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Intro & Overview -- Part 3



Subject: Re: The Other Side of Eckankar, the Cult!
From: "JT" , Bell Solutions
Date: Sun, 18 Jul 1999 12:43:49 GMT

One heck of a response Sharon. No one can say you don't have your reasons. Great post. Very much appreciated. I was not aware that Twitchell was so intolerant of other religious paths.

I can't wait for the other shoe to fall. I wonder if an Eckist (hopefully someone without Nathan's venom) can take an apposing view and show through Eck writings how Eckankar is tolerant and generous with non-Eckists. I must admit I see little evidence in this NG of Eckankar's tolerance.

Thinking back, I was attracted to the works of Eck because of the simple message - i.e. soul travel, total consciousness, finding your way back home in this lifetime. Now I see other messages have taken its place - such as deny, misdirect, convert, and repress, all in the name of furthering a contemporary organization. How is that otherwise kind people get 'sucked' into supporting an organization that wishes to change the social order?

I suppose its a question of values. I suppose we lose sight of our goal and get sucked into the method. I suppose we buy into the big lie. And, I suppose if the big lie is repeated often enough in a newsgroup enough people will buy into it thus perpetuating the group. I suppose some people feel a greater allegiance to the group than to their inner self. I guess I just don't know. Still, as long as these groups are non-violent I suppose they have every right to pursue their goals as they wish. For the rest of us I suppose we need to remain ever vigilant.

Now I know this makes it sound like I am siding with the anti-Eckankar forces. I suppose in a way I am. I believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore any person or organization that seeks to exercize control over others by pertuating falsehoods or by using misdirection ( a little truth and deception cleverly mixed together) should expect to be criticized and and can expect to engage its membership in a psychological war with outsiders. I sure wouldn't want to be part of any organization that felt a need to defend its precepts or its past. Above all else truth and liberty should be cherished by us all. Any organization that diminishes these qualities in us should be viewed with serious suspicion...

Finally, I would like to say that I am not necessarily condemning Eckankar, its teachings or its adherents. I think Eckists and non-Eckists alike should thoughtfully examine the written works of Eckankar and decide for themselves. I think that the writings should be freely discussed and debated. It would be nice if we could keep the mud slinging to a minimum. There is no need to demean anyone for their views. If you have looked at the facts and have decided that on balance that Eckankar has something to offer you - then GO FOR IT!. No need to put down others who decide otherwise. I suppose we can debate certain interpretations, but I hope we can agree on the facts. As to the anti-Eckankar forces, I think we owe them our grattitude for attempting to set the record straight. Lieing or cheating is not nice however, let's all try to minimize the exaggeration. I know it can be fun in a newsgroup to rattle the other guy's cage from time to time.



Subject: Re: The Other Side of Eckankar, the Cult!
>From: Sharon
Date: 19 Jul 1999 00:23:52 GMT

"JT" writes:
> Whew!!!

Tell me about it! Had no idea where that one would go when I started!

> > One heck of a response Sharon. No one can say you don't have your reasons.
Great post. Very much appreciated. I was not aware that Twitchell was so
> intolerant of other religious paths.

Haven't you read the Shariyat? Or haven't you been in Eckankar long? Or're the kind of eckist I was. I heard what I wanted to hear...and disregarded the rest.

> I can't wait for the other shoe to fall. I wonder if an Eckist (hopefully
> someone without Nathan's venom) can take an apposing view and show through
> Eck writings how Eckankar is tolerant and generous with non-Eckists. I must
> admit I see little evidence in this NG of Eckankar's tolerance.

You know....I could do the same thing with the "positive" eckstuff...the stuff I believed in. But...the other things, the things I'd somehow glossed over and ignored, well...they're important too.

I've posted before...I had funny feelings all through my eckanyears. In fact, I'm sure I posted here last summer, when I was an eckist...I believe I may have been talking to Lurk...that word "infiltrate" stuck. But...I didn't remember where I'd read it.

Anyway...I spent quite awhile composing a long response to this in "write," as well as a short response to David H.'s post in this thread, which I just posted from Deja...and the computer froze up when I was about to copy the long response to this one. I ended up having to reboot. So I lost it.

Which is okay. It's nothing I haven't said before. As I was writing, I kept thinking, good grief...I feel like a broken record.

I mean, I know many people aren't thrilled about all my posts here. Hey, if you think reading and/or not-reading them is rough, you should have been here on my end!!!

I've been here a bit over a year, JT, and recently, more or less 99% retired. I've been pretty busy...and I'd really like to work on my websites. I've said just about everything already, you know.... know, I liked my "whew" post!! I found it sort of neat how it grew & where it went...often, well...what I post sort of, well...takes on a life of its own. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to write it!

The one I just lost, was just the same old, same old...except for a brief "ramble" after I had a laughing half-hour chat with two Mormon missionaries! Fun, of them, poor guy, was one of those "true believer" types. I found him offensive, actually. The cute red-headed guy was fun, though...he was laughing too. Actually covered his mouth a few times, because, well...he could see clearly too. And yes!! They do yardwork!! The "tb" couldn't understand that yes, I'd read their book, yes I prayed a lot, yes I liked their book and perhaps it's true, but no, I did not have any need or desire to get "saved" ....

Anyway, the cute red-head agreed that God probably had a sense of humor (just look at the duck-billed platypus, or puppies playing!)... the tb was annoyed that I wasn't going along with the programmed salespitch he wanted to stick to...he didn't find my remark that yes, I loved Jesus--- after all, he was a party animal, funny! That changing water into wine stuff, you know...anyway, I think the red-head understood about God having no limitations, and how could we put either ourselves or God into one little book or one little box...

I'll betcha, though, if tb wasn't there, the redhead would have told me more about Mormon underwear...he said yes, it was sacred and holy, but he was laughing. TB just looked horrified... they walked away, I noticed the redhead had *such* a cute butt! A bit too young for me, though...and too old for my granddaughter! I'm spayed, anyway. It would be sort of neat, though...I mean, technically, if I died before the little baby red-head came along, I could be my own grandmother!!

Anyway, know, you seem like a nice person, but...well, I've served my time here...

Have a nice weekend, everyone!! Oh...any eckseminars scheduled here on the East Coast? We could use some rain...lots of it!!



"Happy Happy Joy Joy" -- Ren & Stimpy

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