he must go, but doesn't know why. Suspicious of Pyre's actions, Kerragan follows him. Pyre soon comes across a town which lays in ruins. To make a long story short, it is revealed that this is Pyre's home dimension. He was a military instructor and went by the name of ‘Ashe’. He had a lover, ‘Khisanth’. But she was killed by the native organics of this world that the Transformers of this universe were at war with. Wanting revenge, Pyre sought out the ‘Greater Force’ and agreed to be their servant in exchange for the power to extract his revenge. The deal is made and Pyre returned here with a ‘Greater Force’ army, quickly laying waste to this world. Pyre however still isn’t sure what exactly the ‘Greater Force’ is as much of his past remained obstructed. Meanwhile, Squirrely and Jungle are having troubles of their own, having run into a band of locals. Jungle is captured, but Squirrely barely manages to get away. He goes for help and bumps into Pyre. When Squirrely mentions how they were attacked by some organic humanoids, Pyre races off after them, following Jungle's com signal. Jungle is taken to their base. Jungle picks up that the Transformers of this universe were the ones that ruined this planet. Temperance soon arrives at the base. Since Temperance is an organic humanoid as well, he is let into the base with no resistance. But at mentioning how he was a friend of Jungle, he is locked up as well. Jungle and Temperance now wait for the right moment to escape. That moment comes when Pyre and Squirrely bust in. All the organics have a strong reaction of hate toward Pyre, for he was the one that led the troops that destroyed their world. Frogger arrives on the scene and attempts to cool the crowd, as does an organic elder. Meanwhile, it seems that Red has made some new friends with a rival faction of the organics we have just met. They are tempted to slag him, but when Red states how he has the ability to locate mineral deposits, they let him live, knowing that talent would be very useful to them. It is also revealed that this is not Red's home universe. Meanwhile, Meta and Ramulus are captured by a group of organics which are apart of the faction that captured Jungle and Temperance. Back at their base, Frogger and the Elder seem to have reached some common ground and have managed to calm down the crowd. The Elder along with the CA2 team talk. Ramulus, Meta and Kerragan soon arrive and join in the conversation. The elder reveals the origins of the ‘Greater Force’. The ‘Greater Force’ is in fact the highest evolution of the Transformer race. During the conversation, Pyre slips off again. Temperance, Squirrely, Jungle and Frogger go off after him. They bump into Red Jungle and a group of aliens from the rival faction. Jungle is badly wounded so Frogger takes him back to the base. Red Jungle proves to be a match even for Pyre but Pyre eventually wins and takes him back to base. Meanwhile, back on the CA2 station, Primevil leaves along with his 'kindred', feeling he and his followers had been treated unjust by the Maximal Alliance. Back in the other universe, Jungle awakens from his injuries and by using a link cable he enters Red's mind to find the key to getting back home. Jungle is able to find the necessary data tracks. Everyone is transported back save Red who is left behind. Jungle, with Frogger's help manages to adopt the Carcanen boy who became an orphan thanks to Jungle’s earlier actions. Pyre has Volotar find everything he can about this universe's Ashe and Khisanth. However, the search will take sometime to complete. As it Should Be: Ramulus is in the process of yelling at Jungle, about Red Jungle. Since Red was Jungle’s alternate, Ramulus blamed him for everything. His ‘talk’ is interrupted much to Jungle's relief by Volotar – who is functioning as the station’s main computer - informing Ramulus about a planet that just appeared in Cybertronian Alpha's solar system. Meanwhile, Volotar gives Pyre the data he requested concerning this universe's Ashe and Khisanth. Pyre is puzzled from the fact that Ashe never met Khisanth in this universe. Ramulus dispatches a team to check out the strange new planet. The planet is covered with strange crystal formations. When Squirrely touches one, it sucks everyone present into it and the planet itself vanishes. The station's sensors pick this up, leaving Ramulus and the rest of the bridge crew extremely puzzled. The team reappears in a strange realm that is full of dense white mist. Most notably they are all in bonds and Megatron of Beast Wars fame and some Sharticons stand before them. Before any questions can be asked or answered, they are 'escorted' threw the mist and into a wide chamber or rather a large hole in the mist. To make a long story short, this turns out to be the Greater Force's realm and the mist which is everywhere, turns out to be the Greater Force itself. The Greater Force claims responsibility for Pyre's actions in the ‘CA Massacre’, it claims responsibility for the Quintessons taking over the first CA station and it claims responsibility for Pyre’s original abduction on the Axis of Time. The Greater Force then talks about how everyone present is going to be part of a test. In a hovering oval circle before the group, we see the scene where Megatron gloats about destroying Optimus Prime's head and Blackarachina subsequently moving to rectify the situation. But suddenly, Blackarachina vanishes in a flash of light, removed from history and thus the time storm rages on, consuming the entire universe. A new universe replaces it, one where the Predacons and Decepticons rule Cybertron and the Maximals and Autobots are slaves. Everyone present in the realm, save Squirrely, Temperance and Kerragan, vanish and take their roles in the new universe. Squirrely, Temperance and Kerragan are charged with the task of making things right and are sent to Cybertron to do just that. To make another long story short, they go about finding all the members of the CA2 crew and start an uprising. Jennifer Scott also appears, who had not been seen since she left the crew of the Maximus. While Dr. Meta's creation, which is a giant robot, keeps the main Predacon army at bay, Temperance, Squirrely, Kerragan, Jennifer Scott and Pyre find a time machine and travel back in time, to repair Prime's destroyed head. Pyre unfortunately shows his true colors and begins to attack the ‘heros’. But despite this, Prime's head is repaired, as Temperance said, "differently," thus history is restored. Temperance, Kerragan and Squirrely appear back in the Greater Force's realm where they are congratulated. The Greater Force states how the data gained will be most useful in ‘the coming’. They are then transported back to the planet that they were originally sent to investigate and are joinded by the rest of the team. The planet begins to shake and they take off in their shuttle, just as the planet explodes. They arrive back on the CA2 station without incident and things begin to return to normal - well as normal as they ever get. While Temperance is working in his lab, gathering his thoughts, Pyre suddenly storms in and attacks Temperance. The Hardest Burden to Bare: Pyre and Temperance are having a fight in Temperance's lab aboard the CA2. Pyre seems to think that Temperance was one of the people trying to stop the other Maximals from stopping Megatron. But in reality this was not the case. During this flay, Temperance mentions to Pyre something about Jennifer Scott aiding them in stopping Megatron, which seems to capture Pyre's attention and thus stop his assaults on Temperance. But Temperance explains how she did not return to the real time line with everyone else. Meanwhile, a trans mission is recieved from the MHC. The MHC states, how they have decided to select a ‘Supreme Commander’ for the Maximal Alliance. The MHC announces a series of tests that respective candidates would have to pass in order to prove themselves in mind and body and thus worthy of being the Leader of the Maximals. Elsewhere on the station, a mysterious female humanoid arrives. Also, Jungle’s adopted Carcanen son is abducted by parties unknown. The list of candidates of the leader position are announced. One such candidate is Quade. Another is Optimal Optimus Primal. Ramulus and several other members of the CA2 crew make plans to journey to Cybertron in order to provide additional security for the candidates as a way to help improve station public relations. Edge is left in command. Before Ramaulus leaves, Dr. Meta tells him of some strange experiments he will be carrying out. On Cybertron, a group of robots called the 'Forgotten' claiming to be the first robots that Primus created, emerge from the underground and lay siege to the city that the leadership trials were being held at. The Forgotten look pretty jumbled together, but are very powerful. They manage to use the city's internal defenses against those in it. In large part to efforts by Temperance, Heretic and Quade, the Forgotten are forced back underground and are trapped there, thus ending the conflict. Strange Happenings: With the trials of leadership now over, the Maximals have a new single leader: Cain. Things start off normal enough - well normal for the CA2 crew. A few new people arrive on the station including, Deadeye. The mood however changes when some low yield bombs begin to be set off in various parts of the station by a group later revealed as the ‘Trimverant’. The Trimverant are doing this to get Temperance's attention, for they wish to 'bring him to justice.' Unfortunately Temperance is not on the station at the moment. He is tying up a few loose ends on Cybertron. One of the areas destroyed is CaVin's Bar. Also, the mysterious female human who came aboard the station prior is revealed to be Jennifer Scott. She and Pyre once were very close but it seems that she now has resentment, perhaps hate toward him. They have a brief confrontation. Meanwhile Dr. Meta continues in his ‘strange experiments’ and Jungle breaks into Khanny's green house, feeling the need to meditate. Khanny who is initially and understandably less then pleased with Jungle confronts him. However they do become fast friends. Elsewhere, Squirrely and Jennifer Scott get into a fight, just like old times, which Pyre is pulled into, just like old times. Meanwhile with Temperance no where to be found the Trimverant leave the station. Then rather un-expectantly, a group of slug like creatures known as the 'Zerg' attack and board the station. There are literally hundreds of them. Terror erupts on the station, which seems to happen quite regularly. While the crew is fighting for their lives, Kerrigan formulates a plan to stop them. It turns out that she is their queen and it was her the Zerg wanted. Kerrigan rejoins their ranks and they leave the station. Once clear, a thermonuclear devise that Kerrigan had on her person, detonates, destroying the Zergs in a bright white flash. Kerrigan along with them. Kerrigan reverted back to her true form and had tried to stop the explosion, but she was unable, for Pyre who gave her the devise, lied to her about the deactivation code. Temperance returns to the station and things begin to return to normal. Recovery: Hopp, chief of Predacon security on CA2, in an elaborate plan manages to steal a component from a Red Star which he hooks to another devise in the CA2’s main engineering. The result is the entire station being instantly transported to another sector of space. Immediately there after, the Tripredacus Council, Megatron of Beast Wars fame and an army of Predacons board the station and take it. Heretic had been suspicious about Hopp, from the way he was acting, but Heretic was unable to act quick enough to stop him. A few of the station's crew immediately join the Tripedacus Council’s ranks including; Edge, Malarius, DeVin and Pyre. Megatron wished to rule the universe along side of the Greater Force and so he was doing all this in an effort to prove to the Greater Force what he and the Predacons were capable of. But many of the station's inhabitants had yet to be rounded up and were making plans to take back the station, including Temperance, Squirrely, Shogo, and Deadeye. Dr. Meta had avoided capture but was too busy in his lab to care about the invasion. Khanny who had also avoided capture was bunkered down in is green house in order to protect the plants within. Jennifer Scott was engaged in a work out program, therefore not noticing the invasion and Jungle was simply no where to be found. Inferno bumps into Temperance, Squirrely and Shogo managing to keep them at bay for a short time. A ‘bot named Flatline was flying around the perimeter of the station, when his ship was shoot down by the station's guns, forcing him to take cover on the Predacon infested station. Temperance, Squirrely and Shogo take care of Inferno and head to Temperance's lab to make a plan and get weapons. Meanwhile, Khanny has a run in with Malarius and trades Nitro and Krystal in exchange for the continued safety of his green house. Nitro and Krystal were knocked out at the time. But feeling he did the wrong thing, Khanny goes after Malarius. Meanwhile, Pyre manages to get Massacre to join Megatron's side. Temperance, Squirrely and Shogo have a run in with a couple of TM2 Predacons, which they are soon able to best. Khanny meets up with Malarius. Temperance shows up and with his help they are able to defeat Malarius. Meanwhile Squirrely goes looking for Jungle, who he soon finds resting on the lower levels. Hopp and Pyre meanwhile are paying Dr. Meta a visit when Dr. Meta un-expectantly vanishes from the station, lab and all. Speaking of things unexpected, Pyre teams up with Temperance to stop Megatron. Squirrely has he doubts about this, but is out voted. The take back of the station officially begins. Jungle battles DeVin, Temperance tackles Megatron and the others hold off the rest of the Predacons. Meanwhile, Jennifer still unaware of the invasion heads to the bridge to find out why her program was shut off. There she bumps into the Tripredacus Council who combine into a gestalt. Jennifer is overwhelmed at first, but Shogo and Flatline join the fight. Edge for his part joins the fight against Megatron. Realizing the tide has turned, Megatron teleports off the station. With him gone the Tripredacus Council and the other Predacons surrender. Unfortunately the station is deep within Carbation space. Reluctantly, Hopp teleports the station back to its original location but before anyone can stop him, he vanishes in a flash of light along with the Tripredacus Council and the Red Star part he stole. Enemies Within: Pyre is reunited with the love he thought lost: Khisanth, now known as: Fenril, who like Pyre is now Greater Force Enhanced. She was brought back to life by the Greater Force, but the ‘why’ behind it is not known. However the reunion is not sweet unfortunately. Pyre is blamed for the death of a Maximal found dead in the station. While Temperance heads up the investigation, Jungle is assigned to keep an eye on Pyre. Jungle notices that the injuries Pyre obtained during a prior work out sequence have not healed meaning that Pyre was loosing his GF enhanced abilities or ‘gifts’. Pyre eventually starts to breath air again and has difficulty forming his warp blades. A 'Greater Force Enhanced' ‘bot by the name of Vile was actually responsible for everything unfolding. He takes Pyre back to a relic from his past, the vessel he commanded while in the Greater Force army, the: Arilus. Vile was hoping to turn Pyre back to the darkness he had previously come out of. Fenril recruits Jennifer Scott, Jungle and Squirrely to go after Vile and bring Pyre back. Their arrival causes Vile to send the Arilus on a collision course into a planet. Fenril uses the transporter devise aboard the Arilus to get Pyre – whose gifts are slowly returning - and the others back to the shuttle while she holds Vile off. Pyre finds Fenril barely alive in the resulting wreckage. With her last breath she tells Pyre of the prophecy involving the ‘chosen,’ who would one day destroy the Greater Force but she doesn’t have time to tell Pyre who the chosen is. Pyre erects a marker for Fenril on the planet. Is There Ever a Correct Choice? We find Jungle to be shadow sparring within the confines of Khanny’s green house on the CA2 station. Khanny is in the back room experimenting with various plant genetic enhancements. In the course of his work, he inadvertently creates a new type of biological weapon. Later, a female Predacon enters the green house whom catches Khanny’s eye. They ‘hit it off’ and arrange to see each other several more times. Eventually, Khanny reveals to her his previous discovery. She seems to feel that Khanny should sell it as a weapon. Then use the money from it to allow them to travel the universe together. Given the hold she has over him, Khanny isn’t sure what to do. The burden of decision making causes Khanny to withdraw, something to which Jungle takes note of during his visits to the green house but Khanny refuses to discuss the matter. Later, Khanny catches her in the act of stealing it. She reveals to be a Predacon Secret Police agent. Khanny is aware of the dark potential the weapon has. Thus he painfully elects to stop her. During the resulting scuffle, the sample spills out onto her, causing her body to decompose before his eyes. That Wasn't There Last Time: Squirrely notices that another CA Station has appeared, right next to the 'real' CA. A strange communication is received which was sent from the other station. The communication consists of one word, 'rage'. A team is assembled which boards the other station. As soon as the team arrives at the other station, they are greeted by a large spider, who appears to be the only thing alive on the station. The spider then transforms into a large robot using the Predacon activation code. No one is quite sure what to do. Jungle tries to speak with him but Rage – the spider - responds by attacking him and the others. During the fray, Pyre slips off as does Malarius. After a several minute battle, the spider reverts back to beast mode and scurries off. Attempting to keep things organized and get to the bottom of this mystery, Jungle hands out suggestions to the members of the strike team of things they can do. Then him and DeVin head to the docking bay and the others head into different parts of the station, looking for answers. At the docking bay, Jungle and DeVin come across Rage's ship and its data tracks reveal that the inhabitants of this station fell victim to a type of virus, which caused them to go crazy and kill each other. Rage apparently was the one who brought the virus on board. Meanwhile, Pyre for some unknown reason deletes several files from the station's computers which would of aided in explaining what happened. Pyre then kills himself with one of his rail guns. It turns out however that, that was not the 'real' Pyre. The 'real' Pyre and Deadeye were on a separate mission at this time. Meanwhile, Temperance bumps into a being that looks just like he does. Temperance is confused for this figure does not have a scar on his face meaning that he is not the clone of himself he made, which turned out to evil. The figure claims to be an embodiment of Temperance's dark side created by the Greater Force. The figure tells Temperance that he is about to go on a 'journey' and before Temperance can react the room fills with gas then explodes. Meanwhile, the virus begins to infect the strike team and the inhabitants of the 'real' CA station as well. With time against them, Jungle sets a trap for Rage in the main engineering section. It is a type of energy net which succeeds in snaring Rage. Flatline and the other bots present have serious objections to this, but Jungle doesn't care. Some of Rage's mech fluid is then extracted and Khanny heads off to examine it. Flatline calls Khanny a fool for going a long with this but Khanny doesn't seem to care. Meanwhile a figure with a half robotic face and looking exactly like Temperance attacks Jungle. Jungle is able to best him but Rage breaks free of the net and a big fight ensues. DeVin and Squirrely are both put into stasis lock. With DeVin down, Jungle gets her to safety. Rage then begins to work on a cure, using Squirrely as a test subject. Unfortunately Rage causes a type of chain reaction while working on the cure which causes the entire station to blow. Luckily the entire strike team, including Rage makes it back to the 'real' station in time. Back at the station everyone is for some unknown reason cured and the Greater Force voice(s) is/are heard stating how the data they learned from this test will be most useful - leaving everyone especially Rage full of questions. Malarius offers to settle any hard feelings Squirrely may have toward her 'in private' and most notably, Temperance is no where to be found. Shocking News: Temperance is still missing. Meanwhile, Ramulus, wanting to know if the Predacon Alliance was still on the Maximal Alliance's side, sanctions a covert team to infiltrate the Predacon High Council's head quarters and find out. Ramulus is skeptical about the Predacon Alliance due to recent events. The team consists of Jungle, Pyre, Jennifer Scott, Rage and Malarius. Jungle and Pyre have noticeable objections to his whole ordeal but go along with it anyway. Meanwhile two Maximals, claiming to be on vacation arrive on the station, they are Sly and Bengal. Also trouble starts to heat up on the planet below the station. The strike team departs from the station and while en-route, Deadeye and Hotshot turn out to be on the ship and are accepted into the strike force. Jungle attempts to get the group organized. They soon arrive and the strike force divides up to carry out their tasks. Jungle and Rage keep security busy, Deadeye and Hotshot take out the computer core, Jennifer handles the lower decks and Pyre checks out the classified areas. Malarius was supposed to guard the ship but she goes off on her own to complete her own agenda. The teams run into a few Predacons which gives them some trouble but they are able to outsmart them or best them. Meanwhile the CA2 station is loosing power, so Ramulus sends a team to look into these matters. Pyre while in the vent system over hears the Predacon High Council voting to form an alliance with the Carbation Empire, with the support of the Tripredacus Council. Meanwhile, back at the CA2, the team sent to the planet below the station engages a Predacon team, who are responsible for the station's current troubles. Back at the PHC headquarters, the entire team meets back up at the shuttle and take off, Ragnarok - a Predacon who defected- joins them. Jungle announces how he was able to take out the installation's tractor beams so they are able to leave without incident. Meanwhile, back at the planet below the station, the CA team manages to best the Predacon team. But just as the team that was sent to check up on the Predacon High Council returns to the station, a joint Carbation/Predacon fleet attacks. Thanks to the arrival of a Maximal fleet and some quick thinking by Pyre and Jungle, the Carbations and Predacons are beaten. Later all the station's Predacon personal agree to aid the Maximal Alliance in combating the new Carbation/Predacon Alliance. Hell Freezes Over: It has been a little over three weeks since the defeat of the Carbations and the traitorous Predacons. Tensions run high on both sides, the defection of the Predacons having put a strain on the Maximals and their allies, and at the same time discouraging the Carbation's faith in their allies. Nonetheless, the war continues, undaunted, each side taking and giving heavy losses. Despite the propaganda, most Maximals are wise enough to realize, that the balance of power now lies with the enemy. Jungle is named the First Officer of the CA Station and promoted to commander. Malarius, the Predacon engineer, sees the term 'Gilgamesh' appear on one of the computer systems, just as Pyre and Jennifer Scott receive a mission to destroy a Predacon base. Two cloaked humanoids are also 'causing trouble' on the Promenade, but are quickly thwarted by Ragnarok. Dozens of Greater Force drones suddenly teleport onto the station, as Pyre, Squirrely and Jennifer leave on their mission. Malarius and Deadeye, both in engineering, are attacked by two GF-Enhanced bots, who subdue the two after a brief struggle, but Malarious escapes. Temperance - recently returned with Greater Force enhancements - has received the 'Gilgamesh' file on his computer, and creates copies of it, before hastily departing his room as the drones arrive. Malarius is hit by a small blade by one of the GF bots, a mantis-femme named Razor, as Deadeye is hit with a similar weapon as he lies unconscious by the second GF-bot. Jungle saves the station from a bomb blast, set by the drones, and all seems well as the drone stop fighting, and are quickly eliminated. However… Deadeye and Malarius both vanish out of existence, to the puzzlement of the rest of the crew. Just as suddenly, a Red Star decloaks and exits the vicinity surrounding the bases via a transwarp gate. The two wake up in cells, before being visited by Pyre's brother, Vengeance – once thought to have been a clone of Pyre. Meanwhile, Squirrely, Jennifer and Pyre come under heavy resistance from the base defenders before blasting their way through. Ramulus, Temperance and others discuss the motive for the attack, and the course of action, while the trio of Pyre, Jen and Squirrely set the destruct sequence for the Predacon base. As the CA group discovers a secret location on the data disk, they decide to warp there in a Red Star, as it is believed that that is where Malarius and Deadeye will be found. Meanwhile, Pyre, Jennifer and Squirrely are attacked by a GF ‘bot, and Jennifer accidentally hits Pyre with a fully charged blast, 'killing' him. As the 'rescue team', led by Jungle, head for the suspected location of Deadeye and Malarius, the two captives are led to the innards of the secret underground base they have been transported to. They are ushered in to meet the commander of the secret base, General Armistice, of the Maximal Military. Meanwhile, Jennifer is arrested for the 'murder' of Pyre, and begins to suffer hallucinations of a Maximal dragon suffering the same fate as her, as she is taken away by the station guards. Jungle orders 'Red Star 7' to launch an orbital assault on the planet, as Ragnarok, Rave and Flatline look for any entrances to the base. Jennifer is questioned by Heretic about the events leading to the death of Pyre, before moving off to question Squirrely, doubting Jennifer's words. Squirrely tries to blackmail Jennifer in order to secure his future safety, but is rejected by the imprisoned metahuman. Malarius and Deadeye are, somewhat surprisingly, given a tour of the base, including the gigantic power cores - which Malarius steals a cooling coil from. Meanwhile, Jennifer experiences another flashback of the dragon ‘bot, looking extremely familiar to Pyre, being tortured at the hands of a massive ‘bot. As she returns to the real world, Squirrely re-enters and tells Heretic the truth, releasing Jennifer from her arrest. Pyre awakens in a detached world, being told his time is not yet. Woken up on Cybertronian Alpha, he is confused when no one notices him, until he realizes he is not truly dead… nor truly alive. As Flatline makes his way into the base, Razor confronts him and the two warriors begin their battle. Rave and Ragnarok discover a hidden entrance, and enter the base themselves. Temperance appears on the planet while Malarius and Deadeye are led away to be GF 'like' enhanced by the inhabitants of the base. Before they enter the GF tubes, however, the power cores fail, due to Malarious' earlier sabotage. Rave and Ragnarok emerge in sight of Deadeye, Malarius and their captor, Stampede - the bot Deadeye originally faced off against. Razor and Flatline continue their duel. Stampede engages the two captives, as Ragnarok and Rave face off against guards. Temperance is able to run searches using a computer inside the base, discovering Project Gilgamesh is the name for the alteration of soldiers with like GF-Enhanced abilities, authorized by the Maximal leader Cain. At this point, Vengeance appears and begins battling the Malarius and Deadeye, while Flatline ends his fight with Razor. A newcomer to the station, a human psychic named Desandril, is somehow being able to see and hear the dead form of Pyre. Temperance is confronted by more guards as he copies the data he found, taking them all down before confronting Razor, apparently healed. Flatline joins the fight against Vengeance, as Stampede is heavily damaged by Ragnarok. Just then, the Greater Force launch an attack on the base. The base, revealed by Vengeance to be a secret Maximal outpost, joins forces with Cybertronian Alpha to fight the GF/Predacon fleet. Desandril offers to try and return Pyre to his body, and is sucessful. Carabation exo-armor squads begin attacking Malarius and Vengeance, who have just returned power to the base. Rage appears, unleashing a storm of firepower on the Carabations, ending the fight. The temporary allies begin to ready their defenses for their next opponent: a super-GF Enhanced being. The course of events seems to have Flatline and Razor 'grow closer'. The super-GF Enhanced being is known as Arc, who is a Carbation. Temperance engages him, but Arc has the upper hands and manages to kill him. In rage, the others present attack Arc, who still seems to have the upper hand. But, the bases defenses suddenly come online and start hammering Arc, the other enemy troops and the enemy fleet. This causes them all to withdraw. With the break in the action, Jungle goes about retrieving the survivors, but gets word to go down to the engineering. DeVin is seen in critical condition and she dies in Jungle's arms. Everyone returns to the station, and Jungle resigns his commission, needing to get away as a result of DeVin's death. This battle had a high cost and weighs heavily on everyone's mind. Later, when crews arrived back on the planet from Cybertronian Alpha, there was no trace of any sort of instillation on the planet. No evidence of any illegal activities were discovered, and the base itself was all but totally destroyed, most caverns collapsed. One body was found, that of General Armistice, but there was no obituary published, nor was there a funeral. No recording of any activity involving Greater Force experiments, or enhanced Maximals were made in an official report... Section 10 was born… Deception is the Better Part of Valor: The war between the Maximals and the Greater Force is going poorly. Although the Maximals have enlisted the aid of several other species through treaties, agreements, etc, the Predacons, in a bold move, joined with the Greater Force and the Carbations. With the Predacons and the Carbations allied together against the Maximals, the latter's resources and ships were being stretched to the limit. So, a plan was concocted by the Maximal High Council to discredit both the Carbation, and Predacon forces. In order to accomplish this, two teams were sent from CA2, one to a Carbation fortress located on a desert planet, the other to a Predacon fortress located deep in Predacon territory. The objective of both teams was to plant an explosive with a certain manufacturer in each base. The bomb to be planted in the Predacon base was to be of Carbation design, and the bomb to be planted in the Carbation base, was, in appearance, Predacon built. It was hoped by the council that this act would discredit each side with the other, resulting in one side or the other leaving the alliance. The mission was carried out, and both teams were successful, although there was one noted casualty. As listed on the KIA list, Squirrely of the Maximal Military was terminated by Arc, a Greater Force enhanced Carbation. Also, Killshandra, apparently a Maximal prisoner held in a Predacon prison, was rescued. Both explosives were planted, an detonated, with no survivors, except Arc, who vanished from the Predacon fortress shortly before it was destroyed. However, one small item marred the otherwise perfect mission. The team commander in charge of the team destined for the Carbation base, Razor of Section 10, planted an explosive known only as a 'planet cracker', which was thought to be no longer in production since the disbandment of the MSP. The entire planet was destroyed, wiping out an entire species, or perhaps more. Razor was not arrested, nor prosecuted for this, due to having immunity, granted to her by an unknown source within the Maximal government. To Save a Friend: Ghosts of the past. All over the station, memories of the past, most unwanted, begin re-awakening in the minds of the station's occupants. Although most are vague, distant, something about their sudden appearance, as well as what is causing them to suddenly spring to the surface, bears investigation. After several ideas were suggested, the most unlikely of them all was finally accepted. Temperance was reaching out, somehow, from somewhere, and by doing so, was threatening to bring chaos to the entire station. Using Heretic's knowledge of the arcane, the small group attempted to follow the energy that had been creating the 'nightmares'. However, something, or someone interfered, and the group ended up in a wasteland, where each one saw a different setting from their past, places they did not want to be reminded of. Now, a cloud of darkness billows from the north towards the group, and a strange creature, the only other inhabitant of the land, has told them that they will face their greatest fears inside it...only time will tell if any of them can make it to the other side... Unfortunately even the flyers of the group are unable to escape and the darkness swallows them up. They appear in another strange place. This place is known to many as Hell. Several feet in front of them, lays the body of their friend, Temperance but he is heavily guarded. (Temperance's body was removed from its grave and taken to hell by some demons.) To make things worse, other versions of the team's members appear, or perhaps a part of themselves projected before them. Though that really doesn't matter for they begin attacking the team. A horrific battle occurs. The team was already shaken from the nightmares they were having of painful moments from their pasts… Temperance's spirit in seeing his friends in trouble, specifically Icerunner - who recently returned to the station - and Pyre, joins the battle. His aid though startling, is welcome to the weary soldiers, whose alternates are far from pushovers. Thanks to some quick thinking and moves by Deadeye, Temperance's body is removed from the alter it is on and Heretic, using his knowledge of magic manages to bring the team back to the station, along with Temperance's body and spirit. Back on the station, Temperance is alive once more, with his body and spirit having been brought back to the 'world of the living', though he is paralyzed from the waste down. Since Temperance died, his body was not able to heal itself from when Arc broke his back. But with Icerunner's aid a type of armor is constructed to allow Temperance to move about in combat situations and a hover chair is constructed to allow Temperance to move around when not wearing the armor. It was a tough mission, but everyone rejoices at having Temperance back among them. Dark Truths Darker Secrets: While on Cybertron, Pyre is framed for the murder of a member of the Maximal High Council. Word is sent back to Ramulus on CA2 who assembles a team to capture the Dark One. The group consists of: Flatline, Jungle and Jennifer Scott. They are waiting for Pyre when he arrives back on the station, who has yet to hear the news. Jungle however – not having been heard from since he resigned his commission to the military - allows Pyre to escape for simply his own reasons. Pyre ends up uncovering a Section 10 plot, whom under the direction of his brother Vengeance and Razor, were developing a biochemical weapon known as BIOGEN-32 from a secret facility on Cybertron. BIOGEN-32 is designed to break apart the binds holding the DNA of organic species apart, so they literally unravel. They – with Cain’s authorization – were planning to unleash warheads armed with the virus against the Carbation’s home world. Section 10 framed Pyre in the assassination of the Councilmen in order to draw the attention of the public. However, Vile who apparently did not parish, stole the formula for the weapon and planned to launch an attack against the Cybertronian Alpha 2 station with it, from his battle platform dubbed: New Avalon. With the aid of Temperance and Icerunner, along with support from Quade’s Red Star Omega - next generation Red Stars - fleet, Vile’s plot is foiled. Enhancement: Squirrely awakens, remembering last that he was hit by a strange energy blast courtesy of Arc - a Greater Force enhanced Carbation. Looking about he asks out loud if he was, “in the Matrix?” The presence of Megatron of Beast Wars fame answers the question. Squirrely had been transported to the Greater Force’s realm. Megatron announces his intentions to ‘Greater Force Enhance’ the rodent in order to make him a servant of the Greater Force. After the physical transformation is made, the mental one comes. Squirrely struggles to retain his own identity, unfortunately he eventually looses the mental battle against the Greater Force programming. As a test, Squirrely is sent along with Arc to destroy a populated planet. Squirrely again struggles to fight his programming but eventually gives into it once more. Aboard the bridge of a Carbation Suncrusher class vessel, Squirrely orders the attack to commence. The planet is destroyed. Odds and Ends: A group of Maximals, sent by the High Council arrive at the CA2 station to install a new defense grid; to better protect the remaining ambassadors; who attempt peace in a universe constantly growing in conflict. The leader of this group, a female Maximal named; Vierge announces to Ramulus, how she will be temporally replacing him as the station commander, though she doesn't say, how temporary… The crew of the CA seems to have trouble adjusting to the new commander, who they had no idea was coming and is spitting out a ton of orders to ready the station for the new defenses without taking the time to really explain what is going on, but the new defenses are installed. The very moment the installation is finished, it seems… the station is attacked by a fleet of new Carbation ships, almost as if the Carbations were aware of the station's upgrades. Sadly though, the new defenses do not pass mustard and are almost entirely useless against the Carbation's might. The Red Star fleet does manage to capture one of those Carbation ships during the fray, though. Oddly enough the Carbations do withdraw instead of finishing off the CA station… Thanks to the Carbation ships and the Carbation boarding parties, the inside and outside of the station was pretty slagged. The main bridge was offline, forcing the command crew to set up shop in the secondary bridge. Things do not look good… If the Carbations came back.. the CA station would not survive… it was barely holding together now… Squirrely who was thought by all to be dead, busts into the meeting going on with Vierge and the senior staff in CaVin's bar, having a new Greater Force Enhanced body and claiming to know of a way to defeat the new class of ships. Squirrely explains that Arc's weapon which everyone believed, vaporized Squirrely, was actually a transport devise which sent Squirrely to a Carbation ship where he spent the past several weeks. Squirrely says, he escaped the moment he could and headed back to the CA station. He also explains the new body was a result of experiments done to him, by the Carbations using GF technology (GF and Carbations are allies). Once everyone gets over the shock of Squirrely being alive, they get to work, following Squirrely's directions. Pyre remains very skeptical about Squirrely, sensing something deeper in play here. Pyre and Squirrely eventually confront each other and Squirrely turns out to be really working for the Carbation Empire, and that the plans to defeat the new Carbation ships were fake. The first attack on the station by the Carbations was to allow Squirrely to move in and sabotage the defense systems, so that the station would definitely be destroyed by the Carbation fleet, during the next round. Pyre is heavily damaged in the fray, but does best Squirrely and takes him to Temperance's lab. There with Temperance's help, Icerunner using a VR hook up, enters Squirrely's mind to free it. While this is going on, the Carbation fleet came back for round two. The station's defenses are still useless and despite aid from the MIS fleet, the Carbations are winning. Icerunner is able to free Squirrley's mind from the Greater Force programming. After a brief talk with Pyre, Squirrely gives Ramulus the real weakness to the Carbation ships and thus they are driven back. Though the station remains heavily damaged and it would be some time before it is fully online. Unfortunately, not all the loose ends are tied up.. strange creatures emerge from the captured Carbation ship and begin to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting station inhabitants… Playing God: A mysterious group of creatures known later as Hunter/Killers roam the CA2 station, seeking out its Greater Force (GF) Enhanced residents (Pyre, Squirrely and Temperance). They are jackal like in appearance and these creatures emerged from the Carbation ship captured in the previously. Many fall victim to them and the station takes on much additional damage (station was already damaged from the Carbation's attack), as they chew threw the ceilings and walls in search of their pray. A taskforce reluctantly led by Traylon leaves the station in search of the Hunter/Killer's home world (Traylon was able to get one of the Hunter/Killers to point out their home world on a type of star map). The Greater Force enhanced people also leave the station, thinking the Hunter/Killers would cease their pursuit, but this only enrages them, causing them not to be too picky in who they hunt. Flatline was critically damaged - he, "flatlined," to quote the medic. Icerunner and Storm Drake were also critically damaged due to an explosion in a cargo bay they were working to repair. It is important to note that, Icerunner's and Storm Drake's brave actions saved an incoming supply ship from being crushed by the docking bay doors, for they were accidentally closing as the ship was coming in. Icerunner's and Storm Drake's bodies were returned to Cybertron where they were reverted back to the protoform stage in hopes of saving their lives. Meanwhile, the taskforce lands on the Hunter/Killer's home planet and go in seek of their master. The Greater Force Enhanced people who left the CA station also arrive and aid in the search, while Khanny and Traylon work to find a way to stop the Hunter/Killers, just in case. What makes the Hunter/Killers so dangerous is the fact that they infect their GF victims with type of virus to insure that they do die. The Hunter/Killer's master turns out to be Dr. Meta. Meta once lived on the CA station, but disappeared a while back. Surprisingly, Meta was willing to help. As they worked to find a cure and a way to take down the Hunter/Killers, Meta's business partners, the Carbations attacked. Meta's installation was far from defenseless and able to stand against the power of the Carbation attack fleet. During the battle, Meta was able to develop a cure for the virus and a way to stop the Hunter/Killers. Meta stayed behind to hold off the Carbations so that the task force could return to the station. Using Meta's information, the Hunter/Killers were stopped, but as for what happened to Meta is not known. Promises Must Be Kept: Jungle attempts to put his past behind him and thus returns to Cybertron in order to lead a ‘normal life.’ However, leading a ‘normal life’ is easier said then done. Jungle tries his hand at a number of different jobs including working in a store and working at a call center. However those career choices end in their infancy – due to lack of people skills mostly. That and over aggressiveness. He even tries being a public beggar by pretending to be handicapped – but that ends with him getting arrested. After departing from the CA station - Jungle had been requested by Ramulus to return in order to assist in Pyre’s capture who was wanted for the assassination of a member of the MHC – Jungle elected to settle down on an obscure planet, far removed. Jungle befriended the natives and began to finally feel a measure of peace. Unfortunately, that would not last. A ‘Greater Force-Enhanced’ fuzor by the name of Sky, who had been apparently tracking the Dark Warrior, showed up. A confrontation was forced when Sky threatened the lives of those who lived there. Jungle was little match for Sky and was decisively beaten. A native girl by the name of Nosha intervenes. Jungle is helpless to watch as Sky tears into her, for his body had been broken, crippled. As Sky is about to deal the final blow to her, it is then Jungle finds a source of strength deep within himself that he never knew. His body is transformed by that strength and Jungle beats back Sky who withdraws. The Dark Warrior’s destiny had been realized: Jungle in fact was the ‘chosen’ - as in the prochecy Fenril had previously spoke of. The Better Man: Cain, the Maximal leader, announces that the Cybertronian Alpha station is to be shut down, due to the massive amount of damage it has obtained. The CA2 personal begin the evacuation. Ramulus puts Squirrely and Temperance in charge of assembling a team to scuttle the CA2 station once everyone has been evacuated from it. This is to prevent the Carbations from retrieving any information from it. Squirrely confronts Pyre for information on handling/dealing with his Greater Force enhancements and the side effects of them. Pyre responds by simply stating for Squirrely to 'focus'. Pyre also seems to be holding something back. Temperance assembles the team to assist him and Squirrely in blowing up the station. Those selected are: Blaze, Giram, Crest and Malarius. Squirrely notifies the taskforce members of their assignments and they go about planting the explosives in the designated sections which have been sealed off to the general public. The evacuation of the station is completed and the taskforce arms the explosives. Volotar - the station's living computer - is retrieved and the station is blown via remote detonation once the Perrigan - Temperance's ship - is clear of the blast zone. The end of a era... The Perrigan comes a cross a damaged and at drift Red Star Omega. The power is out, as well as life support and gravity. No life signs are detected. Preparations are therefore made to board the RSO. Though his body has changed, Squirrely finds a 'bot in the RSO's medical center which Squirrely believes to be Jungle. Jungle had not been seen or heard from in weeks. Giram and Blaze find, General Quade on the bridge - Jungle's brother and RSO fleet commander. In the RSO's engineering, Temperance manages to bring internal sensors back online which reveal a large amount of Carbation cellular residue all over the ship. The Red Star Omega's crew is transferred to the Perrigan. After a brief battle with a Carbation war ship, which results in damage to the Perrigan and the Red Star Omega being destroyed, the Perrigan goes to transwarp and arrives at Cybertron. The taskforce goes off on their own and Temperance goes to Cain's headquarters to be de-briefed. A party is scheduled later in the evening for the CA2's crew to be honored as heroes at. Pyre secretly arrives back on Cybertron and Crest finds himself in a bar. Jungle awakens, destroying the cr-chamber he was in. Giram gets himself checked out by a doctor, due to some concerns he has and Squirrely pays a visit to his old house, which he destroys in a fit of rage. Cain, with convincing from Jungle and Pyre, assembles a large force of allied ships to help Jungle in defeating the Greater Force. To make a long story short, Jungle has the power for he is the 'chosen’. Jungle knows the location of a planet containing a gateway to the Greater Force's realm, but a barrier around the system prevents Jungle from entering it - he had all ready tried and failed - for removing the barrier requires most of Jungle's strength and the planet itself was heavily guarded. Thus help was needed to keep the enemy forces off Jungle's back, while he passed threw the gateway. Jungle has a talk with Pyre. Jungle, much to Pyre's dismay, taps into Pyre's mind, reliving his entire life. As Jungle leaves, he returns the favor, allowing Pyre to see Jungle's entire life. Though the process was much to fast for Pyre to take everything in… Jungle also meets up with Squirrely and the two of them talk. Jungle 'frees' Squirrely's mind from the demon (the remains of the Greater Force's programming) within, finally allowing Squirrely to rest. With the aid of Squirrely, Khanny, Malarius and Pyre and Temperance, Jungle is able to use their energy to help remove the barrier. Meanwhile, the allied fleet engages the enemy forces guarding the planet. The taskforce is able to find the gateway and enter into the Greater Force's realm. There, three 'Greater Force Enhanced' beings engage them; Alpha, Omega and Black Commy. Alpha and Omega are modeless Cybertronians. Black Commy is Jungle's adopted son, only he is all grown up and a mixture of organic and technological. Jungle is still too in shock by the revelation of Black Commy being his adopted son to fight. Black Commy attacks first with a blow of dark energy. Squirrely bravely takes the hit for his friend, which takes Squirrely to the point of near death. As the battles the other members of the taskforce are having with Alpha and Omega continue, Pyre continues to do all he can to best Black Commy. Black Commy has strength, but lacks experience, which Pyre has plenty of. Taking a blast for Jungle who had yet to really enter the fight, Pyre looses his arm, then Black Commy breaks his other one. Pyre however, via a bold statement, manages to remind Jungle why they are here, in the GF's realm and why now, all those Maximals are battling against the Carbation/GF fleet. Pyre appears to be out of the fight, but Jungle steps in. Jungle creates a vortex, which Black Commy falls threw, only the battle is not over for Black Commy manages to rise out of it. As they prepare for round two, Pyre manages to throw Black Commy threw the vortex, taking himself with him… In a mixture of emotions, over what just happened, Jungle manages to 'merge' with the Greater Force. Next we see the entire taskforce, save Pyre in a pitch black area, standing before the white mist (the embodiment of the Greater Force) which has taken a humanoid shape. It talks in Jungle's voice and as a single person. The Greater Force, recognizes the error of its ways and, even apologizes. Then the Greater Force, shatters like glass, as does the surrounding darkness, revealing a light… Back at the main battle, the Greater Force organic ships vanish, returning to their rightful place in time and the entire system vanishes as well. |