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Intro & Overview - Part 5


An example of Eckankar's "Protection Racket" methods to get & keep members---

Read carefully -- note the subtle technique. First, promises of an easy way to heaven . . . revelations of "ancient secret knowledge" . . . the "LivingECKMaster" stuff . . .invitation to membership . . . then the threats and scary stuff!!

Author: Sharon
Date: 1999/02/28

From "The Living Word, Book 2" by Harold Klemp, 1996, compiled by Mary Carroll Moore,
edited by Joan Klemp & Anthony Moore.

(...a collection of articles by Sri Harold from 1989 to 1995 . . . 28 from "Mystic World", 8 from the Eckankar Journal . . . Note: "Mystic World" contains a notice that it is for eckmembers only, not to be available to the public...)


"Our dreams are the forgotten road to heaven. This was once a nearly absolute truth. That is, until the teachings of ECK surfaced in 1965 to encourage people to look for the lost doorway between heaven and earth: their dreams."

(Note: Paul Twitchell "created" Eckankar in 1965, claiming to have received "dictation" from spiritual "eckmasters." There is much documented plagiarism from the works of Julian Johnson's "Path of the Masters" and Scientology...Twitchell was a Scientologist for awhile.)

" Dreams are the starting point for many who wish to begin the spiritual journey to God and do it in the easiest possible way. There simply is no better way to start than with our dreams. Good works may carry us far along this holy journey, and prayer is indeed a boon, but generally we can learn more about the true nature of God through the secret knowledge of dreams.

(Dream your way to God...the easy way! Mother Teresa, of course, will have to reincarnate as an eckist if she wants to know God...)

Daydreams, night dreams, contemplation, Soul Travel--all are steps in the pursuit of heaven. In Eckankar, the student is under the protection of a spiritual guide known as the Mahanta. This is the Spiritual Traveler. As the Mahanta, he is the Inner Master, the one who comes on the inner planes to impart knowledge, truth, and wisdom. But he also has an outer side. Here is is known as the Living ECK Master. Thus, the spiritual leader of Eckankar can work both inwardly and outwardly with all who come to learn of God and life.

Those who want his spiritual direction may choose to become members of Eckankar. As part of their first year of study, they may receive The ECK Dream I Discourses.

Each month, the individual is sent a six-page discourse that explores the spiritual world of dreams. This study is different from any other study he may have made in the past, for it deals entirely with Soul. What is Soul's responsibility to God and all living things? Key to this dream knowledge is divine love: where and how do you find it?" (note: Eckankar has recently switched to sending out discourses a year at a time... in one big batch...probably to save on postage expenses...) "A person who travels in his dream worlds is assured of the Mahanta's protection, because heaven is a place of many dimensions. To learn about them, read Paul Twitchell's The Tiger's Fang."

(Note on "The Tiger's Fang" -- this book allegedly contains plagiarism, and was originally written using the name of Kirpal Singh, a real-life "guru" who initiated Twitchell...Singh rejected the book....and Twitchell replaced "Kirpal Singh" with a fictional "Sudar Singh" and "Rebazar Tarz." This information is available from David Lane's "Making of a Spiritual Movement" and from the Spiritual Counterfeit Project's SCP Journal #0301.)

" In those lower heavens that lie between earth and the true worlds of God, there are shady people who like nothing better than to cheat or harm innocent victims. In Africa, for instance, the power of black magic is very strong. An African man reported a dream in which a group of men and women took him to a high place. Unknown to him, these people were warlocks and witches. When they reached the top of this place, which was a towering seawall, a woman in the group told him to jump into the sea. But he knew that all who jumped from that height never came back."

"Jump" she urged. As if hypnotized, he began to move toward the edge of the wall. At that moment, the Mahanta appeared. The group vanished. The master smiled and patted the dreamer on his shoulder; then the dreamer awoke."

"What few would recognize is that the Mahanta prevented the dreamer's death. It often happens that a dreamer, who does not have the protection of the Mahanta, simply dies in his sleep. The doctor writes off the cause as heart failure or some other physical condition. Often as not, however, the dreamer had wandered beyond the safe limits of his inner world and met a psychic criminal, who was responsible for his death. An experience that did not have to be, had he known of the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master."

"Dreams are one road to heaven. Another way to enter is through contemplation: a few minutes each day of spiritual relaxation in which the individual sits with his eyes closed and sings the holy name of God. This word is HU. The Master comes, in time, to take him into the worlds of heaven, the Far Country. With the Master along, what may otherwise have been a nightmare turns out to have a spiritual end."


This "protection" and "connection" with the "Living ECK Master, the Mahanta," is dependent upon the "chela" maintaining membership in the organization, and paying the annual "donation" . . . when membership is dropped, the "connection" with the "Mahanta," as well as the supposedly- spiritual "initiations," no longer exists . . . "initiations" (indicators of "spiritual progress") are lost.

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